

A plentiful harvest in the morning.

Liang Ren not only caught a lot of sea fishes that were in the peak food period in autumn, but also caught a super rare Horsea.

For the main Water Type Pokémon, he already has a goal to subdue him, so Horsea is not at all to subdue it, but it is not bad for Shimamura Weiyang to subdue it.

Magikarp caught by Shinichi Kida and Mushan are all for Daisuke to choose.

Liang Ren helped check, and finally helped Daisuke conquer Magikarp, who were a lap larger than their counterparts and developed very well.

The fishing mission Perfection in the morning was completed, and everyone was enjoying a delicious lunch under the awning.

“Well~ this grilled saury is so delicious!!” Yuan Shizuka said with her eyes open while covering her cheeks.

“I like this grilled cumin.” Abe Rei picked up a grilled barracuda with cumin.

Fried, grilled with salt, honey sauce, cumin, grilled with salt…

Originally, the yacht had prepared ingredients, but Liang Ren caught too many sea fish in the morning. So everyone simply ate the marine fish caught by Liang Ren at noon.

“ao ao~”

Lucario, who was sitting next to Liang Ren, picked up a honey-glazed saury, shaking his head and eating happily.

“Beep Diao——۹(・༥・´)و̑”


But compared to Liang Ren they Most of the grilled fish on the table went into the belly of Slowpoke and Pidgeot.

After lunch, everyone lay leisurely on the yacht fly bridge, basking in the sun with the sea breeze.

The waves hua hua, seabirds gulls and gulls are so uncomfortable.

“Let’s play Dive.” After lying down for more than half an hour, Yuan Jingxiang suddenly got up from the recliner, and said pretty face excitedly to everyone.

“Okay, Dive equipment, surfboards, paragliders…all these on the yacht.” Chu Mushan said.

“I want to play paragliding~” Abe Rei raised her hand excitedly.



After I came out with a wooden sweater and told a lot of entertainment projects, everyone also followed their interests. select.

Daisuke and Weiyang Shimamura just took over a Water Type Pokémon this morning, and the two plan to take Pokémon to swim in the sea to cultivate their relationship.

The couple, Shinichi Kida and Rei Abe, chose to paraglider together.

Liang Ren, Chu Mushan, Yuan Shizuka and Casey were the last ones who chose Dive.

“Xiaobei, please come to you in a moment~” Liang Ren, who was wearing Dive equipment on the deck, said to Cloyster at his feet.

“Ticket~” Cloyster squinted nodded.

When he was in Asia and Mauville City before, he often accompanied Liang Ren to Dive in the sea.

The misty sea of ​​clouds can let people relax and relieve stress, and the blue sea also has the function of washing Purify’s mind.

“Lucario, are you ready?” Liang Ren asked after taking a look at Lucario.

Lucario is a human-shaped Pokémon, and the human Dive clothing is not abrupt on it.

“ao ao~ Ready!!” Lucario put the oxygen cylinder on his back, lifted his leg to try his fins, and exclaimed excitedly.

“Then let’s go into the water.”

The three of Gen Shizuka, who had put on their gear before them, were already impatiently going into the water.

Liang Ren spent some time waiting for Lucario. At this moment, I see Lucario has put on Dive equipment.


One person and one pet jumped directly from the front of the yacht, Cloyster follow closely from behind, Rapid Spin use, and his body turned into a white ball and fell into the sea.

“gu lu lu……”

Jumping into the sea, the sound of bubbles gu lu lu floating upwards in his ears, Liang Ren made a gesture towards Lucario.

One person and one pet lightly grabbed the two spikes on the Cloyster shell, without much need to swing the flippers, and one pet was taken by Cloyster to dive down.

The sun above shines through the sea water, and Liang Ren and Lucario, who commanded Cloyster to dive down continuously, enter a brand new world.

A world completely different from the sea. The sea is so beautiful and amazing.

Lucario, who played Dive for the first time, couldn’t help but look around with excitement, a group of magnificent fishes passing by, brightly colored corals.

There are also green seaweeds on the seabed, wagging continuously in the ocean currents.

Shellder, Cloyster, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Krabby, Goldeen, Magikarp, Mantine, Huntail, Gorebyss…

Various Wild Water Type Pokémon curiously looked at Liang Ren they.

Different from the strong offensive they showed when they encountered Wild Pokémon on the shore, at this moment these Wild Water Type Pokémon in the sea just looked at them curiously.

Mantine swam over his head, and a group of Wishiwashi passed by Liang Ren. This feeling is definitely not comparable to that of a thick glass in an aquarium.

Close contact with Wild Water Type Pokémon, accompanied by fish and coral, Liang Ren feels fuse together in harmony with nature.

An Xin…very peace of mind! !

Directing Cloyster to travel around Haiti, Liang Ren and Lucario were so happy that they forgot to find the source Shizuka who went into the water first.


In order for Liang Ren and Lucario to better appreciate the seabed Mew-like scenery, Cloyster slowed down the swimming speed.

Suddenly, it saw a little blue light flashing on the seabed below. Cloyster, who likes shiny things, immediately noticed the existence of this thing.

“gu lu gu lu ~” Liang Ren let out a bunch of bubbles questioningly.


Cloyster’s front icicle pointed at the seabed below, and then swam with Liang Ren and Lucario.

As the Cloyster dived and approached, Liang Ren also discovered the blue light protruding from the ash-gray mud on the seabed.

“A stone?” Liang Ren was puzzled.

After digging it out of the sea mud, Liang Ren discovered that it was an ordinary stone that was emitting blue light. At first he thought it was a treasure.

Liang Ren grabbed it and rinsed it in the sea again, and the clear water around him was all muddled by him.

Stones are not uncommon, like fragments of some stele.

Only two slabs are combined in size. There is even a missing corner in the upper left corner. The surface of the broken stele is engraved with some twisted ancient characters.

Liang Ren stretched out his hand to wash the mud on the stele. Only then did she find that it was the ancient text on the stele that was flashing blue just now.

However, most of the ancient characters on the stele are dim and non-luminous, and only a small part of the twisted ancient characters are still in blue light.

“Wait, this is!!!” Liang Ren thought of something, with a surprised expression on his face.

“gu lu gu lu…”

Lucario spit out a bunch of bubbles, looking at Liang Ren with a confused expression.

I don’t know why he had a disappointed expression just now, and why he suddenly became surprised again.

Liang Ren didn’t explain anything, and he couldn’t explain to Lucario while biting his oxygen mouth.

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