“hua hua ……”

“Gull gull……”

The tide rises and falls, and the white waves are dyed orange and Yellow by the setting sun, and they hit the wall of the port embankment to change Make a pool of broken gold.

Wingull is facing the evening breeze in the bay port, and flies effortlessly in the evening glow with its wings spread out.

On the Red Sea, the setting sun is like a brightly browned naan, falling little by little under the watchful eyes of the tourists in the harbor.

“The sunset in Vermilion City is so beautiful. It is worthy of being one of the eight scenic spots in Kanto.”

Blowing the sea breeze, listening to the tide, and watching the sunset, even if it looks like Liang People like Ren who are not very literary can’t help but exclaim.

“I thought that Shizuka was already able to go shopping, didn’t expect the last one to come out of the boat song market was you.”

“Liang Ren, you make me very Surprised!!” On the pier, Weiyang Shimamura, who was taking pictures with a camera, turned his head and said to Liang Ren.

Liang Ren had two major events this year. Therefore, Weiyang Shimamura, who always liked to hold back with him before, suddenly became more gentle.

In the morning, Liang Ren let her a Horsea to subdue her.

At this moment, seeing Liang Ren for more than 30 minutes, this girl with long straight hair just spit out a little.

“Sorry, I will go home tomorrow before I go on a trip, so I just picked two Presents for my family by the way.”

Liang Ren scratched his head, somewhat sorry. Said.

“That’s right, forget it~ Anyway, the Port Landing Drought movie I want to shoot has been taken.”

Shimura Weiyang put one hand on the camera stand, one Cover your forehead with one hand.

Looking at the beautiful sunset in the distance, the girl squinted her eyes and her face was full of happy and contented expressions.

“The picture has been taken.” Liang Ren glanced at the increasing number of tourists in the port, and a clear comprehension flashed across Liang Ren’s face.

“By the way, Weiyang, can you help me and Pokémon take some photos? Such a beautiful sunset, if you don’t take pictures, it would be a waste.”

” Hmm… okay.” The girl didn’t expect Liang Ren to ask her to help take pictures, so she readily agreed after thinking about it.

“Ang——Why didn’t we think about it just now, no~Weiyang, we want to shoot.”


“… “

“Okay, I will take a picture for Liang Ren first and then for everyone, how about we take a group photo together?”


< p>“Okay—”


Gen Shizuka and the three girls, as well as Kida Shin replied in unison, but there is no Mushan and Daisuke. Too high enthusiasm, but these two people did not refuse.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, come out.” Seeing everyone stepped back to make room for him, Liang Ren also released Pidgeot Cloyster from the baby ball.


With hands in his pockets, Snivy squats on Liang Ren’s shoulders


With a smile on his face, he hugs in his arms With Slowpoke, Little Brat also matched a scissor hand with a small claw.


Lucario stood in front of Liang Ren, and he was strangled affectionately Its neck, one person and one dog, grinning with a hearty smile


Liang Ren’s upright body stands upright, beautiful and beautiful like an ice sculpture artwork of Cloyster Standing next to him


The huge Pidgeot stands behind Liang Ren like a background wall, with the bird’s head lowered, and sticks out from Liang Ren’s shoulder



The five Pokémons, one by one, took a photo one by one, and finally Liang Ren and the five Pokémon took another photo together.

Liang Ren fixed the friendship between him and Pidgeot in the most beautiful scenery of Vermilion City and became a good memory for each other in the future.

Liang Ren finished filming with Pokémon here, and others followed suit and released all Pokémon to take pictures together.

In the end, Liang Ren, Daisuke, Demu Shan, Kida Shinichi, Casey, Rei Abe, Yuan Shizuka, Shimamura Miyo.

Four teenagers and four young girls also took a group photo with the sunset over the Red Sea in the port.

With the ebbing of time, no one knows what the future will be like. After graduation, they went their separate ways. A few years later things have remained the same, but people have changed.

But at this moment, everyone’s classmate friendship is shining like a beautiful sunset.


Looking at each other and smiling, the youngsters’ hearty laughter and the girl’s silver bell-like laughter drifted in the harbor evening breeze.

At this time, a melodious boat song faintly came from the direction of the boat song market in the rear.


Face the tide and throw the harpoon in the face of the blazing sun

Hey! !


On the tip of the waves, light up the walls

Hey! !


Go back to Poliwhirl, put away the gillnet

Hey! !


The melodious boat song came from the direction of the boat song market, and the tourists watching the sunset on the port and dock turned their heads to listen.

The pace of life in a metropolis is very fast, and what is behind the bustle and bustle is an inescapable sense of anxiety.

No matter what age and occupation, all people surrounded by this seem to be urged to work, making people afraid to relax for a moment, and at the same time always happy does not raise.

At this moment, when the stall song came from the direction of the boat song market, the expressions of tourists watching the sunset at the port suddenly relaxed.

The plumes and impetuousness accumulated in metropolitan life are unconsciously washed away.

Higher education, employment, ideals, bread…, the complex and dazzling scenes, it seems like time has stagnated at this moment.


Come on and fish, flock after flock of sardines

There are still a lot of fish, the sun laughed

Hey call out! !


Come on, let’s hear it

Hey! !

I heard it, Harpoon and Ballad~


The melodious boat song brings the time and peace, and the old history emerges The fresh waves hit everyone.

Relax and heal…

Just now, I was noisy at Uproar’s noisy port and dock. At this moment, apart from the melodious boat song, I can only hear the low sea breeze, the tide hua hua and Wingull. Ou Ming.



Until two deep but loud horns sounded, the tourists on the harbor This came back to his senses.

Looking for fame, it was a Slowpoke with Levitate in the air and a Lucario that sounded the snails.

“Stupid, Xiaolu~” Liang Ren also came back to his senses.

“Ah!!!!” Slowpoke took off the snail in his mouth, opened his mouth and sent out a Hyper Voice in the direction of the sea.

The sound was layered on top of each other like a tide, and the waves were higher than the waves. Several Wingulls soaring in the wind were taken aback.

“This is~” Liang Ren called up the Attribute panel and took a look. Sure enough, there was a new ability called “Round” in the Ability pool.

“ao 嗷!!!” When Liang Ren was stunned, Lucario moved towards the sea roaring out of sound waves like Slowpoke.

Switch to the Lucario Attribute panel, and sure enough, the Ability “Round” has been added to the Ability pool like Slowpoke.

“Lucario has also realized the “Round” Ability, this~” Liang Ren’s expression was a little surprised.

“Slowpoke and Lucario are they? They looked towards Liang Ren with some worry. “Just now I heard the boat song on the market side, Slowpoke and Lucario realized the new Ability “Round” on their own. “

Seeing the worry on the face of his companion next to him, Liang Ren’s expression is somewhat weirdly replied.

“Fuck, that’s OK~” Daisuke said with a look of envy. Liang Ren’s answer was similar to that of others.

“hehe……” Liang Ren laughed.

Listening to the fishermen singing a boat song in unison, I realized the “Round” Ability. Such innate talent is indeed enviable.

But Daisuke and the others have nothing to do with envy, this can’t be learned.

Species Strength 620Illusory Beast level Slowpoke, Species Strength 600Quasi-Legendary level Lucario’s innate talent is not cracking a joke.

“Let’s go to the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild. The auction is about to begin.” Liang Ren reminded.

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