“Yin Ang——!!!” Salamence let out a deafening roar with red eyes and raised hair.

The audience only heard a sigh.

On the golden tail ring worn at the end of the deep blue long tail, the inlaid Mega Evolution stone suddenly emits dazzling golden brilliance.

At the same time, the golden bracelet worn on the wrist by the blonde boy, and the key stone welded on the upper side, were both brilliant and generous.

The energy of the golden unrolled bolt of white silk entangled in midair and then produced a wonderful change.

When the soft and white light of evolution envelops Salamence, the commentators riding in midair and off-site spectators came back to his senses.

“Oh oh oh oh–“

“What did I see, the Liuqing player even let his Salamence undergo Mega evolution.

“This It is too unexpected. “The game commentator said loudly in a surprised and excited tone.




Along with the voice of the commentator, the fans and supporters in the audience became excited instantly, burst out bursts of cheers.

At this moment, Liang Ren’s face also showed a touch Obvious surprised look.

When I played in the Hoenn Mauville City Stadium before, I often saw the evolution of Mega.

But this was the first time I had mastered it after returning to Kanto. The opponent of Mega evolution power, Liang Ren’s calm mood can’t help but become excited.

After all, his Pidgeot can also be Mega evolved.

! ! ! “Salamence, who completed the Mega evolution in the sky, raised her hair and let out a violent roar.

Salamence is a four-legged pure blood wyvern Pokémon with two Contest scarlet dragon wings.

The lower jaw and abdomen are covered by three iron-gray shells, which protect the abdomen, the weak point of defense that most of Pokémon has.

At this moment, after completing the Mega evolution, MegaSalamence has two pieces on his back. The wings are twisted and glued together to form a super huge crescent-shaped wing.

The limbs become shorter, the head, neck, and torso become slender, and the tail becomes slender and streamlined after evolution. The body shape is more suitable for high-speed flying.

The abdomen shell has become similar to a vest-style armor, which looks more beautiful.

“Beep Eagle——” Arena Sky , Pidgeot let out a clear scream, and did not react to Salamence’s roar and provocation.

Pidgeot, who has not played against MegaSalamence, is now very interesting to look at Salamence Mega’s new posture after evolution.

“Beep Eagle——” Sky Pidgeot stunned the elegant feathers of Contest on his head.

Undoubtedly, the final conclusion it came to was, “Overall, it’s pretty good. But I’m still not as handsome as I’m’.

“Pidgeot, since the other party has already launched a challenge, we look down on people too much if we don’t do our best. “

This time Liang Ren did not use the bond link to communicate, but generously raised his head and said to Pidgeot. At this moment, you have heard his voice for the whole venue’s concern.

And Hearing Liang Ren’s words, a speculation emerged in the hearts of the audience outside the venue, especially the audience who supported Liang Ren suddenly excited.

Yes, the sudden use of Mega Evolution across Salamence really shocked them.< /p>

But when it comes to Mega evolution, Liang Ren and Pidgeot will do too!!!

“Also let the other party see our Mega evolution. “Liang Ren raised the corners of his mouth, and a confident smile appeared on his handsome face.

“Beep Eagle–” Pidgeot gave a clear cry as a response.

“roar roar roar~ “

“Seeing the evolution of Liuqing players and Salamence use Mega, our Liang Ren player can’t sit still.

“Yes, yes, you should know that at the first Mega Evolution Invitational held by Hoenn, we Liang Ren entered the final three and was awarded the super trainer of the “Sora Angel Trophy”. “

“Now the Liuqing player is invited to fight with Salamence use Mega Evolution, how could Liang Ren player not face it, nothing else, just because this is the glory of the trainer. “

“Will Liang Ren meet our expectations tonight and let us see a MegaPokémon duel? “The commentator exhilarated.

The off-site photographer gave a close-up shot, and the 50,000 spectators at the venue also looked at the boy in white shirt excitedly.

Liang Ren Without letting the audience’s expectations come to nothing, he straightened his body with tight muscles, nodding and communicating with Pidgeot in the air with piercing eyes.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, Pidgeot-Mega evolved! ! ! “Liang Ren yelled, maroon’s clear eyes released shining radiance.

Two double-edged spiral darts turned in his eyes, and the Mega Evolution wave burst out from him within the body, turning into brilliance. The crown of light makes his whole person sacred and dignified.

Under the control of Liang Ren’s mind, the rising and radiating crown of light on Liang Ren’s body directly transforms into a beam of light that rises to the sky and builds up with Pidgeot in the sky Link.

The same soft and white light of evolution is on, and Pidgeot’s body is also undergoing a wonderful transformation at this moment.

Pidgeot’s body in white light is originally very large and huge. The shape becomes larger.

After a simple visual inspection, the height has reached at least three meters. The wide and powerful Dual Wingbeat unfolds, the whole is as huge as a fighter.

“唳— —”The light of evolution dissipated, and MegaPidgeot, presented in the audience’s field of vision in a new posture, made a high-pitched eagle whistle.

Pure white belly feathers, bright red tail feathers and wings with bright blue highlights at the ends Feather.

The crown of feathers on top of the head has become more and more dazzling.

A large cluster of bright yellow feathers has three clusters of fresh red feathers. The middle one is even longer than its body.

At this moment, as Pidgeot spreads its wings and flies high, the long feathers are fluttering in the gusty wind, which looks very chic and graceful.

Look at This feather in the sky, Contest, spreads its wings and is a giant eagle that is bigger than Salamence on the other side.


“What a huge Pidgeot. “

“didn’t expect Pidgeot Mega will become so powerful and handsome after evolution. “

“Tsk tusk…”

The audience exclaimed in bursts, and Liang Ren’s supporters expressed their compliments with satisfaction.


” Appeared, player Liang Ren also let Pidgeot use Mega Evolution, and now both players are doing their best. “

“MegaPidgeot vs. MegaSalamence, this will be a Mega duel! ! ! “The narrator exclaimed excitedly.

“MegaPidgeot?” But Salamence and I will not lose. “

The blonde teenager frowned off the field, his heart slammed, looking at Sky and Salamence, who was carrying a round of blood crescent moon, took the lead in launching the offensive.

“Salamence, rush over to use Dragon claw! ! The blond boy ordered loudly.

“Roar——” Salamence, who received instructions from the trainer in Sky, raised her hair and let out a roar.

The blood moon took off, Salamence was unruly. He rushed towards MegaPidgeot of Sky in the arena.

“唳——” Pidgeot made a high-pitched eagle howl in the sky, and the eyes of pale red looked indifferently at Salamence, which rushed towards it.


The dragon flame scales are armed with fiercely huge dragon claws and grab it fiercely.

MegaPidgeot a flexible back leaps into the air, strong and powerful wings set off a violent hurricane fiercely. Suppress it.

“Roar—”The enemy is within reach, but Salamence was on the verge of collapse during the hurricane, and there was no way to go any further.

” Damn it. “There was an unhealthy flush on the blond boy’s face, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and shouted: “Salamence, use the dragon’s tail.” “

“Shoo-” Salamence in the air flushed with anger.

After pouting a long Twin Strike, he flicked forward fiercely like a whip and looked indifferently. It’s Pidgeot.

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