
If the low-level Ability is synthesized into the Top Rank Ability, and the research project recognized as impossible by the Association of Feeders has been completed, it will only cause an uproar in the academic world.

Kusumoto thought of “Air Blast”, the exclusive Unique Ability of Lugia, the god of the sea, and it was like dropping a nuclear bomb.

Now all professionals related to Pokémon have remembered the name “Nen Kusumoto” without exception.

Although Liang Ren is sure that the “air blasting” created by Kusumoto’s mind is absolutely impossible, it is a real air blasting, after all, the legendary Divine Beast is not an ordinary person who can try to figure it out.

But even so, what Kusumoto Nen produced was just a trick “Pseudo Air Blast”, which is quite an achievement.

“The air is blasting, I’ll be a good boy~” Liang Ren was shocked.

“Ah duo——(´゚ω゚)? Huh, dear? Liang Ren) Is he talking about me?” Slowpoke, who was immersed in the nut next to him, suddenly lifted the head.



“Wait—this is?” After reading it over and over again, Liang Ren suddenly found out on the second page A heavy news.

“In order to commemorate the appearance of Lugia, the god of the sea two months ago, in Vermilion Port——

“The Master Kusumoto decided to make his first “Air Blast” Ability learner Handed over to the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild for the finale auction on September 15. “

“September 15, isn’t that the offline auction to be held by the Hunter’s Guild for the Vermilion City bounty the day after tomorrow? “

Speaking of Liang Ren taking out the auction VIP invitation letter given to him by the guild counter staff just now from the system backpack.

Looking at the September 15th written on perfectly clear on it, A flash of astonishment flashed across Liang Ren’s face, and then it turned into ecstasy.

“I didn’t expect this, I already discovered the treasure that will appear on the auction. “

Looking at the invitation letter in his hand, Liang Ren originally just said to take a look at it, so now he already has a reason to participate in the auction of the Hunter’s Guild of the acquired Vermilion City bounty.

That is the Ability learner of “Air Blast”.

Although the outside world is still arguing whether this “air blast” made by Kushinenen can actually be used.

But since the Breeders Association dare to directly award the other side the title of Grandmaster Rank Breeder because of this research result.

At the same time, the Hunter’s Guild was auctioned off with such a big fanfare, and the Hunter’s Guild was also accepted.

Then Liang Ren believes that this “air blasting” Ability learner should work.

Even if there is only a little success rate, he who has cheat can learn the Ability in the learner 100%.

Recently Liang Ren is considering being promoted to the gold-level Bounty Hunter, so he bought a “Hyper Beam”TM for Pidgeot to learn from through the channel of the guild.

Now, the emergence of “air blasting” gives Liang Ren a better choice.

Of course, if Liang Ren still has money on his body after the air blast is photographed, he will not give up buying Hyper Beam.

“Pidgeot is a “Flying + normal” Pokémon, how can it work with the unique ability of the original system without a common Attribute? Anyhow, it has 1.5 times the formidable power bonus of this system. “

Liang Ren checked the time on the sports watch and closed the muttered magazine in his hand.

“Mr. Liang Ren, it’s not good! ! “

Suddenly, Joy ran over to him in a hurry and yelled.

“Nurse Joy, what happened, what happened? “

Seeing such a panic at Joy, who has always been gentle and sweet, not only Liang Ren was shocked, but at this moment other trainers in the Pokémon Center Hall were curious to cast their eyes over.

” Just after helping Lucario with the treatment and recovery, suddenly it lost control of its strength. Joy wiped the sweat leaking from his forehead, panting and saying.

“The power is out of control! ! “Liang Ren was surprised when he heard Joy’s words, and quickly realized what went wrong.


“Pidgeot-you are outside the Pokémon hall. “

After Pokémon Level reaches 30, the power within the body will transform from gas to liquid.

Slowpoke is the power transformation on the way from Asia Island to Cinnabar Island, Pidgeot The transformation was completed on the plane to Hoenn during the summer vacation.

Cloyster, who was trained in the Metasequoia forest in Mauville City before, went out to train for a day in the sea and returned, and has completed the transformation of strength.


Originally, there will be signs of power transformation in the early 30s, but now Lucario Level 37 will undergo power transformation, which is too late.


“What happened? “

“not quite clear, I just heard Nurse Joy’s words, it seems that something is wrong with Mumu Liang Ren’s Pokémon who is doing healing. “

“I heard it. Lucario within the body is out of control. “

“The power is out of control, is it power transformation? “

“Tsk, I heard that Mumu Liang Ren just started training for Riolu before the summer vacation, and went to Hoenn Riolu during the summer vacation and evolved into Lucario——

“didn’t expect Now Lucario is about to undergo a power transformation, and I will train a Riolu to this level in two months.”

“Yes, the innate talent of this kid’s trainer is really terrifying. This is no longer available. Mega is a genius, but should be described as an evildoer.”



Liang Ren followed Joy to the clinic room Rush, leaving behind the trainers in the hall discussing spiritedly.

“Nurse Joy, Lucario, he is going to undergo a power transformation, I will take it away now.”

I came to the clinic and looked at the treatment table with my eyes closed. With Lucario with a stubborn expression, Liang Ren hurriedly said to Joy next to him.


Joy nodded, power transformation is an opportunity for Pokémon to increase its strength.

However, in the process of power transformation, the loss of control often causes great damage.

“Damn, take a hand–“

Retracting Snivy to the baby ball, Liang Ren said to Slowpoke with Levitate beside him.

Starting business, Slowpoke’s face also became very serious.

“Ya Duo——(⇀‸↼‶)”

Small fleshy palm moved towards Lucario on the diagnosis and treatment table with a wave, Slowpoke wraps one person and one pet with Psychic and disappears directly In situ.

When they reappeared, they were already on the back of the Pidgeot who was connected to the Pokémon Center.

Feeling the violent Aura wind on Lucario, Pidgeot knows what happened, after all, they have already experienced power transformation.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot let out a beep, spread its wings and fought hard.

In the shocking eyes of the trainers inside and outside the Pokémon Center Hall, Pidgeot soared up in the wind and instantly rushed into the sky.

“hu hu ~”

The strong wind blew Liang Ren’s hair like fluffy grass in the wilderness, and the opened skirt was hunting.

“Beep Eagle—Boss, where are we going now?” Pidgeot turned his head and asked Liang Ren.

“Find a place where no one disturbs you.” Liang Ren shouted at Pidgeot, “Go to the forest on the outskirts of the East City.”

“Beep Eagle-received!!!”< /p>

“hu hu ~”

Pidgeot flapped its wings and turned into a gust of wind and flew towards the forest in the eastern suburbs of Saffron City.

I often take Liang Ren to Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym. Pidgeot is very familiar with the environment in the eastern suburbs.

With the protection of Slowpoke, Pidgeot is not afraid to fly too fast and throw Liang Ren off his back.

Flying fast, it only took 3 minutes Pidgeot to land in a yellow forest in the eastern suburbs.

This is the Huangtong Forest which borders the Red Tuna Forest and the Green Phoebe Forest.

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