

The plain white bus with a rainbow pattern painted on the body, stopped at the bus stop at Baihualin Avenue , And then drove away.

The fallen leaves rolled on the asphalt road crash-bang in the evening wind to chase the leaving bus.

In late autumn, the sound of cicadas gradually ceased.

Getting off the bus, Mu Mulei saw the busy and familiar silhouette in the small courtyard next to him.


“This grapefruit tree is Snivy’s favorite red-fleshed pomelo. We now plant it in the yard. It looks like Samson. You can hang fruits.”

In the small courtyard filled with potted plants of various flowers, Liang Ren cleared a small area on the east side near the road, and then planted grapefruit trees with Snivy.

This was discovered in Mu Village in the afternoon. This is a red-flesh honey pomelo. Liang Ren thought that Snivy likes red-flesh honey pomelo, so he picked it up and transplanted it to his yard. in.

“si si ———”

Snivy used two Vine Whip to help stabilize the grapefruit tree, while Liang Ren used a small shovel to water and fill the soil.

I don’t know if it’s because of Attribute. Compared with the three snacks Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Lucario, Snivy prefers fruits.

Of course, the sweet and sour grapefruit is Snivy’s favorite, and there are many grapefruits in the Liang Ren system backpack.

“Guess who I am–“

At the gate of the yard, the girl tiptoed to the back of Liang Ren who was planting a tree with her schoolbag, and stretched out two small hands to cover her back Asked Liang Ren’s eyes.

Hearing the voice, Liang Ren couldn’t help but smiled knowingly: “With such a nice voice, who else can be besides my lovely younger sister.”

“hehe~” The girl laughed Hehe lay on the young man’s back, trying to make him carry himself up.

“Okay, don’t make trouble, my kind of tree, be careful to fall.”

Liang Ren filled the soil under the grapefruit tree, and then it turned towards Snivy nodded, Indicate it can be different and hold on again.

After more than ten days of intensive training, Snivy’s Vine Whip is no longer as delicate and slender as at first.

Vine Whip, the thickness of the little finger, has now become a circle thicker than the thumb, and the color has changed from light green to dark green.

Although compared with Venusaur and Tangrowth’s Vine Whip, there is still a big gap.

But Liang Ren believes that if he keeps training like this, the lethality of Snivy’s Vine Whip will also become very terrifying.

See Liang Ren putting the shovel back into the tool shed, washing his hands by the tap in the yard.

Mulei who put the schoolbag back in his room ran out like a joy.

The girl took Liang Ren’s arm and said: “second brother, second brother, sister-in-law said you bought me the Present, give it to me!!!”

” sister-in-law?” Several question marks appeared on Liang Ren’s head.

Seeing Liang Ren’s reaction, the girl realized that she had missed her mouth, and she hurriedly changed the subject.

“Present Present~ second brother, what kind of Present did you buy for me?” The girl’s eyes flashed expectant light.

“When did second brother disappoint you, the Present I bought for you will definitely satisfy you.”

Liang Ren took the dry cloth next to him and wiped his hands. Said with a smile on his face.

“Yeah~ That’s why people are curious.” The girl shook the boy’s arm violently.

“haha, these are the two Presents I bought for you.”

Consciousness communication system backpack, Liang Ren walking towards the house, take out two boxes towards Mu Mu Lei Pass it.

“It turned out to be two Presents!!! The second brother loved me the most.” The girl said in surprise.

“Open and take a look~” Liang Ren, who entered the room, picked up Slowpoke on the sofa.

“Hmm–” Mu Mu Lei opened the first long box with a golden Pearl necklace inside.

The girl who likes electrical Pokémon has no resistance to Golden Yellow. After seeing the Saffron Pearl necklace, her face blushed and she was very excited.

“It’s really good-looking. After a while, when the weather turns cooler, it can be used to wear the Galvantula sweater I bought before.”

Compared with my big brother Momoka Because of the roughness of Genetics, Mother has more genes and a second brother, and his personality is more gentle and careful.

For things like buying clothes and matching accessories, Liang Ren’s fashion aesthetics impresses her.

“I bought this while visiting the Boat Song Market yesterday afternoon. This is just a small accessory that is not valuable.”

Looking at his younger sister’s happy smile, Liang Ren stretched out his hand Touched her head, and then said: “You open another box and have a look.”


The girl made this dark little square The wooden box was placed at the same level as the eyes, and slowly opened with squinting.

A round bead the size of a dove egg…Golden Yellow…

As the full picture of the beads in the box was shown in front of the girl, not surprisingly, Liang Ren saw himself The younger sister’s eyes are getting brighter and the mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

“Ahhh…oh my god, it turned out to be “Light Ball”! ! ! “The box was fully opened, and the golden yellow beads on the cushion were clearly seen. The girl screamed with excitement.

“second brother, I love you mua~” Mu Mu Lei threw into Liang Ren’s arms and hugged him. He kissed his face fiercely on the neck.

“Light Ball” is an exclusive item of the Pikachu series, which can only bring a 20% increase compared to other Attribute Items.

The physical attacks and special attacks have been greatly enhanced. After the Pikachu series is worn, the “Light Ball” that has doubled the formidable power of its electrical system physical attacks and special attacks is simply a Divine Artifact.

Mu Mulei likes Pokémon of the electrical system, and has done more research on Pokémon like Pikachu than others.

Pikachu is cute, but it’s really not suitable for combat training, but with Light Ball, it’s different.

“Girl, what are you arguing, Liang Ren, so are you, all day long you know how to spend money—”

The Mu Mu Yiren who was helping in the kitchen walked away wearing a pink strawberry apron Come out, blamed in a jealous tone.

“Dad~ I also brought you a Present, a set of Mega Fishing Rods, sea rods and stream rods. You can go fishing when you are not busy.”

< p>The communication system backpack, the set of Mega Fishing Rod bought for father yesterday in the boat song market, was taken out and said.

When he saw the set of Mega Fishing Rod handed by Liang Ren, Mu Mu Yiren suddenly smiled and said: “It’s pretty much the same, I don’t care about you in vain.”

“Vinegar What are you talking about in the living room, the sweet and sour pork ribs you made for your son are almost burning~” Mother Ryoko said with a smile in the kitchen.

“Here is coming—” The old man went to the room and put the Fishing Rod away, then hurriedly ran towards the kitchen.

On the sofa in the living room, the siblings couldn’t help but smile at each other.

Then, Liang Ren talked a lot with his younger sister about “Light Ball.”

For example, it is not recommended to cultivate Picchu and Pikachu in the Kanto Region, but to go to the Alola Islands to cultivate;

In addition, it is not recommended to keep Pikachu from evolving in order to maintain a cute appearance. The latter Raichu is also very cute, whether it is a normal Raichu or Alola Raichu.

When others say this, maybe the girl will argue with each other, but when the same thing is said from her second brother, Mu Mu Lei keeps nodding her head.

At the end of this semester, after graduating from the Celadon City Primary Rank Pokémon school, do you need him to officially help her accept an initial Pokémon.

Mu Mu Lei also revealed her long-term plan. She is going to exchange game currency for the first prize in Celadon City Game Center.

An Eevee! ! !

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