Slowpoke and Lucario realized that the new Ability was just a small episode.

Hey playing for a whole day, Liang Ren has not forgotten the purpose of coming to Vermilion City today.

Sonic Ability “Round” is really cherished, because it is a range attack, it is also quite practical in battle, but compared with “air blasting”, it is not an order of magnitude.

Although he said on the high-speed rail that he said,’After all, it’s just an ability,’ but in fact he really values ​​this ability very much.

“After all, it is the exclusive Unique Ability of Lugia, the god of the sea!!!” Liang Ren exclaimed in his heart.

If he can learn “air blasting”, he has no doubt that Pidgeot’s strength will be greatly enhanced.

Everyone left the port, and the steward who was called out of the wooden shirt in the morning had been waiting for a long time.

The Black extended limousine parked beside him makes every passing tourist unable to help but cast envy.

“Dear Young Master and Young Lady, the auction is about to start, I will send you over.” Steward said in a humble manner.

“Uncle Fu, trouble you.” Chu Mushan said.

“This is what I should do.” Steward, named Uncle Fu, helped them open the car door and said.


After getting in the car, Yuan Shizuka leaned on Abe Rei lazily, enjoying the grapes that the other party fed.

“I hope there will be something I am interested in at the auction tonight.” Yuan Shizuka took Abe Rei’s arm, her face full of expectation.

Vermilion City Bounty Hunter’s Guild is located in the city center, click on the electronic map, it is a very grand building.

“Bounty Hunter’s Guild holds the auction, although ordinary persons can also be invited to participate, but the overwhelming majority lot is aimed at Pokémon professionals.”

Young Master explained with a confident smile on his face holding a glass of champagne from the tray with his legs folded.

“If it was in the past, the auction items on the Hunter’s Guild bounty may not have too many real good things.”

“But this time because of the finale “air blasting The Ability learner has attracted too much attention, and the auction held tonight by the Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild also produced a lot of good things. “

“Get your wallet ready in a while, look forward to it. “The wooden shirt took a sip of champagne.

As night falls and the lights are beginning to shine, Vermilion City is also showing the charm of its first-tier cities at this moment.

In the north of the central part of Vermilion City, a huge building in an imposing manner is located there. This is the Vermilion City Bounty Hunter’s Guild.

At this moment, looking down from the sky, the huge bounty Hunter’s Guild all around, there are dozens of people coming along the street to the bounty Hunter’s Guild.

Liang Ren The Black extended limousine they took is parked outside the bounty Hunter’s Guild, and one is in charge of receiving The staff greeted us enthusiastically.

“Are there any invitation letters? “Although the staff in charge of welcoming guests is very enthusiastic, they have not forgotten their responsibilities.


Liang Ren and Demushan nodded, each took out their own Invitation letter, Liang Ren’s VIP invitation letter allows him to sit on the second floor of the auction.

The wooden sweater is the VIP invitation letter. You can have your own box, so you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by someone who wants to bid. Coveted.

“Okay, a few distinguished guests, please come with me—”

Seeing the invitation letter presented by Liang Ren and Chu Mushan, the welcome staff did not Dare to neglect.

Daisuke and the others do not have an invitation letter, but he is a VIP guest of Mega in Mushan, and he is not too much to bring some accompanying friends.

“Okay. “Out of the wooden shirt nodded, everyone followed the welcoming staff towards the auction site.

Pass through the hall where Bounty Hunter usually picks up the task, continue to walk through a long passage and arrive at a gold and jade in glorious splendor.

The auction hall is very large, even more magnificent than what Liang Ren had seen on TV before.

all around the walls are inlaid with unknown The golden stone and crystal stone form a magnificent pattern, which looks very luxurious but not vulgar.

In such an auction hall, whether you have money or not, you will always give people a kind of The illusion of the millionaires seems to be in line with their identity.

“Dear guests, your box is here. “The female welcoming staff wearing thin silk skirts twisted their waists and walked ahead to continue to lead the crowd.

This auction house, which has a similar internal structure to the People’s Conference Hall, started from the auction booth. The center is fanned out.

On the first floor, there are rows of ordinary seats, and the seats on the front protruding platform on the second floor are where Liang Ren holds VIP invitation guests.

The box with the least number and the most distinguished guest status is on the third floor facing the row of auction booths below.

Counting from left to right, there are only twenty in total in a row. A box, Liang Ren and the others are arranged in box 10.

Push the door and enter, the box is not too big.

Several sets of sofas, one with refreshments and fruits There are some abstract paintings of Pokémon hanging on the wooden coffee table and all around the walls.

Up ahead of the box, there is a floor-to-ceiling glass wall, and the bright line of sight is directly facing the auction table below.


“A few of you can tell me what you need during the auction, I’m just outside the box. “

She is not the only welcoming staff member. Everyone is in charge of a private room.

Mushang said: “Okay. “

Waiting for the welcoming Young Lady to walk out and bring the door, Daisuke and the others slumped on the sofa, tilted their legs and waited for the auction to start.

“Oh~Rock Dai Old Brother, I knew you would come. “At this time, a bold and hearty voice came from the aisle of the box.

“Makishi, you fellow are also here, you Electric Type Gym Leader will not compete with me for “Air Blasting” Ability. Learner. “

It is a thin middle-aged man with a short cape and a goatee on his chin.

“As a Flying Gym Leader, I know that Old Brother, you are very concerned about “Air Blast” Ability. The learner is inevitable, and my goal tonight is the Light Ball. “

In the aisle covered with luxurious carpets, Maqishi hugged a thin middle-aged man named Yandai, and walked forward to the private room side by side.

“Some time ago I I took the initiative to visit the master Kusumoto, who made the “Air Blast” Ability learning device, and proposed to buy Air BlastTM, but was declined. “

“The other party insists on getting it for auction. I can’t help it. I can only blow my blood tonight. “

The middle-aged goatee is sighed, and the breeder is a sweet pastry in the circle of trainers. Although Yandai is not happy, he does not want to offend the other party in words.

“haha… …Friends in the circle know that you are bound to win the “Air Blasting” Ability learner, and believe that they will sell you this face and will not compete with you. “

Makishi laughed heartily, and the two entered a box not far from Liang Ren.

The sound in the aisle disappeared, and everyone in the 10th box looked at each other. At a glance, they knew that Liang Ren’s first major competition opponent had appeared tonight.

“Flying Gym Leader Yandai, didn’t expect that he also wanted to bid for the “Air Blast” Ability learner. “

“Flying Gym in Girl Town is remote, but as a veteran gym in Kanto Region, if he wants to compete…”

Gym Leader is in the Pokémon trainer circle A very important person.

Competing with each other does not mean that you can’t fight hard. From the perspective of Yan Dai’s certainty, Liang Ren may offend the other when competing with each other.


Flying Gym Leader Yandai is very small, and Vermilion City Electric Type Gym Leader is very rude to challengers. This is famous in the Kanto trainer circle.

Knowing that Liang Ren wants to compete with such a person for the “Air Blast” Ability learner, everyone in the box can’t help but worry about him.

“If you decide to bid with the other party, I can lend it to you if the money is not enough.” As a friend, Chu Mushan gave his attitude.

“So do we.” Shinichi Kida and Miyo Shimamura… They also expressed their views one after another.

“Everyone~” Seeing everyone in the private room, Liang Ren was very moved.

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