“…Brother Yandai, I have a showdown.” Ma Qishi, a robust man who looked burly and bold, adjusted his mood and sighed.

“Why?” The middle-aged goatee stretched the tunic, with a bad feeling in his heart.

“Usually I have to keep the Gym running, and I’m used to being big-handed, in fact, I only raised 5 million this time.”

Ma Qishi helped his forehead. , Pretending to be ashamed and hiding his face, said a number that surprised Yan Dai.

“Then I borrowed another 5 million from a friend, but the other party also came to participate in the auction.

“So it was agreed that if he had enough money after bidding for the evolution stone, he would Promised to lend me another 5 million. “Ma Qishi explained.

“That’s only 10 million. Just now you clearly said that your bid limit is 20 million~” Yandai asked with his mouth open.

“In fact, it is like this. “Light Ball” is a Hunter’s Guild self-operated product, and I am the Diamond Bounty Hunter of the guild, and I enjoy a 50% discount on self-operated products. “

“So I have 10 million capital, which can actually be used as 20 million. “

There is a competitive relationship between Gyms. Yandai refused to borrow money when he bid for Light Ball before. Now Macks is naturally unwilling to lend money to each other.


Being able to serve as the Gym Leader of a Gym, Mackey’s brain is not made of muscles.

The unwilling Yandai asked Mackey to lend him 10 million in his hand, Mackey He also made up that his friend’s money had not been transferred to him.

Hypocritically called and asked, but the friend just saw that Maqishi did not photograph the Light Ball, so he lent 5 million to another I need a friend.

“So you only have the 5 million you raised, right? “Yan Dai has the urge to curse.

But now that he asks for him, Yan Dai can only hold back.

“Yes~” Ma Qishi pretended to be very Looks ashamed.

In fact, he was already laughing in his heart. Borrowing money from friends is fake, and the identity of the diamond Bounty Hunter is fake.

He is here this time He had 20 million with him, but he didn’t borrow it. He just wanted this old goat to not be able to shoot the air blast as he wanted.


“35 million——” Received 5 million from Mackis to continue bidding, but when the price reached the final limit, Yandai was even more nervous than before.

“37 million–” In the private room 10 on the left, Liang Ren Continue to increase the price without blinking.

His limit is his total net worth, which is 53.2 million. If the price of the Air Blast Ability learner exceeds this line, Liang Ren will give up.


If he does not reach this tolerance limit, he will not give up.

After all, with his current strength and popularity, the speed of making money is much faster than before.

“Damn kid. “I heard Liang Ren bid again, and Yandai in Box 6 hated gnash the teeth.

“Are there any higher bids? This is the exclusive Unique Ability “Air Blast” of the legendary sea god Lugia.

“If Pokémon can master the above Ability, then the strength will be greatly improved.”

“…” On the auction stage, the old man in the toga kept talking Dial Iwadai in Box 6.

The competition of “air blasting” Ability learner——-

Behind is basically the talented youngster in room 10 who was ordered to pay more attention to it, and room 6 Flying Gym Leader Yandai.

Currently the price is raised to 37 million by Liang Ren. If Yandai does not continue to bid, it is basically certain that “air blasting” will fall into Liang Ren’s pocket.

“Damn it.” Yandai was so angry that he missed Stomping Tantrum in the 6th room.

Although as the Gym Leader of a Gym under the Alliance, 37 million is a very large amount for him.

I thought I was going to be the best, but didn’t expect was finally beaten by a young junior.

“Is there really no one offering a price higher than 37 million yuan?” The old man in the toga asked again.

“37 million one time, 37 million two times, 37 million three times, bang!!! The deal.”

“Congratulations to the VIPs in Box 10, who won the auction for 37 million Master Kusumoto’s proud work “Air Blast” Ability Learning Device. “

“The staff will deliver the lot to you soon. “Seeing that Yandai was unable to bid any more, the old man in the toga decisively announced the final result.

Although he hopes that someone will pay a higher price so that he can earn more commissions.< /p>

But he didn’t dare to do too much. Although the age of box 10 was young, his strength should not be underestimated.

“This damn kid. “

In the No. 6 private room, after Auctioneer announced the final ownership of “Air Blasting”, Yandai lay a little weak on the sofa.

“Forget it~Brother Yandai, I lost my life. I can’t ask for many things.” Seeing Yandai furious and frantic, Ma Qishi pretended to enlighten him calmly.

Yan Dai did not succeed in photographing the “Air Blasting” Ability learning device, Ma Qishi was quite happy.

“Which family is Young Master, who has so much money.” Yan Dai was very unwilling.

Tonight’s auction, Box 10 is the most eye-catching presence.

There are very few bids before, but the first shot must be thunderbolt.

Not only “Black and White Flute, Light Ball, Spell Tag”, and finally even the finale “Air Blast” was also included in the bag.

Together before and after, this is so rich in financial resources, even if Yan Daixin is unwilling, he can’t help but secretly gossip.

“Indeed.” Ma Qishi echoed.

Although he was stigmatizing it, in the end Yandai failed to take pictures of the air blast, which made Mackishi secretly refreshed.

But when I remembered that the Light Ball he was thinking of was also taken away by the other party, March felt very depressed in his heart.

“Go, let’s see who the kid is competing with us.” Yandai got up and moved towards and walked outside the box.

After “Air Blasting” was sold by Liang Ren for 37 million yuan, Auctioneer below also announced that the auction tonight has officially ended.

The previous female staff sent the “Air Blast” Ability learning device to the private room. This time Liang Ren did not receive a 30% discount.

The staff swept away 37 million yuan, Liang Ren did not feel too distressed.

Although the price of 37 million yuan has exceeded the actual value of “Pseudo Air Blasting”, it is still within his tolerance.

The price is already lower than he expected, and he has 16.2 million left on his card. For the time being, he hasn’t said that after spending a lot of money on auction, he will return to the liberation.



“Congratulations, Liang Ren——” See Liang Ren got what he wanted to photograph “Air Blast “Ability learner, and the few out of wooden sweaters are happy for him.

“Hey~Liang Ren, your Pidgeot will definitely increase in strength after learning air blasting. If I want to surpass it, it will be even more difficult.”

Daisuke congratulated him happily, like The Sichuan opera has changed his face, and his expression has become particularly depressed.

“haha~then you have to come on!!”

After putting the “Air Blasting” Ability learner into the system backpack, after checking that it can be used, Liang Ren Also said cheerfully.

As a transmigrator, he has an advantage over Daisuke in terms of vision and cognition.

With cheat, if Daisuke wants to surpass him, it is absolutely…impossible.

This autumn auction, Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild great generosity, took three Pokemon Items out for auction.

Apart from this, there are many treasures that are hard to find on the market.

At the end of the auction, the trainers leave the field, and the trainers who have successfully photographed what they need will look beaming.

The trainer who has not photographed anything has witnessed the auction after auction, with a satisfied smile on his face.

A young man in the 10 private room will share three precious Pokémon Items: Black and White Flute, Light Ball, and Spell Tag.

And the air blasting Ability learner was all included in the bag, which also made the trainers who left the field talk about it.

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