“Your uncle~”

“The Gyarados of Misty Gym Leader has reached the Elite level, how can I beat others.” Liang Ren angrily said.

“haha~If you lose, you lose. Don’t say that there are none.” Daisuke smiled happily.

“Actually, I think Gyarados is really good, the strength itself is strong, and there is the possibility of Mega evolution.” Seeing the two of them bickering, Chushan laughed and said.

“Yes, I actually want to breed a Gyarados, just considering that it can be Mega-evolved.”

“There are also megalodons that I can choose to accept. “Daisuke laughed said.

As a Pokémon professional trainer, conquering Pokémon is a serious matter.

He was naturally impossible because he quarreled with Liang Ren and chose to subdue Gyarados. He had his own consideration.

“Gyarados is water+Flying Attribute, strong or strong, but it is four times restrained by the electrical system.

“Water+Dark Type Megalodon has fewer weaknesses but it doesn’t The way to fight on land, so each has its own pros and cons. You have to weigh this yourself. “

The ridicule between brothers falls into ridicule, but when it comes to Pokémon’s acceptance, Liang Ren also solemnly gave his own suggestions.

“Being a common attacking Attribute of the Electrical Department Restraint is indeed deadly, but the megalodon can only fight in the water, which is even more restrictive. “

“After all, facing the water field in battle, no one would foolishly send Fire Element and Rock Type Pokemon to fight. “

As a well-know figure in the first grade privileged class of Saffron Middle School, Daisuke also has his own views on Pokémon battles and training.

“It’s good if you have an idea. The thing is that you choose to accept without thinking about it in advance. “Liang Ren nodded.

Pokémon, which has environmental requirements, does have great restrictions.

As for the acceptance of Water Type Pokémon, Liang Ren himself is more inclined to Pokémon on land.

“Daisuke, are you going to conquer a Magikarp and cultivate from scratch or directly conquer Gyarados? “

While speaking, Liang Ren also picked up a blue Mega Fishing Rod from the fishing tackle basket sent by the attendant, and then chose a Slowpoke fake bait to put it on.

“Wild’s Gyarados are very rare. I am going to take a Magikarp and cultivate it from scratch. “Daisuke said.

To breed a Magikarp into Gyarados is very difficult and requires a huge investment of resources.

As a privileged student of Saffron Middle School, you can enjoy There are already a lot of resources.

Otherwise, for the ordinary citizens behind Daisuke, there is absolutely no confidence to say such a thing.

“Old Brother, you are very good at identifying Pokémon innate talent. One hand, remember to check for me later. “

Just now, I also revealed Liang Ren’s short Daisuke, smiled and leaned forward to help him pound his shoulder and said flatly.

“Yes~” See Daisuke’s In his performance, Liang Ren couldn’t help being funny, but he didn’t refuse.

“Enough buddy! ! “Daisuke patted Liang Ren’s shoulder vigorously, smiling very happily.

It was Liang Ren grinning held breath cold air, “you brat deliberately.” “



While everyone is chatting, the yacht has sailed to the distant sea and stopped.

morning sun has been Ascending to the sky, the dark and deep ocean at night has become clear and blue at this moment.

Liang Ren, with good eyesight, holds the Mega Fishing Rod on the open deck of the yacht and looks into the sea from time to time. Saw school of fish and the silhouette of Water Type Pokémon swimming.

“hua hua……”

“Gull gull……”

The sea breeze blows layer by layer Wingulls following the yacht from the Vermilion port all the way from the stack of waves, flying against the sea at low altitude, the bright yellow beak opens and closes to send out the gulls and gulls.

“Go you~”

On the flybridge terrace in front of the yacht, the four Liang Ren took over the straw hats sent by Steward, and started fishing battles.

The four girls went to the locker room to change into bikinis excitedly , Apply sunscreen on the recliner while watching the four boys fishing enthusiastically.

“Lucario, cut the Water Type Pokémon food and Pokéblock on the table with alloy claws for me. “

Liang Ren said to Lucario who was standing next to him.

“ao ao~” Lucario nodded, bouncing around and doing what Liang Ren said.

When I was in the Metasequoia camp in Mauville City, Liang Ren would also take Lucario to the Hoenn River for fishing and Water Type Pokémon after special training.

Plus Liang Ren likes to talk to his Pokémon Some things, and some preparations for fishing, Lucario is also familiar with.


The sharp claw pops out of the claw pad, and then cautiously takes out some Water Type Pokémon food and Pokéblock chopped up.

“Tattoo Tattoo…”

The paws retracted back to the paw pads, Lucario mixed the two piles of food and was happy He ran towards Liang Ren.

Lucario, Slowpoke…They all like to join in and help out when Liang Ren concentrates on doing something.

On the surface It just seems to increase Pokémon’s sense of participation. In fact, it increases Pokemon’s happiness.

“ao ao~” Lucario happily cried out in front of Liang Ren holding the shredded food.

“Autumn is the golden season of sea fishing in the year. In this season, saury, barracuda, and sea shad all grow very well. “

“Let’s see if the first shot is fish or Water Type Pokémon first. “Liang Ren took the shredded food handed by Lucario, and said briskly.

“ao ao~” Lie on the railing next to Liang Ren, Lucario’s tail happily swept in the air, squinting The eyes screamed.

Snivy next to him was also wrapped around the white-painted iron railing, watching intently at Liang Ren’s work, two Pokémons guarding him, one on the left and the other on the right.

“Feed the nest before fishing–“

“Go you~” Liang Ren sprinkled Lucario’s chopped food into the sea ahead.

After adjusting the buoy, shake it The bait is thrown to the area where the nest has just been laid.

Pokémon world is very rich in species resources, and fishing does not have to be the 2nd day of the first night.

Like Liang Ren, you can quickly attract fish and Water Type Pokémon by sprinkling some bait before throwing the hook. The bait rate is very high.

“Just wait quietly now. “Looking at the two Pokémon next to him, Liang Ren said cheerfully.

“ao ao~”

“si si ~”

Two Pokémon nodded , Next to Liang Ren, staring at the buoy on the sea intently.

Next to him, Mu Shan, Shinichi Kida, and Daisuke are all off.

Dragonair is in the sky with Mei Kayangma and Charizard play with them. Ninetales doesn’t like water, so it stays far away, lying on the four girls in the sun.

Kida Shinichi is following the sucker doll. Psychic Pokémon has a natural affinity.

After two days of getting along, the newly acquired sucker puppet has been very close to him.

On Daisuke’s side is Machoke. Seeing this guy whispering for a while and catching a large Pokémon, I can ask Machoke to help pull the bar and so on.

“Liang, I didn’t catch the fish after hitting the nest, can you do it! ! Daisuke suddenly turned his head and shouted towards Liang Ren.

“Why don’t you bet and see who gets on the’fish’ first and loses 50 push-ups.” “Liang Ren replied with a smirk.

“Okay~” Daisuke agreed without hesitation.

However, when he heard Daisuke’s words, he lay down on Liang Ren. Lucario on the side railing has a cute arc of mouth.

Because when Liang Ren made a bet, the buoy on the sea in front of him had already moved…

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