

The shooting of the product endorsement advertisement for the “Three Chinchillas” company ended at 5 pm.

“On behalf of the Three Chinchilla Company, I would like to thank Mr. Liang Ren again for taking the time out of his busy schedule to endorse our company’s products.”

“At the same time, I also wish Mr. Liang Ren The evening’s game went smoothly and I successfully advanced to become a professional Samsung trainer.”

“At the same time, I sincerely hope that our company can have more opportunities for cooperation with Mr. Liang Ren in the future.”

Outside the gate of the “Three Chinchillas” Saffron branch, Lisa and a group of female staff who were busy working together in the afternoon drove him outside.

“Thank you, it is also a very pleasant thing to be able to cooperate with your company.”

“As for the continued cooperation in the future, I think there will be such an opportunity.”< /p>

Liang Ren smiled and responded to Lisa and the other staff. Today’s endorsement advertisement shooting also ended smoothly.

After nodded to everyone, Liang Ren hugged Slowpoke and got into a luxurious Black VIP car with Casey.

When the filming was about to end, Casey, the agent, helped to order the VIP car.

As a Pokémon trainer, he usually rides Pidgeot is really cool, but now he is a celebrity who comes to other companies to endorse products.

Riding on Pidgeot when he left did not fit his identity, so he rented a luxury VIP car to pick him up while going to the bathroom.

After all, boys are not as delicate as girls. Seeing Casey’s consideration so thoughtful, Liang Ren naturally did not refuse.


“Today is a really exciting day. I actually acted as the agent of a big Celebrity for a day.”

VIP The car drove away from the “Three Chinchillas” company building and looked back through the rear window. After seeing the silhouette of Lisa and the others no longer visible, Casey couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“haha~Casey is really hard for you today. Didn’t expect you to be an agent. I am eye-opening.”

Watching the girl next to me recover again In the usual way, Liang Ren couldn’t help laughing and teasing.

“Well, my agent is not bad, right? If you think it’s not bad, remember to give me a bonus.”

When he heard Liang Ren’s words, Casey smiled very much. Happy.

“haha, okay~ a bonus must be given…”

The two men talked and laughed all the way, dressed in a formal driver and drove the two look steadily forward, and sent them to the household department. Pedestrian street outside the alley.

Because the filming ended at 5:30, the time to come to Hubu Lane was exactly 6 o’clock.

“Hey-out of the wooden sweater, Casey and I have arrived, where are you guys?”

Tonight is Liang Ren’s important competition for his promotion to the professional three stars, so the class The schoolmates all rushed over and said to cheer for him.

He hasn’t had dinner here after the filming, so a group of people in the class said to have dinner at the food street of Hubu Alley.

I wish him a smooth game in the evening, and also have the meaning of practicing for him.

Because if tonight’s game goes well, he will leave school tomorrow morning. It is estimated that it will take a month or two for him to come back this time.

“We are all here, and now at the Dorayaki shop in Nobi’s classmate’s home, we are waiting for you and Casey.” Mushan said on the phone.

“Okay, let’s come over right away.”


Hang up, Liang Ren and Casey went side by side into the lively food Street, Slowpoke, who was lazily just now, suddenly regained energy.

It is still dark, and Hubu Alley has not reached the busiest time of the day.

The food street was not very crowded, and the two quickly rushed to Nobi Nobi’s Dorayaki shop.

The group of people who got together out of the wooden sweater was very eye-catching. Liang Ren saw them all the way.

“Casey, didn’t you say that the club will not come back one day if something happens in the morning?”

“We ran away without breakfast. My feelings were that I went out on a date with the monitor “When the two approached, Yuan Shizuka took Casey’s arm and said angrily.






Hearing Yuan Shizuka’s words, the other students in the class burst into laughter.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I was going to the cafeteria to bring you breakfast in the morning, but I met you Liang Ren halfway–

“Liang Ren said he was invited to go Be a product endorsement for the “Three Chinchillas” company.

“I thought I had never seen Celebrity’s endorsement advertisement before, so I followed to see and see.”

Seeing three roommates in trouble together, classmates suddenly making a fuss, Casey pretty face Yihong, quickly explained.

“Wow!!! Squad leader, you were invited by the “Three Chinchillas” to be a product endorsement, can you be more profitable? “

“Squad leader liubi~”

“Squad leader yo~”

Boys are not so serious about gossip. A group of girls in the class surrounded Casey and asked In detail.

The boys in the class were surrounded by Liang Ren, and one by one was surprised that he was invited to be the product endorsement for “Three Chinchillas”.

At one time, Liang Ren, the class leader whose family background was the most common among all the students in the class, has now unconsciously become a big Celebrity well-known throughout Kanto.

It has been less than a year before and after. Although I have become accustomed to Liang Ren’s outstanding performance, I can’t help but sigh and sigh after careful thinking.

“What’s so surprising about this, it’s not the first time that your monitor has been invited to endorse the product.”

Seeing everyone in the class with their faces full of surprise, I couldn’t help but squeeze. He pursed his mouth and said openly.

“Hoenn Region’s beverage giant, Celadon’s “spirit soda”, and Devon Group, which monopolizes the manufacturing technology of Poké Ball, and its newly produced “Timer Ball and Repeat Ball” are also endorsed by your monitor . “

“And Hoenn Region’s current hottest computer game “Pokemon Alliance”. The game character “Angel of Justice Kyle” is also authorized by your squad leader’s portrait, and was made with him as a character prototype. . “

“And Hoenn Region’s most popular mobile game “Pokemon Glory” at the moment, the game character “Book of Soul·Zhang Liang” is also authorized by your squad leader’s portrait, using him as the character prototype maded. “

Seeing that everyone in the class focused their eyes on him, the wooden sweater could not help but hold their heads upright.


” I’ll go~ Is the monitor so good? “Everyone in the class exclaimed.

“hehe~Liu Bi, your class leader Liu compares beyond your imagination. Chu Mushan raised his head in a complacent tone.

“You only know that Liang Ren is a well-known celebrity in Kanto, but you don’t know that he is more famous in Hoenn. “

“The squad leader is so amazing~”

“You know a lot about the wooden sweater! ! “



Seeing that everyone in the class talked enthusiastically around him, Liang Ren, the person involved, couldn’t help but scratch Scratching his head feels a bit sorry.

In addition to a group of girls who occasionally smile and glance at it, Liang Ren feels even more embarrassed.

It is him who is obviously talking about, but Liang Ren was squeezed aside, and he didn’t need him to participate in it.

Seeing that a group of them was blocking the entrance of the other’s store, and some of them affected their business, Liang Ren thought about entering the store.


“Classmate Nobi, give me 23 dorayaki. “

Liang Ren is wearing short-sleeved clothes with two white buttons and brown and black knee-length shorts, said Liang Ren, wearing near-sighted glasses behind the counter.

“Okay. of. “The boy named Nobi Nobita enthusiastically replied complied.

While helping Liang Ren put the dorayaki in a bag, the boy glanced at the wooden sweater surrounded by a group of people outside the shop.

“This guy is so disgusting~” Although the two are not familiar with each other, the boy still couldn’t help but feel annoying in his heart.

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