


The huge movement in the guild examination room, more and more training The home was attracted.

Seeing that Liang Ren is performing the assessment, each one becomes more and more interested.

Liang Ren is a silver-level Bounty Hunter and is promoted to a gold-level Bounty Hunter. The assessment rule is 2v2.

On the examiner’s side, a Poliwrath was defeated first, and the naughty bullet was the last Pokémon.

From the perspective of the form on the field, the game will not stand for long, and the winner will soon be distinguished.


“Lucario, use Aura Sphere!!!”

“Naughty bullets, use Electro Ball to fight back.”

There was a fierce stalemate for five or six minutes. Whether it was Lucario or a naughty bullet, the physical exertion was very heavy.

At the same level, Lucario’s stamina will exceed that of naughty bullets, even more how Lucario Level is higher than naughty bullets.

Liang Ren knows what the examiner on the other side is making, because he just wants to exhaust Lucario’s energy.

What he didn’t know was that Lucario absorbed the experience fog group at the end of the last game, and his state was not as weak as he thought.


Aura Sphere and Electro Ball collided in midair, and there was a deafening explosion.

It seems to be on the same level, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Electro Ball on the side of the naughty bullet has clearly shown a decline.

“This Lucario is so strong. No wonder this kid is not afraid of attrition. It’s a miscalculation.”

The longer the battle, the more serious the black clothed examiner’s face became. No self-confidence at first.

“No, it can’t be consumed any longer, otherwise the game will definitely be lost.” The black clothed examiner secretly said to himself.

“Naughty bullets, use a spiral ball to rush over.”


After the explosion, taking advantage of the opposite Lucario has not launched an attack, naughty The bullet leaped up from Ground.

“sou sou ——”

The spiral ball with the same principle as the Rapid Spin, seems to be tailored for a playful bullet with a round body.

In midair, the naughty bullet spun quickly, moving towards Lucario and hitting it.

“Finally can’t help it?” Liang Ren, who had long expected the opponent to fight back to death, behaved very flat.

The physical strength has been exhausted to the bottom, and the threat of naughty bullets to him is much less, but Liang Ren did not relax.

“Lucario, use Swift to intercept it.” Liang Ren moved towards Lucario shouted on the field.

“ao ao~” Lucario immediately responded.

With a flick of his arm, a string of golden star darts moved towards naughty ejection. After a period of training, Lucario has become quite proficient in Swift.

However, as a Steel Type Ability, the spiral ball has the hidden effect of hardening and defense for the caster.

“ding ding ding ding~ ~”

Lucario threw away’s star dart not at all intercepts the naughty bullet, but is directly sent by the high-speed rotating body of the naughty bullet .

The naughty bullet was only intercepted for a few seconds, and Liang Ren was not ready to resist when the situation was wrong.

“Spark flashed.” Liang Ren yelled to Lucario quickly.


Compared with the straight-forward Extrreme Speed, Spark’s burst acceleration and temporary steering are very suitable for this situation now.


The naughty bomb uses the spiral ball to hit it, Lucario has dashed away, and the naughty bomb hits nothing.

“Catch up.” The black clothed examiner did not give up. Now he has no hope of victory. The only thing he thinks about is to pull the opponent perish together.

This battle has been anxious for so long, Liang Ren does not intend to end in a draw, he is sure of the victory of this game.

Seeing the naughty bullet chasing him again, Lucario, who was anxious for Liang Ren’s warning, was afraid to let him get close.

“xiū xiū xiū 咻~”

Turning around and spurring up the gravel rocks on the ground, Lucario kicked it out with a brainstorm, intending to intercept the opponent.

‘hidden weapon’ is too much, the firepower is too dense, the naughty bullets can’t do all the dodge, the small pieces of rocks are bounced, and then facing the wet mud, the naughty bullets are directly muffled A look.

“Aura Sphere!!!” Liang Ren hooked the corner of his mouth, and shouted confidently to Lucario.


The naughty bullets dragged by gravel and mud have become the best targets at this moment.

Seeing the Aura Sphere played by Lucario, the black clothed examiner sighed silently in his heart, and the boy opposite was too stable.

From the time he reminded Lucario before the start of the game, he knew that the opponent knew the pros and cons of naughty bullets.

Not only did you limit the speed that naughty bullets are proud of by destroying the field, but they also made up their minds not to let the naughty bullets get close.

At this point in the battle, if you want to use the self-destruct of naughty bullets to pull each other out perish together, you can’t do it.

“Naughty bullet…” Seeing that Aura Sphere is about to hit the body of the naughty bullet, I want to force the naughty bullet to self-destruct directly.

But after thinking about the black clothed man sighed, he dispelled the move that made the naughty bomber hurt more.


The last explosion sounded on the field, and the in midair’s naughty bullet turned into a stun spiral, and fell on the fragmented field with a bang and lost its combat capability.

“clang clang clang ——”

On the electronic screens at both ends of the battlefield, Bronzong rang three times in succession, instead of the referee, announcing the final result.

Lucario one-on-one, defeated Poliwrath and naughty bullets sent by the examiner in succession, allowing Liang Ren to successfully advance.

“You are strong.” The black clothed examiner looked deeply Liang Ren and said.

Pokémon trainer is really a profession that tests innate talent.

Poliwrath and Pokémon, who are capable of playing naughty bombs, are considered strong in his team, but they were defeated by Liang Ren’s Lucario one by one.

The most shocking thing is that Lucario is not yet the strongest Pokémon in the opponent’s hands, only the second echelon.

Ding, experience +300

ding, pick up special defense Attribute value +1

ding, pick up speed innate talent value +1

—— ——

Seeing the naughty bullet burst out an innate talent red coin, Liang Ren’s face flashed with joy.

However, Liang Ren who heard the examiner talk to him and put away the Attribute coins also answered politely: “Thank you.”


< p>……

“Congratulations on successfully passing the assessment and being promoted to the Gold Bounty Hunter. This is your new identity card.

“Silver Bounty Hunter can not only receive B- Rank tasks will also have priority when receiving C and D-level bounty tasks.


After coming out of the examination room and going through the formalities at the counter, his Bounty Hunter identity was also changed.

In the center of the black spar card with shallow golden marks, the former silver star has now become a golden star.

“Okay, thank you~”

Liang Ren smiled happily after receiving the new identity crystal card handed over by the staff. After all, this is the result of his hard work during this period of time. .

When the city Stadium has won two consecutive games to be promoted to the professional three-star trainer, he can take time off to practice.

“The day after tomorrow, the Vermilion City Bounty Hunter branch will hold an offline auction. The gold-level Bounty Hunter can receive a VIP invitation letter for free.”

“Do you need it? “

Liang Ren, who had completed the promotion procedures, was waiting to leave, and the staff behind the counter suddenly asked him.

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