“Dive” is a very lethal Water Type Ability, which is effective in two stages like “Dig and Fly”.

Sneak into the Underwater quickly, and then pass a section of Stockpile in the middle, and then rushed up from the Underwater fiercely, hitting the target fiercely.

“Dog planing.jpg”

Lucario, who is floating on the tidal wave, kicks his legs and kicks the water. Lucario, who has not received swimming training, behaves very embarrassed at the moment.


“oh la la ——”

Poliwrath broke through the water, and Lucario was directly hit in midair with a bang.

Liang Ren didn’t know when his hand was white but he didn’t know it. He was not at peace at the moment.

I kept thinking about ways to break the deadlock in my head.

Looking at the waves caused by Lucario when he was knocked away from the vortex, Liang Ren’s heart suddenly came to light.

“Lucario, aim at the center of the vortex and use the full Aura Sphere.” Liang Ren moved towards in midair Lucario shouted.

“ao ao~” Lucario answered.

Within the body Aura surging surgingly, both arms spread out and both hands quickly condensed with a shallow blue light bullet.

in midair Lucario began to fall, and he was about to fall into the vortex again.

“ao ao~”

Lucario roared, as if using a lot of strength.

Squeeze your hands against your chest, and the two coconut-sized Aura Spheres instantly merged into a light bullet the size of a basketball.


At the last moment when Lucario fell into the whirlpool, he struggled to smash Aura Sphere towards the center of the whirlpool.

Aura Sphere enters the water, and the black clothed examiner and Poliwrath haven’t reacted yet.


A dull explosion sounded, and the vortex seemed to have been thrown into a depth-water bomb, and was instantly blown to pieces.


The effect of praying for rain in Poliwrath use in sky has not yet passed. The blown up vortex turns into large pieces of broken splashes, fiercely Rinse it again.

The Aura Sphere exploded, and the two Pokémon also fell to the ground. At this time, neither party was polite.

“Poliwrath, rush over and use Submission.”

“Lucario, Thunder Punch.”

Two orders were issued almost at the same time, and two Pokémon also jerked Charged towards the other side.

Poliwrath’s movement speed doubled on rainy days, Lucario’s heart went awkward, and he simply stood still and waited for the opponent to get close.


Poliwrath opened his arms and lunged at Lucario as if he was about to pull it into a quagmire wrestling.

Lucario, who had suffered in the vortex just now, also sighed in his heart.

“oh la la ~”

Seeing Poliwrath threw his arms, Lucario shoveled the ground with his feet and brought a mass of wet mud to Poliwrath’s spinning big eyes.

“Bang~” With muddy eyes, Poliwrath’s footsteps suddenly became chaotic, and he couldn’t help shouting in a flustered manner: “Lubo!!”

At this time, Lucario finally attacked.

The violent Lei Gang wrapped his fist, Lucario stepped forward, his arm like a rigid bow drawn into a full moon.


Without any bells and whistles, Thunder Punch fiercely rushed to Poliwrath’s cheek.

“Poliwrath, use…” the black clothed examiner yelled.

“Lubo!!” Poliwrath let out a mournful scream, thunder and lightning entered the body, at this time it was unable to launch a counterattack.

The enemy retreats and I advance, Poliwrath loses the ability to counterattack, Lucario can’t Hold Back.

“peng peng ~”

Straight fist punched the face, uppercut fist topped the jaw, two Thunder Punch hits Poliwrath and couldn’t find North for a time.

“Is Thunder Punch breakthrough?” Seeing the Thunder Punch on Lucario’s fist became more solid, Liang Ren muttered in his heart.

Poliwrath is a Pokémon of the “Water+Fighting” type. Lucario has never lost after so many battles in close combat.

even more how Thunder Punch’s effect on Poliwrath is outstanding, not only the damage is doubled, but the 10% paralysis effect attached to Thunder Punch also makes Poliwrath miserable.

“Poliwrath, use Payback.” The examiner on the battlefield has not given up yet, and is still trying to encourage Poliwrath to seize the opportunity to fight back.

However, Poliwrath, who was stuck by Lucario, had any other reaction except for retreating.



“peng peng peng peng ……”

” peng peng peng peng ……”

Fist, knee and elbow, straight punch, uppercut, swing punch, step up to the knee, pull down on the top of the knee, jump high down and hit the elbow, turn around and hit the elbow.

A set of Fighting skills are used coherently, and there is a seamless connection between moves and moves. Poliwrath screamed again and again, and was beaten out of power.

The Fighting skills exercised by thousands of hammers, hundred refinements finally showed the suppression it deserved at this moment. The Bounty Hunters who left the field watching the battle were all stunned.


“I’m a good boy~”

“Liang Ren, this Lucario is so fierce, it beats the examiner’s Poliwrath. There is no power to fight back.”



It’s okay to withstand ordinary Fighting attacks, but Thunder Punch Poliwrath can’t stand it. Hold a few punches.

After venting the frustrated breath, Lucario pulled out a few Thunder Punch, and Poliwrath hit the ground and finally fainted.

Ding, experience +300

Ding, pick up the physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1


Two white Attribute coins, Liang Ren was neither disappointed nor disgusted.

Level 37 and 30 Poliwrath, under the premise of mastering the ability of Thunder Punch, this battle actually took so much effort.

“Sure enough, I really can’t underestimate anyone.” Liang Ren said with emotion in his heart.

During this time, we played matches in the city Stadium, whether it was Lucario’s matching match or Pidgeot’s qualifying match.

Basically, it’s all going smoothly. Triumphant progress is like cutting melons and vegetables. Liang Ren admitted that he was somewhat slack.

But it’s not too late to discover and adjust in time.

“ao ao~”

Absorbing the experience fog formed by the energy of Essence, Qi, and Spirit, Lucario has recovered a lot of physical energy.

“Come back, Poliwrath, thank you.” At the other end of the field, the black clothed examiner didn’t say anything, and after encouraging Poliwrath, he took it back from the baby ball.

“The second battle, I’m pleased to you~”

“Come out.”

The examiner randomly took a baby ball from the shelf behind him , And then throw it towards the field.

Seeing the examiner dispatched a second Pokémon, Liang Ren and Lucario also cheered up and waited.


The fist sized red and white Poké Ball opened, and a huge’Poké Ball’ over one meter high appeared on the field.

“Naughty bomb?”

Seeing the Pokémon released by the examiner, Liang Ren whispered.

The naughty bullet is the final evolution of the Thunder Electro Ball. It is divided from the middle waistline. The upper part is white and the lower part is red. It looks like an upside-down Poké Ball.

Naughty bullets have no arms and legs, and their body is completely spherical.

Seeing the naughty bullets, Liang Ren instantly came up with two points that need attention.

First, be careful of the explosion and Explosion of naughty bombs.

The second is Speed ​​Stat with a playful bomb up to 150.

“Lucario, be careful, the opponent is very fast and will explode.” Liang Ren said to Lucario who had just won a confident victory.

“ao ao~ ”

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