

“You spread out a little, don’t get too close.”

Enter the Huangtong Forest, the Huangchengcheng Forest Their arrival became extremely quiet because of Liang Ren.

The ground is covered with thick fallen leaves, and I look up as if I have entered a golden yellow world.

Lucario was teleported by Slowpoke Psychic into the woods and sat cross-legged, while Liang Ren and a group of Pokémon retreated far away.

The performance of Pokémon’s power transformation have nothing common with each other. Slowpoke was initially depressed and anorexia, but also a little lethargic.

Pidgeot is out of control. After continuously using Air Slash and Divine Bird, the force of the riot gradually calmed down.

Cloyster completed the transformation of his power after he went out and came back, and he was asked by Liang Ren.

Cloyster recalled that it was within the body when the ice power suddenly burst, and then a large area of ​​the sea was frozen.

When everything is calm, the gaseous power within the body has become liquid.

“Beep Diao~”



“si si ——”< /p>

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, several Pokémon rushed back behind him, looking at Lucario sitting cross-legged in the deciduous forest in the distance.

Although Lucario closed his eyes and his savage expression tried his best to suppress the out-of-control power within the body, he did not lose his perception of the outside world.

Seeing Liang Ren, they have retreated far, and Lucario no longer desperately suppresses the power of the riot within the body.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have all imparted their own power transformation experience to it after its breakthrough level 30.

Lucario knows his own situation at the moment, so he is not at all panic.

Slowly relax the suppression of power within the body, and the four Aura-like long ears in the back of the head suddenly relax.



A violent but warm Aura wind moved towards all around.

The fallen leaves in the woodland that were roasted and rolled up by the sun were blown into the air with a sound.



A wave of unrest, another wave, another wind of Aura with Lucario’s body Dang out for the center.

The fallen leaves that had just been blown swirled and hadn’t landed yet, and were blown again by the wind of Aura.


The wind of Aura came with the fallen leaves, and Liang Ren hurriedly raised his hand to block it in front of him.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)っ|”

Seeing Liang Ren’s fallen leaves blown all over, Slowpoke raised his hand to prop up a thin curved surface Protection shield.



In the distance, Lucario didn’t get up, but still sitting cross-legged motionless, within the body of the power of the riot Turning into a burst of stronger Aura wind, blowing towards all around.

“The same is power within the body. The riots are out of control. Lucario is different from Pidgeot, not at all.”

“Um~ it’s the case of Cloyster. It’s very similar, just fully releasing the power of the riot within the body.”

Looking at Lucario’s situation through the arc shield supported by Slowpoke, Liang Ren thought.



The wind of Aura not at all stops, but it blows more and more intensely, one burst stronger than the other .

Liang Ren None of them made a sound. The only sound in the forest was the sound of the wind of Aura rolling up the fallen leaves.

The fallen leaves of Golden Yellow’s yellow tongs were blown by the wind of Aura and filled with Heaven and Earth. This beautiful scene of late autumn is simply intoxicating.

However, at this time, Liang Ren could not care to appreciate the beauty, he was full of worries about Lucario.

Lucario’s power transformation is fairly mild.

He saw a video of his Pokémon’s power transformation uploaded by a trainer on the post bar.

The flame-eared fox in the video is very similar to Slowpoke. It has a very low affinity for Fire Type, but its Psychic innate talent is outstanding.

The trainer deliberately tempering to purify the power of the flame-eared fox within the body, and even drag the evolution to the time of power transformation.

In the video, the flame-eared fox undergoes a power transformation and at the same time evolves into Braixen in the Second Rank segment.

Under the double stimulation, Braixen awakened the Psychic Attribute ahead of time, and the Psychic burst of power transformation directly destroyed a large training room in the stadium.

At that time, when he saw the video, Liang Ren still complained in his heart, “This is the scene of the disaster.”

It can be seen that Pokémon’s power transformation is very dangerous, otherwise Joy, who finds that Lucario is going to undergo power transformation, will not panic like that.

However, the few Pokémons Liang Ren has on hand have always been very worrying.

Lucario was trained by Liang Ren.

Although Aura has not been deeply developed at this stage, Lucario is still very skilled in the control of Aura within the body.

At this moment, Lucario’s power transformation behaves so mildly. In Liang Ren’s view, this has nothing to do with Lucario’s super high control of his own power.



The wind of Aura in the forest did not stop, Lucario sitting cross-legged in the woodland seemed to be It has become a wind cannon machine that shoots smoke rings in a stage performance.

The winds of Aura blew all around.

Liang Ren and Pidgeot, the four Pokémons, stood quietly in the distance, watching and waiting, without any impatience on their faces.

“The transformation of power within the body is completed, and the level of strength will also usher in a surge.

“Lucario will postpone the transformation of power to Level 37. I don’t know how much the level will increase after the end. level. “

Looking at the firm silhouette in the forest, Liang Ren felt very relieved.

Lucario hatched from the egg, he witnessed Little Brat learn to walk and run. .

From a little milk dog who was tired of him all day long, he slowly stopped wanting him to hug him, and he no longer needed to feed him when he ate.

Little Brat, Heaven and Earth a day long Big, more lively and stronger, Lucario changed his teeth for the first time in the Cedar Golden Camp on the Ice Island.

The Cinnabar Sea C20 area was in distress. After returning to the mainland, Riolu’s eager hope began. A training session.

I went to Hoenn during the summer vacation. During the Contest Conference in Lilycove City, Liang Ren rented a venue in the Pokémon Center for a gambling battle in the battle hall.

Opponent of Riolu’s debut match It’s a Poochyena, Riolu’s timidity was given to Detect by the opponent, and Poochyena behaved very viciously.

However, in the fight over there, one person and one pet successfully defeated by relying on the trust and tacit understanding established by long-term Fighting training. opponent.

Behind Liang Ren deliberately took care of him, Riolu accompanied him through the rainforest and saw the Divine Bird Festival celebration of the Fortree City bird trainer family.

On the east bank of Mauville City Camping in the Metasequoia forest on the Hoenn River. After the daily hard training mission, Riolu also entered the stage of the City Stadium for the first time.

Following Liang Ren’s episode of Severity and Love in one body, for his Pokémon As a conscientious trainer, Riolu has advanced to Extrreme Speed.

On the eve of leaving a month later, Riolu successfully evolved into Lucario.

The opponent of the debut battle is a Poochyena, an evolutionary battle. The opponent is a Mightyena, and there seems to be an arrangement.

That is a memorable coming-of-age ceremony.

Yes, Little Brat, who was attached to him, finally Growing up as an adult, that evolutionary battle is not a coming-of-age ceremony.

After evolution, the training intensity has not weakened. Every day, I fight various Pokémon in the city Stadium.

Lucario is the same Liang Ren This trainer grew up together, and now unconsciously has reached the time of power transformation.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have a very solid foundation. After the three of them have completed their power transformation, their level has increased by two levels.

Liang Ren doesn’t know how much Level will change from LV.37 after Lucario completes the transformation of power.

But Liang Ren is full of confidence in the “P1world Fighting Championship” that Miki will hold in Kalos Region early next year.

“Lucario, let’s go chasing our dreams together!!”

As if responding to Liang Ren’s voice, the wind in the forest stopped–

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