“Let’s go, too.” Through the glass wall, Liang Ren and the others got up and walked out after seeing that the flow of people outside the passageway had decreased.

There was no congestion, but I saw two people who had been waiting for a long time.

Iwadai, the Gym Leader of Flying Gym, and Ma Qishi, the Gym Leader of the Electrical Department of Vermilion City.

Bounty Hunter’s Guild is a very big power, no one dares to make trouble here.

Yan Dai and Makishi not at all stepped forward to stop them from provocative threats. Everything on the auction floor was to speak with financial resources. It would be disgusting to use power to suppress others.

Moreover, they can bid for nearly 100 million yuan. Such a person’s background identity is definitely not small, and Marches and the others are still somewhat dreaded.


Seeing Yandai and Makishi not at all came to trouble them, Liang Ren also smiled politely and nodded to each other.

Then Liang Ren and their entire group left.

“It turned out to be him!!” Looking at the back of Liang Ren and them leaving, Yan Dai looked a little surprised.

“Isn’t this kid an ordinary commoner family? Why is he so rich.” The moment he saw the daoist, March also recognized Liang Ren’s identity.

Except for most recently Liang Ren, he is very famous in the Kanto trainer circle.

The two Gym Leaders Ma Qishi and Yandai can remember, mainly because the Indigo Alliance attaches great importance to him.

An ordinary commoner family unexpectedly produced two Mega geniuses. For the two brother Indigo Alliance, it can be said that they are trying their best to win.



“Huh~ I thought Yandai and Ma Qishi would come over to trouble us?”

< p>After leaving Hunter’s Guild, I got in the waiting car arranged by Steward Fu, Yuan Jingxiang said with a sigh of relief.

“As a Gym Leader, Marches and the others still have this vision, and in the bounty Hunter’s Guild, they dare not embarrass us.”

Laughed said that his family is very important in Kanto, and his mother is from the Long Family of Johto Blackthorn City.

The characters like Yan Dai and Ma Qishi did not care too much about the wooden sweater.

The Black extended limousine stopped at the Intercontinental Hotel in Vermilion City, and the people who had been playing for a day directly found the reserved room to rest.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, Lucario, Snivy, everyone, please come out.” Back to the hotel room, Liang Ren released a few Pokémon.

“Let’s go home tomorrow morning and head directly to Pewter City Mt. Moon in the afternoon.”

Looking at a few Pokémon, Liang Ren smiled and said.

“Beep Diao~”


“ao ao~”

“si si ——”< /p>

Pidgeot None of them are the masters of peace. After staying at school half a month, they are also eager to travel and experience.

When Liang Ren was in school, they also ate in the cafeteria, and only when they were traveling did they taste Liang Ren’s cooking skills.

Of course, there is another reason. After going out for a period of time, their strength will increase substantially.

For Pidgeot, increasing their strength will make them feel very satisfied and fulfilled.

I helped Pidgeot, Cloyster, Snivy do some body cleaning, and then Liang Ren took Lucario and Slowpoke to take a shower together.


In the living room, Lucario and Pidgeot are back to back, Pidgeot is listening to music with headphones, and Lucario is playing games.

The two girls, Cloyster and Snivy, are sitting on the sofa watching idol dramas.

Vest, shorts, slippers, holding Slowpoke open the floor-to-ceiling windows to the independent small balcony outside the room to blow the air.

The bright moon high above the sky drew a cloud to cover her shining body.

The night view of Vermilion City is very beautiful, a winding coastline, one side is the dazzling lights of the city, and the other side is the dark sea.

The sea breeze blew the palm trees on the coastline and made a hua hua sound, and the waves surged onto the beach and then receded.

Magikarp, who did not follow the race in the spring in the sea, seemed to have accumulated enough strength at this moment.


Magikarp jumped out of the dark sea with a string of crystal water droplets on his tail, and his whole body was exposed to the Moonlight.

The bulging belly is full of golden yellow fish roe.

“Brother Liang Ren, haven’t you rested yet?” When Liang Ren was in a trance, on the balcony of the next room, the girl who was also watching the scenery asked.

“It’s Casey~” Liang Ren turned his head to look, and it was Casey who was talking.

The girl also just took a shower, and she changed into yellow pajamas and she looked very relaxed leaning on the railing.

“I almost forgot. When shopping at the Boat Song Market in the afternoon, I picked a Present for you.” Liang Ren took out a small box from the system backpack.

Slowpoke fatty claws waved in her arms, and the small box floated smoothly towards the girl on the balcony next to her under the influence of Confusion.

“This is~” Casey opened the box, and the pretty face was immediately stained with red clouds, a bit shy in the joy and sweetness.

“I often asked you to help me when I was in school. Yesterday I was an endorsement for the Three Chinchilla Company. You helped me so much. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

Liang Ren looked at the girl on the balcony next door and said sincerely.

“I passed a shop that specializes in Pearl jewelry in the afternoon and found that this bracelet is very beautiful, so it’s my thanks.”

“You can’t refuse this time. “Yesterday Casey helped him get 4 million more endorsement fees as an agent.

When I went back, although Casey was cracking a joke, he asked the Boss to give her a bonus.

But Liang Ren really gave her a red envelope, but Casey didn’t accept it anymore, saying that he was just licking his lips and it was him who helped the other company’s endorsement.

That’s why Liang Ren thought of picking her a bracelet as a Present when visiting the Boat Song Market in the afternoon.

“A beautiful bracelet, I like it very much.” Casey happily took the bracelet out of the Present box and put it on.

She raised the Pearl bracelet on her wrist, and the girl’s smile was pure and beautiful: “I accept this Present, and I will cherish it.”

“…”< /p>


In the next room, Yuan Shizuka, who was blowing her hair after taking a shower, suddenly found Casey standing on the balcony next door.

“Who is Casey talking to?” Yuan Shizuka stretched out her head suspiciously to eavesdrop.

“The room next to Casey seems to be Liang Ren’s squad leader, right? I know that these two people are in the situation.”

“No, my gossip soul is about to burn. , I have to find two people to share it.”

Gen Shizuka wiped her hair with a bathrobe, threw the hair dryer away, and rushed towards the next room Abe Rei excitedly.


The sea breeze was blowing on the balcony, and I chatted with Liang Ren for a while. After both parties said goodnight, the girl returned to the room elated.

Looking at the Pearl bracelet on her wrist, and touching her hot cheek, a dull hair on the girl’s head trembled.

Too much ecstasy, the girl didn’t notice the slight bulge of the quilt on her bed, obviously hiding inside.

When she fell on the bed, the three girls who had been hiding in the quilt for a long time suddenly turned over and threw Casey down.

“Xiao Nizi, we have heard and seen everything just now, so we can’t do it now.”

“What, I don’t know what you are talking about “

“Sisters, give me torture~”


“Itchy, so itchy~Don’t scratch, I’ll call me Hired…”

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