When Liang Ren made a bet, the buoy on the sea in front of him moved. Lucario bet Liang Ren discovered this.


Liang Ren tone barely fell, the buoy on the sea in front of him was dragged down suddenly, and the wooden shirt who saw this scene beside him couldn’t help showing a smirk. .

Among the four people in the dormitory, Liang Ren seems to be the most honest, but actually the most thief.

“V-boy, your father, I’m on the fish.” Liang Ren closed the line and suddenly lifted the rod, a silver white shadow burst out of the water.

“pa ta pa ta ……”

On the hook, a saury that is as long as a knife and has fine scales reflecting the silver light in the sun is struggling vigorously .

“V-boy, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose~” Liang Ren turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Daisuke, grinning with white jade-like teeth.

“Machoke-help me get it first.” Daisuke handed the fishing rod to the side Machoke, and Hoothoot crouched on the deck and started push-ups.

“Girls, I have grilled saury at noon.” Liang Ren took off the saury from the hook, turned and shouted at the four girls.


“I have a good food at noon~”

“The monitor is amazing~”

A few girls are also very good Said happily.

“Liang Ren Young Master, if you want to eat grilled saury at noon, I will pick it up and marinate it so that it won’t feel fishy when it is grilled.”

Steward, who was waiting on the side, asked the waiter to bring an ice basin and said.

“Okay~” Liang Ren handed the fish to the opponent, then turned around to start the fishing battle.

Because the four people threw the hooks in this small piece of Sea Territory, Liang Ren just gave him bait and hit the nest.

As Liang Ren got on the fish first, the other three quickly gained a lot, including fish and many Water Type Pokémon.

Of course, Magikarp is the most fished Water Type Pokémon.

However, because Daisuke was going to take a Magikarp to cultivate, everyone was not as depressed when they caught Magikarp.

Every one is caught on the deck, let Liang Ren help to identify, the Aptitude poorly developed Magikarp will be released, and the big and healthy ones will be the last candidate.

In addition to Magikarp, Staryu, Goldeen, Krabby, Tentacool…These Kanto Sea Territory common Water Type Pokémon have all been caught.

It’s Liang Ren who is under him. Today, I don’t know if his hand is bad or what’s going on.

Saury, barracuda, hexaline, sea shad, mackerel, mackerel, black sea bream…

He caught all kinds of sea fish that are easy to bite in autumn. After fighting for a few hours, a Water Type Pokémon has never been caught.

“Good boy, I’m not lucky. I just got hooked on some sea fishes. I didn’t catch a Water Type Pokémon.”

Started to bet and lose and did 50 push-ups. Fu Xiao hehe teased.

This made Liang Ren’s mood even more depressed. He vowed that he would not take his pole if he did not catch a Water Type Pokémon this morning.

“I still don’t believe it.” Take off a black sea bream and give it to Steward for disposal. Liang Ren flicks his pole to continue fighting.


I don’t know if Liang Ren’s determination had a counterproductive effect. In the next ten minutes, not only the Water Type Pokémon did not catch, but even the sea fish did not catch the bait. Up.

“Is luck so memorable? Does this indicate that I will not be able to shoot the “Air Blasting” Ability learning CD in the auction at night. “

Liang Ren murmured, and his mood became more and more depressed.

“ao ao~” Suddenly Lucario called out happily, pointing to the sea.

” ——I got the bait, I don’t know if it is a sea fish or a Water Type Pokémon. “

It took more than ten minutes before there was any movement, Liang Ren shouted in excitement.

“che, it must be a sea fish. “Daisuke said with a flat mouth.

“If it is a Water Type Pokémon, you do 100 push-ups. “Liang Ren emptied his eyes and glanced at Daisuke provocatively.

“Dasuke, you bet with him, I don’t believe he can catch Water Type Pokémon. “Mushang encourages him.

“Dasuke, don’t persuade you. “Kida Shinichi does not dislike the fact that the earth is fanning the flames next to him.

However, Daisuke, who had lost once before, is now very sensitive to the word bet. This time he was not fooled.

“Don’t want to pit me, you have to bet on your own. “Daisuke rolled the eyes said.



Liang Ren has already begun to take up the line, and the two of them hush While Daisuke turned his head to look at Liang Ren’s side.

Casey, Abe Rei…The four girls, hearing Liang Ren’s laughter on their side, couldn’t help but walk up. Come here.

“The strength is not small, it seems likely to be a Water Type Pokémon. “Liang Ren held the rod with his left hand, and turned the spool wheel with his right hand.

When he heard Liang Ren’s words, everyone was energetic. I don’t know what Water Type Pokémon Liang Ren will catch when he opens for the first time.


“Get up—” Liang Ren’s arm muscles contracted sharply, holding the Fishing Rod, and suddenly lifted up.

“oh la la ~” a blue silhouette burst out of the water and saw The Pokémon caught by Liang Ren was a little surprised.

“The squad leader was so lucky that he caught these rare Pokémons. “Yuan Shizuka opened her mouth and said.

The expressions of the other people were also full of surprise, “Horsea, this is a rare Pokémon.” “

“Fortunately, I didn’t bet with you, I almost got cheated again. “Daisuke patted his chest happily.

“Futuki, do you want to subdue this Horsea?” “Shimamura Weiyang watched as she let go of the fake bait and said to Horsea, who landed on the sea.

“Horsea is really rare, but it’s not the type I want to conquer. “Liang Ren turned his head and looked towards Lired girl with long straight hair.

“Why, do you like this Horsea? “

When I heard Liang Ren’s words, Weiyang Shimamura was honestly nodded.

“As an outdoor photographer, I sometimes need to shoot some Underwater scenes. I always wanted to win a Water Type. Pokémon. “

Liang Ren nodded: “It’s a waste of a rare Pokemon like Horsea to release it. In this case, let Weiyang take it. “

“Can you? “The girl is a little excited.

“Of course—”Liang Ren slightly smiled and said, getting away.

“Many thanks this time. “The girl is no more polite, after all, Horsea is going to leave no matter how polite.

“Horsea, come and fight with me, I want to subdue you. “

Walking to the position of Liang Ren just now, Weiyang Shimamura took out the baby ball and shouted to Horsea, who was looking at them on the sea.

“Hello~” Horsea’s small eyes were serious. Get up.

“Come out, Arcanine! ! “After Horsea’s consent was obtained, Shimamura Weiyang threw the baby ball in his hand.


The baby ball opened in the air with a black orange. A giant dog with stripes, abdomen, neck, and tail covered with fluffy flax hair fell on the deck lightly.

“Hello~” Shimamura Weiyo, this Arcanine is a threatening character, imposing manner When Horsea hit the sea, she froze with fright.

Miyo Shimamura did not give up this great opportunity to attack.

“Arcanine, use Swift. “


After Arcanine barked majesticly on the deck, a string of golden star darts moved towards Horsea.

Horsea Level is not high. Although Attribute has the upper hand, Pokémon with Arcanine level can’t suppress it at all.


Being hit by Swift head-on, get rid of fear After feeling emotional, he used the water gun to fight back, but Arcanine jumped and dodge easily.

Another string of Swift hits over, Horsea turned over and floated directly on the sea and fainted.

Shimura The baby ball thrown by Wei Young was in the middle of Horsea, not too Struggle, and finally succeeded.

“Congratulations, Wei Young, I won the second Pokémon. “

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