It’s quiet in the middle of the night–

The clock hand of the alarm clock turned past 03:00 in the morning, and Celadon City, a city that never sleeps, also became quiet.

The Game Center entertainment street bustling with pedestrians during the day is also very cold and empty at the moment.

“Ding Ding Ding Dang Dang~”


A night breeze blows, and beer cans left on the street are also blown. ding ding dong dong to Rollout.

The littering plastic bags were blown by the night wind, and oh la la was swept to the end of the street.

A game hall on the street has closed, and only some small Internet cafes are still lit with neon signs.


“zhi zhi ~”

In a dark alley littered with a lot of rubbish.

A group of fat Raticates are enjoying the gluttonous feast, a Persian on the corner of the street leading a group of Meowths is approaching quietly.

In the dead of night, this reinforced concrete jungle finally changed the protagonist, and the cruel wildness hidden in the darkness gradually revealed.

But deep in the alley next to a small Internet cafe on Game Center Entertainment Street, in a damp and dark rental house.

There is also a thin young man lying in front of the workbench and busying himself.

“Is it right? Ability’s lethality parameter is too low. As the exclusive Unique Ability of the sea god Lugia, “air blasting” is impossible only this point of damage. “

“But what is wrong, the formula derivation clearly has no problem. “

Since returning to the rental house in the evening, Kusumotonen has been working in front of the workbench.

Use low-level Ability to create Top Rank Ability through combination, which is what he has been doing. Research topics.

Nen Kusumoto, who wants to prove this project that is regarded as a fallacy by the industry, has achieved fame.

The research he has been doing before is through “Tackle, Take Down ……” These low-level abilities have researched and produced the ordinary large Unique Ability “Billion-ton Impact”.

Three months ago, Lugia, the god of the sea, was surprised at the port of Vermilion City. Many trainers like Lugia challenged the scene.

The parties involved in that incident published the video of the battle on the Internet afterwards.

I witnessed Lugia use’s exclusive Ability “Air Blast” in the rumors in the video, and Kusumoto thought his hair was upright, and he was greatly touched.

Use Tackle and Take Down these low-level moves to synthesize to produce a large Unique Ability billion tons impact.

Even if he is really successful, he will at most cause a small sensation in the circle of professional breeders, but he is a very ambitious person.

Using low-level Ability to synthesize billions of tons to impact this news is not enough to explode, and the popularity and reputation it brings is far from satisfying him.

But if he uses ordinary Ability, he synthesizes and produces the unique Ability “Air Blast” Ability learner exclusively for Lugia, the god of the sea.

when the time comes is not only the circle of professional breeders, but also the circle of Pokémon trainers… and even the entire Pokémon world will cause a sensation.

His name of “Nen Kusumoto” will be as well-known throughout the world as the Mega genius trainer “Mu Mu Liang Ren” who made several big moves some time ago.

This dark, damp, rudimentary rental house, and this embarrassing and desolate life, can’t destroy his ambitions.

Nen Kusumoto temporarily changed the subject, in order to create “air blasting” through the ability synthesis method.

He smashed all his savings into it, and he was even heavily in debt.

With the previous research experience of hundreds of millions of tons of impact, the research on “air blasting” is nearing completion.

In the past few months of day and night research.

He has overcome many problems such as the mimicry of the air column, the conduction of the power turbine… the sound wave blasting of the air column.

Seeing that it was successfully accomplished, the “air blasting” formidable power parameter synthesized by didn’t expect is not enough.

Combining the airflow column formed by various forces, under the sonic explosion of Boomburst, the stable airflow column is exploded and then the formidable power is pushed to a new height.

But he was not satisfied with the formidable power parameters tested by the computer simulator, which was far from reaching his expected goal.

“Hurricane and Twister’s two abilities are compared with each other. There should be no problem in controlling the airflow to form the airflow column.

“There is no problem with power transmission and transmission. Sound waves detonate this part. There is no problem…”

Lining on the workbench, Nan Bennen is checking the formula derivation process, and running demonstrations of the Ability model on several dedicated engineering laptops.

However, after spending more than half an hour, Kusumoto Nian still couldn’t find out which link or step went wrong.

“Ahhh…what’s wrong! ! “In front of the workbench, the thin young man finally couldn’t help being mad.

The chance to get ahead and become famous is right in front of him, but there is always a thin barrier that keeps him out.

Suddenly glanced at the pile of TM piled on the edge of the workbench, and the frantic Kusunen suddenly calmed down.

He remembered calling a few shops to sell TM in the afternoon, and he too Often supply to the opponent’s acquaintances.

Originally, it was like selling TM, but the other party either refused to accept it or pushed the price to the point where he wanted to curse.

Especially Rainbow Muzi of the department store “Muzi Ability Qiliang Store” not only kept the price down the hardest, but she still ridiculed him on the phone today.


“Well…I have another batch of goods here. Sister Mu, you can help me collect it.”

“Three hundred yuan a piece, if you want to sell it, you can bring it to me in the afternoon.”

“Sister Mu, wasn’t the price before five hundred yuan a piece? Why is the price cut again this time. “

“For the CDs you burned, except for my willingness to collect them, which store will ask you to burn the rubbish.

“A CD is 300 yuan, No second price, sell if you want to sell, don’t sell it, don’t delay my mother’s time. “


I have been mad at this mean woman for a long time, thinking of his own research on “air blasting” will be able to successfully accomplish immediately, and soon he will become famous. .

Nan Bennen was very hard-hearted for a while, and he just hung up the phone with a slap without the ink.

“No~I have blocked my future on this, I must not be able to fail again.

“I don’t want to taste the humiliation and downfall anymore, I Must become a well-known celebrity like “Mu Mu Liang Ren”. “

In front of the workbench, Nian Kusumoto looked back from the pile of TM on the table, calmed down, and continued to invest in the experiment.

The Lugia incident at Vermilion Port before clicking on In the challenge video posted by the party, Nen Kusumoto watched Lugia’s air blasting scene over and over again.

Then he found out various conjectures and analysis of the air blasting capability of the industry’s previous collection.

< p>Before Hoenn was rated as the hometown of Mega Evolution, before the special invitational tournament “Mega Evolution of the Strongest Mega Evolution” was held in Mauville City.

The news of the port of Kanto Vermilion City was discovered by Lugia, the god of the sea. Pokémon world’s hottest news.

After the incident, there were not many scholars who had been hotspots in the academic world, but very few had succeeded.

Among them, the Vermilion City Sakuragi Laboratory Naga Sakuragi Professor, relying on the first-hand information passed back by special researcher “Ash, Xiaohao”.

Several academic papers on Lugia, the god of the sea, have been published in succession, and they have successfully hit the hot spot.

In the rental house at this moment, Kusumoto called out several academic papers published by Sakuragi, looking for the reason for the failure of his air blasting ability synthesis.

“Wait, this is~”

Seeing that Sakuragi collected data from Lugia’s body monitoring through an energy instrument in the paper, I determined that Lugia’s Attribute was “Psychic + Flying”.

“Psychic Type, the main Attribute is Psychic Type, yes~ how can I overlook such important information.”

“Air blasting is by no means pure Flying Type Ability, in other words It is said that Lugia’s exclusive Ability impossible does not have the power of Psychic Attribute.”

“Psychic Type ~ Psychic Type, yes, the lethality parameter is too low after the air column blasts, the problem is still in the air column. “

“The shape of the air column is stable, but the sealing is far from enough. Use Psychic to further compress the air column, and then use sound waves to detonate the lethality.”


“haha~this time I will succeed.”

Laughter came from the depths of the alley, which looked terrifying and strange in the dark. The fighting Raticate and Persian also stopped the fight in horror.

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