“Tear my mouth? I’m still tearing your beta—”

Mu Mu Lei rolled her eyes and didn’t wait for a few Hooligans around to react, she directly Pull out the phone with the Yellow Pikachu phone case from his pocket.

“Xiao Luo, use Thunder Wave.” Mu Mu Lei ordered.

“Rotto ~”

Rotom’s body separated from the phone, and his hand formed by the condensation of the electric ion beam was shaken.


Nine slender currents ejected and instantly hit five and four Pokémon.

“Ah!!!” The muscles twitched sorely, everyone screamed and fell directly to the ground.


“My hands are so numb…”

“My legs are so numb…”

The light is dim In the alley, several ferocious Hooligans all shrank or knelt or lay down on the ground.

“Bang——” Heiyou’s baby ball opened automatically, and a big fat mouse with yellowish brown fur came out.

“zhi zhi!!!” Seeing the trainer being attacked, Raticate’s eyes flashed fiercely.

“Level 21?” The girl checked the Level data measured by the combat bracelet on her wrist, and her expression changed significantly not at all.

“You…you…” Seeing the girl burst into action, Heiyou knew that he had encountered stubble.

“Boo—” The girl didn’t reply, chewing on bubble gum and blowing a bubble.

Then he drew a short-handled baseball bat from his school bag in the fearful eyes of several Hooligan.

The shape of the baseball bat is very cute, pink, painted with Rotom, Pikachu, Thunder Pokemon… and many other Electric Type Pokémon patterns.

“Hypnosis.” Mu Mulei approached Heisuke carrying a baseball bat. Seeing Raticate showing signs of attack, she calmly turned towards Levitate’s Rotom ordered in midair.

“zhi zhi ——” The hypnotic brain waves were transmitted through eye contact. After Raticate called out zhi zhi in a panic, his body quickly collapsed and fainted.

“Smelly girl, you…what are you doing, don’t hurt me Heiyou brother.” Seeing Mu Mu Lei walking towards the young man with flowers arms, beside him, the young man with feminine triangular eyes elbows Struggle on the ground, Scolded.


Mu Mu Lei flicked his backhand, and the baseball bat she carried on her shoulder fiercely struck the feminine young man with triangular eyes on the face.

“Don’t make a noise, I’ll play with you later.”

Mu Mu Lei turned her head and smiled and glanced at the feminine youth with bleeding forehead, and then continued to walk towards Heiyou.

“Sorry, I…we shouldn’t trouble you.”

For the time being, the students of the Primary Rank Pokémon school who have not been allowed by the Alliance to hold Pokémon, even ignored the Alliance regulations. There is Pokémon.

A girl who looks lively and cute, she carries a baseball bat in her schoolbag at any time.

When hitting someone just now, her actions were flowing in one go. What made Heiyou feel scared was that the girl was smiling when she hit someone.

He was scared. He was deceived by the other’s cute appearance. The girl in front of him is definitely not a student of the ordinary Primary Rank Pokémon school.

“Okay~Don’t be so scared–

“Celadon City is once the top ten violent cities in Kanto Region. It’s messy here. With this guts, you How will you be here in the future? “

Mu Mu Lei carried the baseball bat and walked to Heiyou and squatted down, took out the phone and clicked on the payment code.

“The girl gave you 50,000 yuan .

“Well…then you should pay me 40,000. After all, I have to eat with four little brothers. I will save 10,000 for you.” Mu Mu Lei thought for a while and said.


Looking at the girl’s smile like an angel and a devil in front of her, Heiyou nodded sighed in relief.

Mu Mu Lei did not embarrass these Hooligans, after the 40,000 yuan was received.

Mu Mu Lei also just used a baseball bat to lick the face of the feminine young man who said that she should be destroyed by sulphuric acid.

He also hugged the blood-stained feminine young man affectionately. After taking a few photos with his mobile phone, he left with joy.

“Send these photos to the girl, and the 50,000 yuan she paid you is considered medical expenses.”

“The other party is Xiaobai, It Shouldn’t be embarrassing to you.” The girl put the baseball bat into her schoolbag, shook her cute double ponytail, and chewed on bubble gum and left the alley.



“Angel?” I just took the pink paper sign from the young man with a flower arm, and there are a few pictures on it. Pattern of funny faces.

The handwriting above Mu Mulei recognized at a glance the words of her classmate Lucius Angel.

Angel likes Kuroki, but Kuroki stays with her all day long, obviously because of jealousy and hatred.

The Lucius family married the Mushan family. Kuroki Miku is very likely to be Angel’s future husband. Kuroki told her about this before.

The last time Kuroki told her about this on her birthday, he officially confessed to her.

“Beep…Kachu~” Mu Mu Lei, who was thinking about something, was awakened by the soft cute Growl of Pikachu sent by her mobile phone.

It was a message sent to her by Kuroki who had arrived home.

“Little Lei Little Lei~Are you safe to get home? (Stay cute.jpg)”


Looking at the text messages on the phone , The girl sighed, her tender white finger touched the phone keyboard.

“I’m getting home soon, you should also help Teddiursa train as soon as possible, winter vacation can’t reach Level 20. Be careful I go to Unova without you.”

Look at the text message attached Mu Mu Lei showed a smile on her face, and then replied.

“Ang…Little Lei, you said that you will bring me when you reach Level 15, and you lied to me again (cry.jpg)”

“This time I promise Don’t lie to you, as long as your Teddiursa Level reaches Level 20 before the winter vacation, my second brother and sister-in-law will take you with you on our trip to Unova.”

“Well, not this time I’m about to change my mind again. In the summer, you go to Hoenn and tell me that you brought me back (you resentment.jpg)”

“This time I will definitely not regret it. If I regret it, let my boyfriend Drinking water will cause you to choke.”

“(Crying.jpg)” Mu Mulei’s message passed, but there was no movement from Heimu’s side, and it took a long time for him to make a little crying expression.

“Xiao Hei, how can you pull~” Mu Mu Lei asked after sending a message.

“Little Lei Little Lei, I choked on drinking water just now (crying.jpg)”

“pu chi ~” Mu Mu Lei smiled, but the text message was still sent : “Go away”

“ang ang ang ~Little Lei, you are fierce to me, you don’t love me anymore, you weren’t like this before (crying.jpg)”

Celadon In the second floor room of a single-family villa, a luxurious manor in East City.

On the luxurious big bed, he has short beige hair and looks like the boy who played the protagonist Fan Gao in last year’s popular animated film “Weather Children”.

Hold Teddiursa in one hand, and roll around on the bed with the phone in the other.

“Fuck off, this Miss loves my second brother forever.” The bus drove to Baihua Avenue in Beicheng.

Mulei, who was sitting near the window on the bus, took a seat for an old grandmother carrying vegetables.

I didn’t care about the old damn it and repeatedly thanked him, Mu Mulei quickly typed and responded.

“Little Lei, I also like Liang Ren second brother. He is not only handsome but also strong, much better than my brother (serious.jpg)”

“My second brother must be handsome and powerful, but if you say this, Yingcai will be very sad.”

“No…Little Lei, we are here at Liang Ren second brother Is there a common language on the topic (cute.jpg)”

“So you can’t leave me on the school trip next year (cry.jpg)”

“Okay, good La—Mu Mu doesn’t cry, I just take you.”


“Little Lei, I love you(* ̄3 ̄)╭♡”< /p>

“Mother loves you too (´ε`)~♡”



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