“Sure enough–“

Liang Ren thought of communicating with the system backpack and took out a palm-size stone.


“gu lu lu~”

Cloyster and Lucario looked curiously at the stones in Liang Ren’s hands.

The left hand is holding the stone fragments dug out of the seabed silt just now, and on his right hand this is a corner of the stone he just took out of the system warehouse.

The two stones are of the same material. The ancient characters are engraved with twists and turns, and the ancient characters are covered with blue light.

Moreover, the corner of the stone that Liang Ren took out seems to be the incomplete corner of the stele in his left hand.

In the gaze of the two pets exploring, Liang Ren placed the corner of the right hand on the missing corner of the stele.

Get close to a pair, and the stone Liang Ren took out is the missing corner of the stele just dug out of the mud on the seabed.

“What the hell is this broken stone?”

Looking at the stone in his hand, Liang Ren was suspicious. He always felt that there was something unknown to the world. The big secret.

The glowing rune stone he just took out of the system warehouse was a day off from the Saffron City Psychic Sacrificial Celebration School last semester.

When he went out to play with his three roommates and the four girls in Casey’s dorm room, they walked away on Wonder Street and bought them at an antique stall.

According to the stall owner, this stone was accidentally discovered in a coastal site during a previous trip in Hoenn.

According to the other party’s research, this corner stone should be an alchemy product in the ancient civilization of the Water People, and the other party is not clear about its specific function.

It can make ordinary steles show miracles, and they will definitely not be ordinary things.

However, because there is only a small piece of the stele, Liang Ren later checked a lot of literature on the ancient water people in his spare time, and finally did not get any valuable information.

Last semester, the study tasks were very heavy, coupled with the need to help Pokémon do training and leave to go out for experience, exploring the secrets of this corner of gravel was finally over.

Just didn’t expect to take Pokémon to play Dive this time, and let him find a bigger monument.

“What is the secret of this stele?” Liang Ren spliced ​​the two steles together.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly emerged.


The two stones in his hand that were spliced ​​together by Liang Ren violently Earthquake moved, and the twisted ancient characters on the two tablets suddenly released dazzling Blu-ray.

The two steles were taken out of Liang Ren’s hands at the same time, and then Levitate was in the sea in front of Liang Ren.


At this time, Liang Ren found that the surrounding calm ocean current had changed and became extremely active, as if attracted by some strange force.

“What is this!!!” Liang Ren, who retreated with Cloyster and Lucario, suddenly heard a strange flowing sound in his ear.

Then he found one after another slender blue filaments suddenly appeared in the clear water.

These blue filaments seem to be formed out of thin air. In Liang Ren’s curious eyes, these blue filaments flocked to the stone held by Levitate in front of Liang Ren.

The ancient text on the big stele and the dim text on the small corner stone seems to be supplemented by power at this moment, and the text becomes brighter.

The thing that surprised Liang Ren is yet to come.

Two steles of Levitate large and small in the sea water, after absorbing the blue filament, suddenly spliced ​​together.

The original fracture was repaired, as if it had never been fractured, and there was no trace.


Levitate, a small half stele spliced ​​into one piece. In the sea, the twisted and twisted ancient characters on the surface of the stele glowed with blue light.

Bzz Bzz shook after the restoration of the stele was completed.

The blue filaments still growing around disappeared instantly, and the gurgling sound that Liang Ren heard in his ears disappeared.

The Levitate stele was silent in the sea, as if the scene that Liang Ren saw just now had never happened.

But the front is already spliced ​​together, and the restored steles all remind Liang Ren that what happened just now is not his dizziness.

“What the hell is this stele?” Liang Ren reached out to take the stele, and asked the question that was asked in his heart again.


“gu lu lu ……”

The two Pokémon looked at each other, no one can give Liang The answer to Ren’s question.

The small half of the stele was collected into the system warehouse, and the sea was quiet again.


——Hoenn · mysterious sea cave——

To the east of Slateport City, south of Lilycove City, and west of Sootopolis City.

In the endless ocean, a mysterious sea cave is located in the deep seabed, in the center of a clear pool.

A five-meter-long whale statue with huge pectoral fins was shaped like a whale statue. When Liang Ren took out two steles to undergo strange mutations.

“ka-cha ——”

In the sea cave pool of the whale statue eye socket, ka-cha cracked a small gap, revealing a bright yellow eyeball.


——Johto ·Whirl Islands ——

In the turbulent seabed ocean current, a big white bird is flapping its wings unconsciously, Drifting with the ocean currents with closed eyes.

Just when the mutation occurred on Liang Ren’s side, blue filaments were drawn from the sea to repair the stele.

The big white bird suddenly opened its eyes in the ocean current.

“Who is extracting the spirit of the sea.” The big white bird cocked his head and let out a long ethereal Growl.

Although relying on the god of the sea, I noticed the abnormality.

But because it was only a short moment, Lugia could barely feel that it was on the west side of Johto Whirl Islands and the sea south of Kanto Vermilion City.

The essence of the sea is the essence of the sea. It is the infinite life that relies on the sea to feed back and support the sea.

The essence of the sea is very important to the sea. If the essence of the sea is severely lost, the sea will become a sea of ​​death where fish and shrimp are unhappy.

Of course, if it’s just a little bit, the huge ecological system of the ocean will soon be restored to Help.

Looking up, seeing that the spirit of the sea has not been lost, Lugia’s tight string gradually relaxes.

Close your eyes and drift with the ocean currents all over the world again.




“Liang Ren, where did you go? We are looking for you for a long time.”

Just put the stele into the system warehouse, Mu Shan, Yuan Shizuka, and Casey came out from the direction of the coral cluster on the right, swinging their fins.

“I just saw a rare Water Type Pokémon, and it slipped away.” Seeing the wooden sweater, they asked worriedly, Liang Ren not at all told the three of what had just happened.

This is not a question of believing or not, he just thinks that the secret this thing is that the less people know the better.

“Okay.” Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, the three of them walked away excitedly after they were OK.

Liang Ren did not follow immediately, but turned to look at side Lucario.

“gu lu gu lu…”

Lucario shook the head, it used Aura to perceive it, and the surrounding area was not at all other stone pieces.

“Okay.” Liang Ren nodded, not too disappointed in his heart.


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