Dark Type played Psychic Type, Mean Look first hand restricted the opposite Pokémon so that it could not be replaced.

It is obviously that he has the absolute advantage here, but looking at the calm appearance of the white-shirted youth opposite, Liu Qing has the illusion that he is the inferior.

Liang Ren silently directed Slowpoke to start the action, and his clear expression of not knowing what instructions the other party gave became increasingly ugly.


Realizing that his will to win is beginning to waver, he knows that he can’t wait any longer, and decisively said: “Absol, use Sucker Punch.”< /p>

Absol responded to the trainer’s instructions very quickly, with four claws on the ground, and a swoop rushing towards Slowpoke.

“Ha ao~”

Absol let out a howl in order to deter Slowpoke.

Unfortunately, compared with other Dark Type Pokemon, its not at all sly and evil temperament, the deterrent effect of howling is greatly reduced.

“Teleport.” Liang Ren lightly gave Slowpoke instructions in his heart.

“Miracle Eye” can cancel the effect of Dark Type Pokémon’s immunity to Psychic Type power.

When Psychic Type Ability hits Dark Type Pokémon, it can deal ×1 times the normal damage.

However, the fact that Dark Type restrains Psychic Type is not at all changed. Once Absol’s Dark Type moves hit Slowpoke, it will be ×2 times the damage.

Even if the Slowpoke Level is higher than Absol, Liang Ren dare not let Slowpoke hard connect.

“shua shua ~”

Absol swooped, with faint purple paws in midair, swaying scared witless claws.

However, Levitate had just returned the Slowpoke at the Absol target point, and the air twisted and disappeared in place just before the claws hit.

“Ka——” Seeing Absol pounced, the blonde boy on the other side looked ugly as if he had eaten a piece of expired bread.

“Absol, obliquely rear in the air, use provocation.” Liu Qing kept ordering, and a little loss not at all made him lose his confidence.

“Ha ao~”

Absol turned his head and stared at Slowpoke in midair Levitate with scarlet eyes like gems, opening his mouth and let out a provocative howl.

Dark Type’s moves are very effective, and Slowpoke, who has won the move, has an uncontrollable feeling of anger, and the blood rushes to his forehead within the body.

“As you wish.” Liang Ren hooked the corners of his mouth, “Slowpoke, use Confusion to slap.”

“Yadu——” in midair Slowpoke frowned, Yelled.

Absol, who had finished raising upwards, hadn’t reacted yet, and an invisible Confusion big hand snapped.


There was a huge shock on the court, and the heartbeat of the blonde boy and the audience on the opposite side suddenly broke.

Absol hadn’t even turned around, his whole body had been photographed lying on the ground.

“Spiritual blade.” Liang Ren didn’t give up such a great opportunity to attack, and another Attack Order joined up.

In midair, Slowpoke, who received the instruction, raised his arm high, and claws into a hand knife, aiming at the bottom and was shot down by Absol fiercely on the opposing battlefield.

“Chiff——” The bright purple energy blade tears the air and makes a chi chi cutting sound.

The golden-haired boy on the other side’s heart was beating wildly, and he didn’t dare to be stunned. He hurriedly commanded Absol to fight: “Absol, use the sickle weasel.”


Absol, who was suffering from severe body pain on the court and was about to fall apart behind his bones, did not bother to stain his white and soft fur.

I turned a donkey roll sideways, turned my head and sickle corner, threw away a white crescent arc blade moved towards purple The light blade greeted him.

The mental sharp blade confronts the sickle ferret, and the knife confronts the knife in midair.


After the harsh friction and cutting sound, the two light blades exploded in the air with a bang, setting off a violent wave of air.

“Absol, use Snarl.” An explosion pushed the battle to a climax. Liu Qing is now no longer looking forward and backward, and he has completely entered a fighting state.


Feeling the hot fighting intent of the trainer like lava, Absol also changed his decay, turned over and quickly got up from the ground.

Holding its head high, like a lone wolf rising to the sky with a long and desolate howl, the dark sound waves moved towards Slowpoke hit.

“Slowpoke, Safeguard.” Seeing the opponent began to counterattack strongly, Liang Ren didn’t dare to ask for a big deal, and hurriedly gave Slowpoke an order.


in midair Slowpoke raised his hand and pushed, a colorful plastic bubble instantly protected him in it.

Absol’s sonic attack hits, Slowpoke is like a piece of water, no matter how turbulent and turbulent the sound waves are, it stays still.

“Absol, rush over to use Shadow Claw.” The blond boy had bright eyes and ordered loudly.

One attack did not hurt the opponent, and immediately launched a second wave attack. There was no hesitation or hesitation among the teenagers.

“shua ~”

Absol flew with four claws, slammed on the ground, raised his claws fiercely and patted the Slowpoke in midair, which was protected by plastic steel energy bubbles.

Several cameras are busy, capturing the battle scenes and taking close-ups of the expressions of the trainers on both sides.

Faced with the stormy attack of the blonde boy and Absol, Liang Ren’s expression was calm, his calm and clear eyes were like a limpid autumn water.

“Mind Headbutt.” Liang Ren muttered silently in his heart and gave instructions to Slowpoke.

Absol’s front paw seems to be wearing a purple energy claw sleeve, and Shadow Claw fiercely slapped the Slowpoke floating in midair.

Under the attention of the off-site spectators, the colorful bubbles protecting Slowpoke suddenly turned into pure pink.


The little pink sun is like a cannonball out of the chamber.

Absol’s claws have not yet been photographed, and the pink bubble has fiercely hit Absol’s soft abdomen.

“ao!!!” in midair Absol wailed in pain, staring with protruding eyes, and brushed saliva from the corners of his grinning mouth.

“Absol…” The blond boy below exclaimed.

“Flamethrower!!!” Liang Ren’s expression was still calm, looking at Absol falling towards the arena, an instruction quickly followed.


In midair, Slowpoke removed the protective cover, and a hot pillar of fire opened his mouth to chase Absol, who was falling, and helped him fall to the ground in advance.

“Absol!!” The blond boy shouted loudly.

From the time he found out that the boy on the other side sent Slowpoke from Psychic Type, he was in control, to the moment of desperation and powerlessness, there were too many circumstances beyond his expectations.

Dark Type played Psychic Type. It was the first time he played so hard.


Absol’s fur fell to the ground scorched, unconsciously opened his mouth and let out a whine, it has passed out.

“Absol can’t fight. Blue Slowpoke won the game.” The referee took the first two steps and announced the result of the game.


“The squad leader won again!!”

“The next two games in a row, there is only one Pokemon left on the opposite side.”

“Slowpoke ……Slowpoke ……”

“Slowpoke ……Slowpoke ……”


ding, Experience +420

Ding, pick up the physical Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1


“No Did the innate talent red coins burst out?” The audience cheered, but Liang Ren’s expression was a bit regretful.

“Hoo~Calm down, there is one more game, relying on Salamence’s Mega evolution, I am not without the chance to comeback.”

On the other side of the field, the blonde boy will lose the Absol of the combat capability. Withdrawing to the baby ball, he kept comforting himself.

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