Lucario has no experience fighting naughty bullets.

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Lucario became more vigilant in his heart.

The two Pokémon on the court looked at each other, and the playful expressions of arrogance contrasted sharply with Lucario’s caution.

The last battle took a long time, the effect of praying for rain has passed, and the dark clouds of sky have already disappeared.

However, looking at Lucario who was wet and there were mud deep water pits all over the battlefield, the black clothed examiner on the opposite side hooked his mouth.

The two sides were in a tight formation. The Bounty Hunters who were in the field battle also sat upright and looked at the two people off the court with their eyes wide open.


“clang clang clang ——”

I didn’t give too much rest time, after the naughty bullets played one minute , The Bronzong on the electronic screens on both sides rang clang clang clang three times.

“Naughty bullets, use Spark!!!”


This time Liang Ren didn’t have a post-controller. The examiner on the opposite side just gave him a slight expression. Here, this game is really not easy to play.

“xiu ~”

The naughty bullet on the opposite side received the instruction from the trainer, and opened his mouth to spit out a translucent Spark moved towards Lucario.

Like the sword energy in the fairy tale novel, the speed is amazing.

Danger After all, Lucario instinctively thought about dodge under Aura’s warning, but the speed of playing’sword energy’ was too fast.



As soon as Lucario’s feet were off the ground, his body was hit by a naughty shot from Spark.

The only good news is that Lucario successfully used Refresh before being hit by Spark.

The wet hair was completely dehydrated, and the examiner on the opposite side wanted to double the damage.

“Naughty bullets, use Thunderbolt against the field.” The black clothed examiner continued to command the naughty bullets to launch an offensive with undiminished confidence on his face.


The face engraved on the spherical body showed a wild smile, and the naughty bullets all over the lightning snake squirmed frantically, and a large-armed lightning bolt Fiercely split into the ground full of mud deep water pits.

“Ice Punch urgently.” Liang Ren spoke extremely quickly and gave an instruction.

Looking at Thunderbolt moving wildly on the wet ground, Lucario also felt tricky.

Fortunately, Liang Ren quickly issued the order.

“ao ao~”

After Lucario howled in an imposing manner, he raised his chilly fist fiercely and slammed into the field.


The golden arc ejected and flew on the field, and the radiation spread in the blink of an eye.

Just when Lucario was about to be trapped.

“ka ka…”

The thick ice froze the ground under Lucario’s feet. Without water as a conductor, the spreading current was directly blocked outside .

The examiner opposite did not expect that in such a short time.

Liang Ren can even think of responding in this way, and his evaluation of Liang Ren is much higher.

But the battle is not over yet.

As an examiner for the Hunter’s Guild bounty, if the opposite boy is defeated with a Lucario, he will lose face in front of his colleagues.

“Naughty bullets, use Rollout.” The black clothed examiner continued to command the naughty bullets to launch an offense. He was determined to win this game.

“Muru~” The naughty bullet moved at the sound, and the chubby ball body moved towards Lucario and charged.

Faced with the possibility of self-destruct at any time, holding the naughty bullet of perish together on his side, Liang Ren didn’t dare to let the other person get close.

Even if Lucario gave up the advantage of melee combat, he couldn’t let the opposing player succeed.

Looking at the site full of mud deep water pits, Liang Ren’s heart is full.

“Lucario, use “Smashed Rock” with full force towards the field. “Liang Ren loudly shouted.

“ao ao~”

Lucario did not hesitate at all, a pair of Iron Fist glowing with red light, fiercely moved towards the frozen field under his feet.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

150 point object attack innate talent is now shown through a Strength/Machamp, with a steel fist hitting the ground, as if using a weakened version of Fissure .

“hong long long ……”

“hua hua ~”

one after another savage crack moved towards all directions spread out, mud deep water The pits flow into the cracks and disappeared.

Cracks, blocks of raised Rocks, the flat battlefield instantly becomes uneven.

Rollout is rolling out the fast approaching naughty bullets, moving at speed It was directly restricted by Liang Ren’s hand.


“Liang Ren, this guy’s battle awareness is so amazing, the examiner was resolved by him for three consecutive waves of offensive. “

“Lucario is good at close combat, but Pokémon, who is self-destructing like a naughty bullet, can’t let it get close. “

“Yes, yes, even if Lucario plays a big advantage, playing a self-destruct naughty might be able to pull it perish together. “

“Seriously, Pokémon such as naughty bombs is really disgusting——

” I took over a task before to drive mine Electro Ball and naughty bombs at the power plant, almost Did not blow me up.”



Liang Ren, who was in a state of battle, could not hear the people outside the court. , After a move of crushed rock to destroy the site to limit the speed of the naughty bomb

Liang Ren did not hesitate, and decisively launched a counterattack, “Lucario, use Aura Sphere.”

“ao 嗷——”

Lucario stood on a convex On the rising rock, looking at the naughty bullet stuck in the distance by the stone, Aura Sphere in his hand smashed towards the opponent.

“Naughty bullets, use Light Screen.” Looking at the fragmented field, at this time, the black clothed examiner no longer has the confidence of at first.



The Light Screen was condensed in half, and the naughty bullet was blown away by the Aura Sphere, which was hit by the head Got out.

Art is explosion. Naughty bombs are always used to blow up others. This is the first time that an opponent has been blown up.

“Continue to use Aura Sphere!!”

“Naughty bullets, use Electro Ball to fight back.”

Lucario stood on the raised rock, single The palm is raised with an Aura Sphere the size of a volleyball.

The reaction of the naughty bomb is not slow either. An Electro Ball blinks and condense, like a big magnet ball with a small iron ball attached to it.

“xiu ~”



———●○— ——


The two energy bombs blasted towards each other, and finally met in the narrow road in midair and had a face-to-face collision.

“hong long!!!!”

A huge explosion sounded, and a mottled mushroom cloud burst out of thin air on the field.

“Lucario, continue to use Aura Sphere.”

“Naughty bullets, use Electro Ball to fight back!!”



“Is anyone doing the assessment behind? It’s a big movement.”

In the examination room, Lucario and the naughty bomb used Ability to bang each other, and there was a roar of explosion. , Let everyone in the Guild Mission hall notice.


“I will go to the examination room to see the excitement.”

“Go and go together…”

The hall The Bounty Hunter here did not take up the task one by one, and rushed to the examination room to watch the excitement.

On the examination room side, the two Pokémon’s Ability has become more and more fierce.

Refresh removes the water contaminated on the hair and eliminates the examiner’s desire to double the damage with Electric Type Ability.

The broken rock destroys the field and limits the speed of the naughty bullet, making its Rollout Ability inoperable.

A little bit of advantage was eroded by the opposite youth, and the black clothed examiner had to admit the other’s genius in his heart.

I can’t get close. I can’t use Explosion to drag each other to perish together. Right now I can only use Ability to bombard each other.

The black clothed examiner is now betting that Lucario has experienced a battle, and his condition is not perfect, and his physical strength is not good enough for naughty bullets.

And Liang Ren’s idea is also very simple, as long as he doesn’t let the naughty bullet get close, he will be sure to win this game.

Lucario of Level 37 and 115 special attack innate talent, Liang Ren still doesn’t believe that he can’t beat a level 30 naughty bullet.

“Lucario, use Aura Sphere to bang me!”

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