

A group of people in the class found a restaurant in the food court to eat something, and when it was almost time, they went to the city Stadium together.


“Come on, monitor~”

“We will be watching your slaughter all sides in the audience in a while.”

< p>It’s almost seven o’clock. At the entrance passage of Saffron City Stadium, there are very few people checking in.

At the entrance of the audience check-in ticket, everyone in the class waved at him excitedly.

“Okay, I will work hard.” Liang Ren smiled back to complied, and then entered the competition hall with Slowpoke alone.

To participate in the main venue, you need to register a few hours in advance.

Because he was invited to do product endorsements today, he had already called in the afternoon to register in advance.

“Mr. Liang Ren, your game is at the main venue No. 1. The game is about to begin. I will take you there.”

Entering the competition hall, a woman in professional attire The staff walked up and greeted warmly.

“Okay, trouble you~” Liang Ren nodded, thanking him politely.



Different from the Mauville City Stadium, there are many layers. The Saffron City Stadium has only one floor, the branch field. The stars and the main venue are distributed in an arched moon pattern.

The main venue of No. 1 is in the center. Because it is Saturday, the Tian City Stadium is more lively than usual. Liang Ren can hear the audience in the hall outside the hall.

“Mr. Liang Ren, the waiting hall for the main meeting place No.1 is here.” The staff led him to a door.

“I wish you a smooth promotion tonight in advance.” The female staff member added, and then enthusiastically opened the door for him.

“Thank you—”

Nodded with a smile to the other party, Liang Ren said thank you, and walked into the waiting hall with Slowpoke in his arms.

The game has several points of bells about to start. The professional trainers in the waiting hall who will play the game at the main venue at night are almost ready.

Liang Ren came late, and when he walked in with Slowpoke in his arms, he attracted a lot of attention.

A trainer who can play in the main venue is at least one star professional.

And can be arranged in the highest weighted No. 1 main venue, the strength is at least the elite of the professional one star.

“Sit here, here is an empty place.” Liang Ren held Slowpoke and looked around all around, and a young man greeted him on the initiative.

Liang Ren did not refuse, and walked over with Slowpoke to sit down in an empty position.

He has been playing games in the city Stadium for a long time, and he is gentle and easy to get along with, and he has also made many friends.

“If you win this game tonight, you will be promoted to professional Samsung.”

The young man who had just greeted Liang Ren turned his head to chat with him.

“Well-tonight is the promotion match, I hope everything goes well.” Liang Ren nodded replied.

“Don’t be such a serious look, the Pro Samsung Promotional Tournament is very difficult for others, but it is not sprinkling water for you.”

” Don’t be careless, or you will fall in the sewer.” Hearing the young man’s words, Liang Ren shook the head said.

The youth did not struggle with this issue either. He remembered another hot thing at the moment.

“I heard about the offline auction held by the Hunter’s Guild for the Vermilion City bounty tomorrow.

“The finale is the proud work of the new breeder master Kusumotonen, “Air Blast” Ability learner.

“Will you attend? You do not have to compulsively attend classes in the privileged classes of Saffron Middle School, and you are now far superior to the peers of the school.”

Speaking of recent studies because of Kusumoto The “Air Blasting” Ability learner, and the publicized Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild offline auction, the youth is also full of excitement.

“If the qualifying game goes well tonight, I will also take time off to leave school and go out to practice. Tomorrow the Vermilion City auction will naturally not be missed.” Liang Ren said.

After signing the endorsement contract with “Three Chinchillas” this afternoon, the endorsement fee of 12 million has been paid.

In addition to the 58 million on his card, he now has 70 million on hand. He has a lot of confidence in the auction of Vermilion City tomorrow.


“Roar roar, good evening, audience friends, I am the commentator: Taidou, I will explain to you the game tonight.”< /p>

In the waiting hall, when Liang Ren and the young man next to him had a chat, the night of battle officially began.



The narrator rides a flying saucer magnet and flies in the sky against the battlefield. His tone is simple and passionate. After the opening remarks, the mood of the off-site audience became more excited.

“First Stage is still the trainer who has won nine consecutive victories in the branch field, and will do a key battle to hit the stars in the main venue tonight.”

“… “


The evening game officially kicked off, and the professional trainers who were chatting in the waiting hall gradually calmed down.

Liang Ren is a professional three-star promotion match, and his match is in the middle of the schedule.

Professional five-star trainers who have been directly enshrined from the passerby king rarely come to the city Stadium to play games, and the professional four-star is already Peak battle strength.

And the professional three stars in the city Stadium, and even in the entire Pokémon professional trainer circle are well-known experts.

Also, Liang Ren, as a popular Celebrity trainer, only the finale can reflect the importance that City Stadium attaches to him.


One game after another, the cheering of the audience in the venue never ceased.

The night of battle began at seven, and it was nine at night in a blink of an eye.

“Mr. Liang Ren, the next game is up to you, please be ready to play.”

At this time, a player is wearing a headset on his head and holding the players in the game sequence. The female staff member came over to remind.

“Okay–” Liang Ren nodded.

“Finally it’s my turn to play.” Liang Ren got up from his position and said to the youth who was chatting with him.


“Come on~”

The young people nearby, as well as the trainers around him who know him well, all cheered for him. Tao.


Recovering Slowpoke, Snivy and Lucario to the baby ball, Liang Ren walked towards the entrance channel.

——Main Venue No. 1——

“roar roar……”

“Dear audience friends, we are all going to play next, Including myself are also very favorite players.”

“He is…”

The event commentator is riding a flying saucer magnet Levitate against the battlefield Sky, intentionally hanging the audience The appetite dragged a long ending.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren!!!” Seeing the noisy audience gradually quieting down, the narrator leader finally called out the name of the upcoming player.

“Ahhh ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”


Mu Mu Liang Ren vs Liu Qing



As the commentator yelled out Liang Ren’s name, the names and avatars of the players on both sides suddenly appeared on the big screen all around the venue.

In a short time, all around the venue circled, and the audience burst into overwhelming cheers.



“Come on squad leader~”

“Come on squad leader~”

“Finally the squad leader is on the court.”

The front row of the spectator stand, because they know that Liang Ren will advance tonight, everyone in the privileged class has booked their positions early.

Except for Liang Ren, all 17 classmates came to cheer for him.


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