“Slowpoke, thanks for your hard work, come back first.” Liang Ren held the baby ball and took Slowpoke back.

In the two games, although he won the other side, Liang Ren also found that the blonde boy on the other side was quite good.

Like the Absol in the last game, not much Ability was revealed from beginning to end.

But whether it’s the first hand, Slowpoke can’t replace the “Mean Look” that ends.

After Slowpoke use Teleport, the “Snarl” large-scale remote attack was used to deal with it, which was very accurate and effective.

What these small details reveal is the trainer’s command and field control ability, and Pokémon’s very deep Ability pool.

For this opponent, Liang Ren didn’t take it lightly.

After seeing the blond boy take back Absol, who lost the combat capability, he quickly put away the negative emotions caused by the defeat.

The divine light is revealed, with a hint of confidence in his expression.

“Is there any powerful Trump Card Pokémon on hand?” Liang Ren muttered in his heart.

But he is not too worried, after all, his Pidgeot is not to be trifled with.

“Please send the Pokémon in the third game.”

In the second game against Attribute, they defeated Opponent. The audience cheered for a long time, and the referee could not help but step forward. Reminded the two.

“Pidgeot, the key match point tonight is up to you, let the opponent see your strength.”

“Salamence (also known as: Salamence, Salamence) , Help me win this game.”

Both sides spent a lot of time and energy accumulating to the nine-game winning streak. Tonight only the winner can advance to Samsung, and the loser will Was beaten back to start over.

In this game, both sides’ desire to win has reached its peak.


Salamence came on stage, curled his neck and raised his hair, and let out a mad Tyrunt moan that spread throughout the audience. Liang Ren’s eardrums were also shocked Bzz Bzz Straight.

This is a huge monster with a height of nearly two meters and a body length of more than four meters. It has a deep blue body and two bloody blade-like wings on its back.

The blood wings flap and the Salamence flying in the air brings the incomparable pressure to Liang Ren. This is the unique Dragon’s Might of the pure blood Dragon Type Pokémon.

However, this kind of oppression not at all, which makes breathing difficult, lasted too long. When Pidgeot appeared on the stage, Liang Ren only felt that his heart was full of fighting intent.

“Beep Eagle–“

The wide wings hula unfolded, kicked up on the ground, the wings blew up with a gust of wind, Pidgeot swished and flew to a higher position in the game Salamence.

The sharp eyes of torii looked down at Salamence below.

Pidgeot, who has fit into the essence of the “Eagle Lord” champion inheritance, shows noble but domineering aura while fighting.

In front of the real King of Sky, whether it’s a worm, a bird or a Salamence, it’s all about bowing down.


Pidgeot’s sharp and indifferent bird eyes watched, Salamence stubbornly raised his hair and made a sound of Roar, but the careful one could find out through the comparison.

Compared with the arrogant, overbearing, and arrogant, Salamence’s imposing manner at this moment has converged, but Salamence may not have noticed this.

The final key match point game, compared to the previous not at all, has changed, at least in the referee’s mind.

“The game begins.” The referee took two steps forward and raised the flag with a solemn face to announce the start of the game.


The trainers on both sides have not issued instructions yet, and Pidgeot, who has the advantage of high position in the air, slammed his wings.

A burst of turbulent air rushed down from high above like a waterfall.

Salamence’s back seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder, and Salamence, who hadn’t flew much by itself, continued to lower.

“Salamence, Dragon’s Breath!!” The blond boy seemed to have not noticed Salamence’s weakness, and took the initiative to attack with a wave of his hand.


Salamence, who was driven down by Pidgeot’s downwind field, let out an unwilling roar, and a cyan-green dragon flame pillar moved towards sky Pidgeot blasted away.

The blond boy looked at the opposite side provocatively, but Liang Ren was expressionless, standing silently on the spot, as if Salamence’s attack was not in his eyes at all.

Liang Ren is naturally impossible in the last round of the promotion match.

In fact, immediately when Salamence launched the attack, Liang Ren had already issued an order to Pidgeot through the bond link.

“Dragon’s Claw.” Liang Ren’s tone was short, but Pidgeot could read the fierce fighting intent hidden in the calmness.

“Beep carving–” Pidgeot let out a long cry.

Pidgeot, who is burly and no smaller than Salamence, swoops down without flinching.

Two hooks cast from iron essence, wrapped in deep green dragon flames, become hideous and huge.

The pillar of dragon flame struck, Pidgeot’s sharp bird eyes didn’t even blink, and the dragon claws greeted him directly.

The huge Pidgeot swooped down, with two sharp claws tearing the silk cloth, without any sense of stagnation.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ 唰~”

The splintered dragon flame became the background special effect of Pidgeot, which was huge like the body of a fighter plane swooping down, with its claws overlapping fiercely Tore on Salamence’s hideous forehead.

With one hit, Pidgeot crossed Salamence with the speed of swift as wind, pulling a long distance.

“Salamence, catch up and use Thunder Fang.” The blonde boy frowned hurriedly issued instructions, and there was no reason to lose money and not find the place back.


The forehead was torn out with bloodstains, Salamence’s heart was furious, and the wings like blood sickles on her back flapped vigorously.

Extending the neck, the fierce lightning throbbed on a dragon tooth.

Salamence chased Pidgeot with red eyes, as if she was going to take a bite of meat from Pidgeot to rest.


Pidgeot flew in front, Salamence drove behind, and Pidgeot who was flying in front suddenly exploded, and oh la la broke out and crushed a large group of Pidgeot. .

“Boom~” After a short astonishment, Salamence opened up the bloody mouth of Ember chi chi wide open like a sacrificial bowl, biting fiercely to Pidgeot beside him.

One bite of a Pidgeot is quite stress-reducing for the furious Salamence, and it is also very visually impactful for the audience.

But Pidgeot finally made Salamence realize what is reality and what is false.


The huge wings were metalized, and the crowd of black birds instantly became bright.

The steel knife came out of its sheath, under the cover and interference of the Double Team.


Pidgeot swooped past Salamence, while Steel Wings fiercely slashed at Salamence’s body.

The piercing pain came from the side ribs, awakening Salamence who was immersed in a mouthful of a Pidgeot illusion.

“Hoo~” repeatedly suffered opponent attacks, as if Salamence, who was playing as a fool, had already burned his senses with anger.

Seeing Salamence, who will actively activate Outrage if he doesn’t use Unique Ability, is in a runaway state. The blond boy gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

“The red crescent moon that cuts through the sky, let the dull night be stained with blood-Salamence Mega evolves!!!”

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