

“Mr. Mayor, Ling Mei did issue a mission at our bounty Hunter’s Guild at noon, and there are trainers on our side who received this mission. “

Originally, only the guards of the Mayor’s Office were dispatched to search, but after a long time no one was found, Gangda Forrest had to call on the forces of Jenny Police Station with great fanfare.

Fortunately, a clue came back soon, saying that her daughter had released a mission to help Pichu with training at the bounty Hunter’s Guild at noon.

“Who is the one receiving this task? Where is the task location?”

The call is from Chief-In-Charge of the Hunter’s Guild Saffron branch. Planck personally called Upon coming, Gangda Forrest also hurriedly asked.

“Mr. Mayor, the trainer who received the task, you also know him. It is the kid from Saffron Middle School.” Planck glanced at the report sent by his subordinates, and then said to Forrest.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren?” On the side of the mayor’s mansion, Gangda Forrest was shocked when he heard the trainer receiving the task.

“Yes, it’s him.” The beard on Planck’s lips moved, and his nervous expression eased a lot.

“This kid has already reached Gym level as his main force, and his Slowpoke is said to have quasi-Elite level strength. Lyn should be in no danger with him for the time being.”

” This matter can’t be taken care of. Team Rocket, a group of lunatics, attacked the mayor’s mansion half a year ago and wanted to kidnap me and Lyn to force Alliance to hand over Giovanni silver.”

Gangda Forrest heard that his daughter was treating Liang Ren. Together, the complexion looks a little better, but the worries in the words not at all diminish.

“Saffron City also hides Team Rocket people. If they also knew Lyn’s whereabouts, they would definitely not give up this opportunity.”

“Now Liang Ren and Lyn are here Where?” Gangda Forrest asked the bearded man on the other end of the phone.

“In the missions released by Ling Ai, the designated mission location is in Donghushan Park.”

Although Hunter’s Guild is a neutral organization, it is the Chief- of the Saffron City branch. In-Charge, Planck has a good personal relationship with Forrest.

Knowing the other party’s anxiety, he didn’t talk too much, and directly told the other party’s address.

“Man, my eyelids have been twitching since just now. I always feel that Team Rocket has acted. See if you can lend me some people.”

“Okay, no problem–“



All the forces stationed in Saffron City by Alliance are mostly installed Protect Giovanni Silver at Saffron Middle School.

Lyn slipped out here, and there is no guarantee whether it is in danger or not. Even if Forrest is worried at the moment, he can’t mobilize the strength of Alliance with a big fan.

Fortunately, Planck is willing to help, and Hunter’s Guild directly sent five quasi-Elite-level experts.

Only when clues were detected at the Mayor’s Mansion, Jenny Police Station, and Hunter’s Guild, when people were dispatched to the mission location.

Here, Team Rocket, who set off first, has already arrived at Donghushan Park. Fifteen Team Rocket members dressed in casual clothes began to separate and outflanked the mountain.


At this moment, in the woods on the hillside.

“Let’s take a break.” After five minutes of training, Liang Ren listened and fed Pichu a blue orange to restore his strength.

After half an hour of training, Pichu’s Thunder Shock has begun to gain momentum, the stockpile time has been greatly shortened, and the formidable power has also increased a lot.

Pichu’s changes Lyn can see, she didn’t expect training to be more effective than battle.

Pokémon trainer is a combative profession, so most novices will feel that Pokémon’s strength can be improved by playing against each other.

This is actually a misunderstanding. Under normal circumstances, training improves Pokémon’s strength even more.

However, only proper training can have a significant improvement effect, otherwise random training is also half the results for twice the effort.


Lucario, who flashed from left to right in the forest ahead and exercised Extrreme Speed ​​Ability by avoiding obstacles, suddenly ran towards Liang Ren.

“ao ao~”

“What’s wrong, Xiaolu.” Liang Ren asked Lucario with some doubts.

However, Lucario has not answered his question. Slowpoke trained in Yunhai suddenly Teleport appeared in front of Liang Ren.

“Ah Duo——Liang Ren, a group of people are surrounding you.” Slowpoke said with a serious face.

“They also carry anesthesia guns and netting guns. I feel that the other party may be unkind.”

Slowpoke closed his eyes and used Psychic to sense it and added.

“Xiaolu~” Liang Ren looked towards Lucario on the side.

“ao ao~”

Lucario nodded, it sensed the thick Malice from this group of people.

“Damn you use Teleport to rush to East Lake to bring Beckham back.”

Although I don’t know the identity of the person, since Lucario has noticed Malice, Liang Ren will Have to be treated with caution.

“Ah Duo——”

Slowpoke nodded, a Teleport disappeared directly in place.

“Pidgeot, get ready to respond; Snivy, you come back first.”

Liang Ren called out Pidgeot, who was training at high altitude, after the same bond link called out. Take Snivy back into the baby ball.

“Liang Ren big brother, what happened?” Lyn asked with some confusion.

She didn’t understand what Slowpoke said, but seeing Liang Ren frowned suddenly and seriously returned the Pokémon summon from training, she was also sensitively aware that something was happening.

“A group of people are surrounding us, and they are carrying weapons such as anesthesia guns and netting guns.” Liang Ren explained.

“Is it a Pokémon?” Lyn asked.

“I haven’t heard of any rare Pokemon in Donghushan Park, and the other party is surrounding us, and my Lucario has also felt Malice from them.”

Since Hunter J happened before.

After that, Liang Ren usually put Slowpoke and Lucario outside and brought him around.

Because the two pets can detect danger in advance through Psychic and Aura.

He believes in his Pokémon as much as he believes in himself.

“Then what shall we do now?” Lyn suddenly panicked when he heard Liang Ren’s words.

“Don’t worry, no matter which power or identity the person is, I am not so easy to handle.”

Put Snivy’s baby ball back into his pocket, Liang Ren said The time is full of confidence.

“Hmm~” Lyn hugged Pichu and leaned against Liang Ren in fear, as if she felt safe in her heart.

“Xiaolu, how many people are there on the other side.” Liang Ren asked Lucario.

“ao ao~”

Aura senses body relaxation in the back of the head, and a burst of imperceptible warmth radiates towards all directions.

The team surrounded by weapons, all exuding the creature Aura, and then clearly felt by Lucario.

“15 people?” Hearing Lucario’s answer, Liang Ren, who was planning to make a counterattack, thought for a while and chose to avoid the edge, after all, he still had Lyn by his side.


At this time, the air in front of Liang Ren was distorted, and Slowpoke went to East Lake to bring Cloyster back.

See Lyn, Slowpoke, Lucario, they all focused on him and let him make up his mind.

Liang Ren didn’t panic either: “Stupefied, just feel how far these people are from us?”

“Ya Duo—about 20 meters, Climb a little more and you can see us.”

The woodland they trained is located on the top of a hill in the park. This is a place frequented by astronomical hobbyists and photographers.

Get the answer, Liang Ren did not hesitate at all, and directly gave Cloyster an order: “Xiaobei, use strongest Mist!!”

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