Today is Tuesday, and all major schools in Pewter City have classes as usual.

This time in the morning is class time again. Normally, the battle hall in the Pokémon Center, which has always been lively, is not at all who at this time.

There are only a few trainers playing Pokémon on the field.

Liang Ren who walked into the battle hall took a look, then walked to an empty battlefield.

Following Wu Forrest stood on the sidelines while Teeno walked to the other end of the field.

“What are the rules?” Liang Ren, who stood still on the field, asked lightly, looking at the iron-grey boy with a short-term head.

Liang Ren, like Wu Forrest, is a first-year student who has just been promoted to an intermediate rank school.

The opposite Tieye is one grade higher than them, but Liang Ren is not at all pressure.

With his current strength, not to mention the 2nd Year Student of the intermediate rank school, it is the third grade graduating class, and it is not his opponent.

“Rule 3v3, if one party is eliminated all Pokémon, the game is over.”

Walking onto the battlefield, the gradually stubborn boy is no longer as arrogant as at first.

He always felt that the opposite boy gave him a very familiar feeling, coupled with Liang Ren’s self-confidence, this made Tie Ye not dare to underestimate his care.

As the future heir of Tetsu Gym, although Tetsu Gym is young and vigorous now, he still has some knowledge.

“Yes.” Hearing the suggestion of a young boy with an inch head, Liang Ren nodded.

He only has 5 Pokémon in his hands. At this stage, there is no problem whether he is playing 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3.

If the opponent’s strength is not too strong, it is not impossible to use 5 Pokémon in a 6v6 duel.

“Next is Tetsu City’s Tetsuo, 3v3 half-player duel with Celadon City Mumu Liang Ren——

“Now, both parties will send the first Pokémon. “On the sidelines, Wu Forrest acted as a temporary referee to signal.

“Wait, Mumu Liang Ren! ! ! “Hearing Wu Forrest yelling Liang Ren’s name, the bancuntou boy couldn’t help but exclaimed.

When I saw him just now, he felt that Liang Ren was familiar with him. Until now, after hearing Wu Forrest’s introduction, he finally reacted. Come here.

“It turned out to be Liang Ren, the most amazing Mega genius who is known as the most amazing innate talent of trainer in a century at Saffron Middle School. “

“Summer vacation at the Mega Evolution tournament in Hoenn Mauville City, this guy relied on a MegaPidgeot to reach the finals, and previously saved a distressed flight by strength of oneself. “

“One week ago, I heard that I was officially promoted to a professional Samsung trainer. It is circulated on the Internet that this guy already possesses quasi-Elite strength. “

“My old fogey’s strength is not at the quasi-Elite level. I even provoke the opponent in a brazen manner. How can I fight this battle?” “

Tie Ye, who has figured out the identity of Liang Ren, turned his head bitterly and looked towards Wu Forrest, who was snickering while covering his mouth on the sidelines, and then cast a bitter look at the opponent.

< p>“Snivy, today’s battle is your debut, so you have to perform well. “

Seeing that the boy with a small inch head was afraid of not releasing Pokémon after he was aware of his identity, Liang Ren did not hesitate on this side, and decisively threw Snivy’s precious fairway.

“Bang~ “

The baby ball opened, one body was emerald green, the tail was cream-colored from the lower jaw to the abdomen, and the golden floral decoration beside the neck appeared on the battlefield like small winged snakes.

“si si ——” Snivy maroon’s snake pupil is full of excitement. After so long of super hard training, it is finally able to participate in the official battle.

—————— ——

Seeing the Pokémon released by Liang Ren, I was taken aback by the face of the panel, “Snivy? “

He at first thought Liang Ren would send out the strongest Trump Card Pidgeot, and then turn on Mega Evolution and directly abuse him in one go.

“didn’t expect it turned out to be Snivy , Then this battle can still be fought. “Tie Ye turned from worry to joy, and his mind became more active.

“If he can beat the opponent, even one Pokemon will be enough. After all, this guy is Mumu Liang Ren. Tie Ye thought to himself.

Seeing that Liang Ren had already released Pokémon first, Tie Ye did not hesitate too much, “Aron, it is up to you. “

Liang Ren released a Yusanjia initial form, Teyano also sent the strongest Trump Card, and he released a Pokémon in initial form.

But he stayed. A mindful eye.

Snivy Level 17 has evolved to the Second Rank segment, Liang Ren’s Snivy has not yet evolved, so Level is obviously lower than Level 17.

And Aron will evolve To become Lairon, you need Level 32 or higher.

The two sides are also Pokémon in the initial form, and his Aron Level has reached Level 22.


The size is the same as Pidgey, but Aron, which is added to 120.0kg by heavy metal properties, is simply a concentrated Venusaur.


Aron appeared on the scene There was a heavy sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

As the initial form of the iron armor Pokémon Aggron, Aron’s whole body was also protected by a thick steel helmet.

Four stubby bars His feet, and a big and round head that looks a bit like a Bicycle helmet.

As soon as “Ticket~” appeared, this iron lump looked at Snivy with shallow blue eyes full of fighting intent.

“si si ~” Snivy twisted and twisted the snake’s body, and whined at Aron without losing the imposing manner.

As for the young man with a short head, he didn’t find Liang Ren until now. Snivy is different from ordinary Snivy.

“It turned out to be a Snivy without arms, feet and limbs. “Tie Ye was a little surprised.

“The game begins! ! “

But at this time, he couldn’t help but feel lost. Wu Forrest, who was full of temporary referees, has announced the start of the game.

“A Snivy with a Level not exceeding Level 17. I won the game. “

“Aron, use Earthquake. “The Bancuntou boy took the lead and launched a fierce attack as soon as he came up.

However, Liang Ren’s reaction was not slow. When he gave instructions on the opposite side, he also gave instructions for Snivy on the field.

“Use Vine Whip to support your body. “Liang Ren’s eyes are clear, and his whole person looks unusually calm.

And Liang Ren’s calmness unconsciously affects Snivy.

Compared to Riolu level 10 In the debut battle, Snivy, who is already Level 17 at Level 17, looks much more stable now.

“hong long long……”

On the other side of the battlefield, Lairon raised two stubby Snivy’s forelegs slammed on the ground, and a strong Earthquake wave radiated.

Snivy, who received Liang Ren’s command, was already prepared. Two Vine Whip stretched out from the shoulders and neck to support the ground and stretched his body. Suddenly lifted to in midair.

Aron’s ultimate move, Earthquake, was effectively resolved by Liang Ren and Snivy. This relaxed and freehand gesture made the stubborn teenager who was facing each other feel pressure.

Without giving Tetsuo a chance to froze, in midair Snivy quickly retracted Vine Whip with an eye contact, and returned to the cracked arena.

“Be flexible and use Bubble’s aria. “Liang Ren, who got stuck accurately, gave instructions at the right time.

“what——” After Liang Ren’s order was given, Takeshi Forrest and the opposite Tieye were stunned.

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