
one after another’Walnut’ exploded and splashed mud and water on the field, Lucario had to retreat strategically.

Rolling in the mud, Lucario, who had always been beaten clean by Liang Ren, suddenly became a mud monkey.

Faced with the Exeggutor, the “Dharma Tree” turret, Lucario who recruited Psyshock at first couldn’t even get close to him.

“Lucario, use Swift.” Liang Ren adjusted from his discomfort, and his violent mood swings calmed down.


Perceiving that Aura emanating from Liang Ren’s body became calm, Lucario also regained his confidence and his eyes became sharper.

“pēng pēng pēng pēng ……”


The Exeggutor Seed Bomb on the opposite side is exploding, Lucario clasps his paws and rolls over suddenly Get up from the ground.

Without a pause, Lucario continued to run quickly on the court.

There is not much mud on the scene. After being blown out of the dry hard soil layer by the Seed Bomb, Lucario is no longer afraid of a sudden slip when he runs.

“ao ao~ ”

Lucario howled, clapped and pushed, and a string of golden star darts moved towards Exeggutor like a goddess scattered flowers and shot past.

“Exeggutor, use Light Screen to block it.” Seeing Liang Ren began to fight back, the black hair boy grinned and vomited a command.


Exeggutor always has a wretched smile with empty eyes that deserves a beating, and three mouths make a sound of “washing” while the Light Screen is directly blocked. before.

“ding ding ding ding~ ~”

Xunxing called like’sprinkling money all over the sky’, but was completely blocked by Light Screen.

However, Liang Ren didn’t use Swift’s newly learned ability to deal damage. At the same time Lucario threw away the star dart, he quickly issued an instruction.

“Extrreme Speed!!!”


Liang Ren tone barely fell, Lucario took a big step on the field, and Lucario was full of flames Rush towards Exeggutor.

Liang Ren’s purpose is very simple, is to rely on proficiency and Ability attack speed to make a time difference, to create opportunities for Lucario close.

“Don’t let it come close, use Psyshock again.” The black hair teenager Ada moved towards Exeggutor shouted.

Although Attribute has the advantage, it is definitely not a wise approach to let a Fighting Type Pokémon get close.

“Tattoo…” Lucario is getting faster and faster, only three meters away from Exeggutor.

“Nah wash~”

The Exeggutor who received the instruction has Psychic fluorescence in his eyes. Although its main Attribute is grass, Psychic is only its secondary Attribute.

However, to solve a Fighting Type Pokémon, Exeggutor is still very confident.


But in the next second, the Exeggutor, which was like a bucket waist and a tree stump, was hit by Lucario and hit the ground hard.

Psychic restrains Fighting, but the Steel Type with excellent resistance, Psyshock of Exeggutor is much less threatening to Lucario after being guarded.

“Lucario, use Ice Punch.” After being beaten for a long time, Liang Ren, who was finally waiting for the chance to fight back, was not at all polite.

Lucario also opened his mouth and let out a howl of “Wow”, as if to vent the grievance of being chased and beaten just now.


The bright ice crystals fist above condensed on Lucario, riding on Exeggutor, moving towards the wretched coconut egg face fiercely are two heavy punches.

“Exeggutor, use Hypnosis.” The black hair young man hurriedly shouted at Exeggutor, his heart tense.

He didn’t expect the counterattack from the opposite side to be so violent.

Suddenly remembered that Blastoise in the last game also pressed the opponent first, and then was beaten by the opponent violently counterattack.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

Lucario’s urgent Ice Punch didn’t seem to hit Exeggutor’s face, but hit Ada’s body, the cold soaked into the body and the whole heart changed It’s so cool.

“Lucario, switch to Piaopiaoquan.” Liang Ren corner of the mouth raise, moved towards Lucario ordered on the field.

“ao ao~” Lucario replied to complied.

The ice crystals on the fist disappeared, and replaced by a thunderous fist strength of Bzz Bzz.

Exeggutor, who was beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, turned his head to face Lucario who was riding on it, ready to launch Hypnosis.


“peng peng ~”

It was greeted with two fluttering punches, which were beaten dazed, as if there were a group of golden Sparrows fly around its head.

At this stage, Lucario can’t use different fists for the left and right fists. Ability can only switch between them.

Impact Ice Punch to hit hurt~

Piaopiao punch control~



I was stuck on by Lucario, and the black hair boy on the opposite side gave orders, but it was a pity that Exeggutor couldn’t execute it.

Being violently beaten by Lucario riding on him, the battlefield instantly turned into a boxing ring.

“Nah wash~”

After more than a dozen confluences, Exeggutor fell feebly into the mud pit it had previously exploded with Seed Bomb, and his eyes fainted.

“Exeggutor can’t fight. Lucario from the blue side won the game.” At this time, the referee also announced the result of the game.


“The boxing match was divided, and the winner was our Mumu Liang Ren player Lucario.”

” congratulation~”



One-to-two, two games that were not dominant in the early stage, were forcibly by Liang Ren can come back from Lucario.

The appearance of the battlefield burst into enthusiastic cheers.


Casey, who was holding Slowpoke nervously in the waiting hall, was finally sighed in relief at this moment.

Ding, experience +320

Ding, picked up physical Attribute value +1

Ding, picked up special attack Attribute value +1

———— ——

“ao ao~”

With a fist and a fist, a group of white mist experience fog group rises from the Exeggutor body that has lost the combat capability.

Liang Ren, who was disappointed that the innate talent red coin did not burst out, suddenly found that Lucario’s breath became stronger.

“Did you break through?” Liang Ren’s disappointed expression turned, and a happy smile appeared on his face.


【Lucario 】♂


Attribute:Fighting, steel


Character: loyalty, justice

Features: Mental Force, (unyielding heart)

Physical strength: 80【C】

Attack: 150 【A】Red

Defense: 75【C】

Special Attack: 115【B】Purple

Special Defense: 75【C】Blue

Speed: 103 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: 598


“Top Rank”: feint attack, Force Palm, Piaopiaoquan, Alloy claw, Spark, Counter, Work Up

“intermediate rank”: Extrreme Speed, Iron Defense, Endure, Aura Sphere, Mach Punch

“Low level”: Detect, broken Rock, Copycat, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Metal Sound, Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Reversal, Refresh, Raster Cannon, Swift


Call up Lucario’s Attribute panel and look at it. Sure enough~

Lucario’s Level has been raised from LV.34 to LV.35.

Liang Ren, who was happy about the Lucario Level promotion, was suddenly awakened by the voice of the teenager across the field.

“You are very strong, but next time, I will definitely defeat you.” The black hair boy said with a stubborn expression with his hands on his hips.

In the two battles, an innate talent red coin burst, Lucario Level increased to Level 1, Liang Ren’s mood also became more relaxed and happy.

“I am looking forward to you playing against you again next time.” Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

“Lucario, use Refresh.” Turning his head to look towards Lucario who had returned to him, Liang Ren gave another instruction.

“ao ao~”

A strange purge force gushes from within the body, and the mud on Lucario’s body is quickly peeled off.

In the blink of an eye, the dirty mud monkey returned to its usual handsome and neat appearance.

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