

Retiring from the field, Liang Ren took Lucario to the Pokémon Center to recover.

The time soon reached seven o’clock, and the battle in the main venue quickly started.

Lucario’s current combat potential has not yet been tapped.

It will be very difficult to play against the elite of the professional two-star, or opponent who can restrain themselves.

However, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster do not have such a problem at all.

In the evening of the 3v3 qualifying match, Liang Ren sent Pidgeot. After Mega evolved, it was a one-on-three and directly defeated the opponent.


Out of the noisy city Stadium, there is another kind of noise outside.

But looking up, the night sky is very quiet. The wind blows and the clouds move, the moon moves and the stars follow–

“According to the current posture, it is estimated that Liang Ren will have more than a week. You will be able to be promoted to professional three stars.”

Out of Stadium, the two of them walked along the street.

Under the bright light of street lamps and shop signs, the girl’s face was filled with a happy smile.

“Daisuke, Chu Mushan, they said, Liang Ren, you will take time off to practice after you are promoted to professional three-star. Have you thought about where to go?”

He turned his head to the boy beside him and asked.

“Preparing to go to the Mt. Moon pulse in Pewter City, I heard Wu Forrest said that there is a steep Yangjiaofeng in the Mt. Moon pulse. That place is very suitable for Pidgeot to do training.”

< p>Liang Ren thought about replied to the girl.

At first, I planned to stay in school for half a semester and ask for leave for half a semester. Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Pidgeot is already so strong, the city Stadium can no longer put pressure on them.

Next, if you want to break through, you can only travel and practice for a period of time and temper yourself in some natural and dangerous places.

“Wu Forrest?” Casey didn’t know Wu Forrest, so his expression was a little confused.

“A friend I met when I went to the Viridian forest to experience, he is the younger brother of Nibi Gym Leader Wu Gang.”


< p>“…”


Training, doing tasks, and playing games. Recently, the schedule is quite full every day, and only at this point in the evening can I relax a little .

Liang Ren released a few Pokémons to stroll along the street, and then went to the food court to fill up a few foodies before returning to school.


At night, people can’t help but feel life and ideals.

At this moment, in a dark alley with dirty, messy, rundown environment near Celadon City Game Center.

A young man with greasy and knotted hair and a severely malnourished face, dragged his exhausted steps towards a rental house deep in the alley.

“oh la la ~”

“zhi zhi ~”

There are some rubbish scattered in the alley, and a few Raticates with yellowish-brown fur top the drain The iron manhole cover appeared in the alley.

Rumbling through the trash pile one by one, one of the Raticates was lucky to find half a loaf of bread, and the surrounding Raticates swarmed over to compete.

Even if they have entered the cities where humans live, food, territory, and reproduction, these creatures’ most Primal desires still govern their behavior.


The thin and sloppy youth walked into the wet alley, and the fighting Raticate stopped and moved towards the youth.


Looking at the fierce gazes in the dark, the young man drove him away in a panic, speeding up his pace.

This group of fat rats not at all attacked the youth.

Living in the city for a long time, they are somewhat afraid of human beings.

Because they know that humans are the real masters in this reinforced concrete jungle.


Seeing the group of Raticates receding, the tension on the face of the sloppy youth only slightly diminished.

Under the neon signs of the store sign in the main street game hall outside, the sloppy youth stumbled and fumbled and walked to a metal door.

Take out the keychain and open the door, a damp and musty assaults the senses, the young man is frowned, and then he walked in.

Celadon City is the location of the Kanto branch of the Feeders Association. This is the Holy Land in the hearts of many people with the dream of feeders.

However, this Holy Land is not as beautiful as many people think.

Some of the innate talents who are exceptionally talented breeders easily passed the breeder Level exam.

Opening a business in the breeding street, accumulating experience in cultivation, and then slowly improving the level of the breeding home.

Some feeders have made their stores prosperous and become a well-known online celebrity Celebrity store.

Some breeders are skilled, even if they don’t know how to operate.

The breeder himself is often invited by some magazines to share the experience of breed Pokémon, which is highly sought after.

However, some breeders may not have business acumen, or their professional ability may not be skilled enough, or their chosen career research direction is too small and unpopular.

In the professional circle of feeders who are regarded as sweet and sweet by outsiders, there are actually many people at the bottom.

The thin, sickly young man in front of me is a very poor breeder.

His breeder level is not low, he has passed the intermediate rank breeder assessment, and his career research direction is Pokémon Ability study.

This career research direction is very popular. It stands to reason that he, an intermediate rank breeder, should not live in such an embarrassed life.

Just because he studied the professional field at Pokémon Ability, he chose a research direction that was regarded as wrong by the outside world.

The breeder who studies Ability learning is also known as Ability teacher, CD recorder and so on.

The TM, Ability Microchip, and Ability learners sold on the market are from them.

There are actually three ways to help Pokémon learn Ability with external forces.

One is that Pokémon who has mastered the Ability will experience insights, process it and burn it into a disc for Pokémon to learn.

second is to activate the Hereditary Ability memory hidden in the Pokémon bloodline through stimulation and induction.

Is not sure whether I can learn Ability, nor what Ability I can learn. This is the drawback or charm of Ability Microchip.

Third is the most Top Rank, and it is also the most technical way.

Borrow the bloodline memory stimulation induction technology in Ability Microchip, and at the same time transform the empirical data in TM into energy and information.

Help Pokémon learn Ability with a very high success rate.

The young man in front of him chose first and burned the experience insights that he had mastered the Ability Pokémon into TM after processing.

However, due to the lack of conditions and resources, it is almost impossible to burn high-quality, high-level capabilities.

So he chose a trick, which was considered impossible by many colleagues in the circle, a’wrong’ way to achieve it.

That is “Ability Synthesis”.

Extract some things from the low-level Ability separately, combine them with each other and then turn them into a more Top Rank Ability.

Like: “Tackle + Take Down +……= Hundred Million tons of impact”

This is a copy of the sloppy young man who was found in the archives of the Feeders Association before. Regarded as a research record of nullity and fallacy.

Sloppy youths have always believed that “Ability Synthesis” is feasible.

Over the years, he has been committed to this area of ​​research, and his side is about to produce results.


“pa ~”

In the small rental house, the thin young man with a humiliated expression, snapped a few photos out The sold TM was photographed on the table.

“hu hu…”

Because of the violent movements, the youth’s breathing could not help but aggravate a bit.

However, when his eyes flashed across a large amount of information on the desktop, the youth’s expression suddenly eased.

On the cover of the top folder of this pile of materials, there is a formula written on it.

“Boomburst + Twister +…… = Air Blasting”

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