“It’s this girl.”

The strong young man called Heiyou took a look at the photo in his hand, nodded said.

“You guys, go and bring this girl into the alley.”

The leading young man put his hands in the pockets of ripped jeans and said while chewing betel nuts.



The four people behind Heiyou, squeezed Poké Ball in their hands, moved towards the outside passing by Girl with twin ponytails walking away.

What the five of Heiyou didn’t know was that Mu Mu Lei had noticed their Malice since they appeared in the alley.

“Da Taozi has said hello to the bastards here in Celadon City. It stands to reason that there are who dare to trouble me.

“These guys… just came to Celadon City? “The girl looked down at the phone, a string of characters on the screen said that she was being stared at by the five gangsters at the alley.

Rotom is known as an electric ghost. In addition to electric attributes, it also Have Ghost Type.

Detective perception is like Ghost Pokémon’s innate ability. Rotom felt it as soon as the other party exposed Malice.

Summer vacation went with the second brother. After a trip to Hoenn, Rotom’s strength had reached LV.Level 25 when she came back.

With no other Pokémon in her hand, the girl devoted her entire mind to Rotom.

Now, her Rotom Level has reached Level 28, plus the innate talent that has electrical appliances and wires running through.

The girl looks weak in appearance, but in fact it is not easy to bully.

” Dare to hit this beautiful girl’s attention, for a while, I will make you all have to eat. “

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, the girl looking down at the phone shows a crafty smile like Little Demoness.


< p>“Aber Snake~”



“Trubbish ~”

Heiyou and the others received money from others and would never give up this so-called lesson mission.

When the girl passed the alley, the four of them suddenly rushed out and released Pokémon to surround her.


“Who are you? What do you want to do early? “Mu Mu Lei screamed in horror.

Looking at Hooligan who suddenly rushed out of the alley, and the four Pokémon that surrounded her, the girl casually raised her hand.

The one she wore on her left wrist was the Birthday Present given to her by Kuroki on her 13th birthday a while ago.

A “battle bracelet” that can detect Pokémon Level below 50 .




< p>——LV.11———

The bracelets were swept over one by one inadvertently, and the girl immediately understood the strength levels of Arbor, Zubat, Koffing, and Trubbish.

“Don’t come here~”

After knowing that the other party is just a group of weak chickens with no strength, the girl played more vigorously, and even squeezed tears in her eyes.

“Smelly girl, then call Believing or Not, I will block your mouth.”

The long-haired feminine young man with triangular eyes with arbor snake said harsh words and stern looks .

“That is, follow us into the alley obediently, otherwise we will not have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.”

“Wahhiss~”< /p>

Koffing by Levitate beside Hooligan also showed a wretched smile.

“I~ I’ll just go with you.” The girl said weakly.

Seeing Mu Mu Lei’s face is full of fear of them, the four Hooligans showed a triumphant expression.

“Hurry up~”

Zubat’s trainer behind, roared fiercely.

Mu Mu Lei did not resist, and obediently followed the four Hooligan into the nearby alley.

“What the hell are you doing, I… I have no money on my body.”

Walking into the alley, slightly raised his head and glanced at the floral arm tattoo, wearing ripped jeans and white print skull youth in a black vest.

Mu Mu Lei pretended to be trembling in her voice and said in fear.

“Our Skeleton Team won’t rob you of a little girl like you.” The Flower Arm Youth named Heiyou said disdainfully.

“Then what do you want to do?” Mu Mu Lei asked with interest on her little face, no longer acting.

Heiyou didn’t reply immediately, but twisted his neck, showing a smirk.

“Someone in your school can’t understand you, so please come over and teach you a lesson.”

Heiyou spoke while taking a note from his pocket, and soon After reading the above content.

“Someone in the school can’t understand me, and then ask you to teach me?” Mu Mulei couldn’t help but stunned when he heard Heiyou’s words.

In the Celadon City Primary Rank school, her elder brother Taoya covered her before, and the second brother Liang Ren protected her.

In addition to her usual bad appearance, no one dared to provoke her.

Mu Mulei couldn’t help but think again, this is a student who has to be’how good’, that would allow such a few weak chickens Hooligan to trouble her.

“Okay~ Our Skeleton Team has collected money from each other, so we have to help do things.”

“Let us teach your girl, just let us give you a colorful pencil Draw a big painted face, then take a few photos with your mobile phone and send it over.”

Heiyou picked up the pink paper sticker just now, looked at it a little entangledly, and took out one from his pocket. Yan Cai pen.

“Wait… You just said that the group of miscellaneous fishes asked you to come and teach me is a girl.

“And the content of the lesson is just to give me a flower Make a big face and take a picture? “Mu Mu Lei’s expression is a bit dumb.

What kind of lesson is this, that girl is too innocent, shouldn’t it be a threat of cutting her hair, cutting her face with a knife, and then taking fruit photos?

“Smelly girl, who do you look down on, dare to say that we are trash fish. “Heiyou was irritated by Mu Mulei’s inadvertent sentence.

The four expressions next to him are also very angry.

“Use a colorful brush to draw a face and then Taking pictures is not a lesson at all. According to me, I should just splash a bottle of sulfuric acid on the face and directly disfigured this stinky girl. “

Following the long-haired feminine triangular eyes of Aber Snake, the young man said full of Malice.

“Oh~” I was thinking about who asked someone to teach her Mu Mu Lei , Dragged a long ending.

lifts the head pushed the pink-blue glasses on the bridge of the nose, and took a deep look at the long-haired feminine young man.

“Smelly Girl, look at what you look at, then look carefully, I will dig out your eyeballs. “Triangular eyes frowned young man threatened.

“Satsuki~” Heiyou glanced at the feminine young man accusingly.

“I see. “Triangular eyes” The young man took Heisuke’s arm and answered complied docilely.

“Dosaka, Mu Village, you two hold this stinky girl, I’ll paint her, Xiaoyue, you remember Take pictures. “Heiyou walked over with a Yan Cai pen and said.


“Leave it to us. “

“Okay, Brother Heiyou~”

Several Hooligan harboring malicious intentions approached themselves, Mu Mulei was not at all scared on her face.

Instead, he stood on tiptoe and put his hands behind him, shook his cute ponytail, squinted his eyes and opened the mouth and said with a smile.

“Can I ask the last question? ? How much does that girl give you? “Mu Mu Lei is very curious.

Seeing that the girl was not scared and screamed, but instead asked them questions with a smile, Heiyu felt very surprised.

It was Trubbish next to me.

The fat trainer heard the girl’s problem and replied honestly.

“Seeing that we have five people, that girl gave us 50,000 yuan~” The fat guy said after thinking about it.


“50 thousand yuan, it really is a little Bai who knows nothing, please Hooligan like you. “

Mu Mu Lei twisted her neck and made a crackle of bones. There was a little demoness-like smile on her face.

“If it was me— I will not give you a hundred dollars. “Mu Mulei said.

“Smelly girl, today you are dead, you see I will not tear your mouth. “The feminine youth next to Heiyou shivered with anger.

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