Snivy didn’t care about the two people who were shocked off the court.

Its petite and long snake body flies flexibly on the field, as fast as a green light.


The snake kisses slightly, one after another water blue ripples are produced with the snake hiss, and then the trainer’s instructions are not received on the field, and I feel a little dazed Aron suffered a fierce attack.

one after another The thick-walled hollow water ball with the big fist smashed at Aron like a shotgun.

The water polo ball is like a positioning tracker installed, each of which is centered on Aron and makes a sound of “peng peng peng peng…”.

Steel armor does not resist Water Type attacks, and Rock Type is restrained by Water Type moves.

Aron was caught off guard by a set of attacks, and Growl leaned over and lowered his hair to draw out a “tick”.

Hearing Aron’s painful Growl, Tetsuno finally came back to his senses from why Snivy would use “Bubble’s aria of exclamation”.

“Aron, use Tackle!!” The young boy raised his hand and pointed, ordering in an imposing manner.

“Ticket–” Aron, who was hit by the hollow water polo on the ground, got up again, shook his head, and moved his four short legs staggered, moving towards Snivy initiated a fierce reunion.

Tackle, as an ability, has a certain speed increase effect by itself, but this speed is still not enough compared to Snivy.

“si si ~”

Looking at Aron who ran into him behind him, Snivy’s eyes flashed with disdain.

Liang Ren told it that it couldn’t learn Ability because its bloodline was too powerful and at the same time distracting…

Under Liang Ren’s continuous encouragement and praise, the character The low self-esteem Snivy gradually built up self-confidence, and gradually believed that he was a hidden genius.

God is fair, closing a door must open a window in exchange.

His life experience is rough and miserable, so now let it meet a trainer who treats it sincerely;

I used to never learn Ability, but after the bloodline power is activated, it has mastered two tricks The terrifying Hereditary Ability.

The disability that once caused it to be bullied and white-eyed, also brought it the speed of swift as wind.

“si si ~” Snivy twisted its body, and a sudden turn to let the rushing Tiehan Aron hit the air.

Snivy maroon’s snake eyes are full of ridicule, and it feels like it’s back when it stole Berry from the Hoenn River Plantation.

It has the light skill of flying on the grass. Picking Berry from the garden is as easy as pie, and the Mightyena and Beedrill raised in Berry Fields can’t catch up with it.

Confidence, the battle lasted only two rounds, Snivy had no tension in his heart, and his whole heart was full of confidence.

“Vine Whip!!!” A flexibly moved away from Aron, Liang Ren card issued an offensive instruction on time.

“sou sou ——”

Under the golden lily flower decoration on the shoulders and necks, two dark green Vine Whip with the thickness of the thumbs are running like two snakes Out.

Looking at the rampage and finally being Snivy dodge, Aron pounced on the ground, the two Vine Whips broke through in an instant, and hu hu pumped up.

“bang bang bang bang ……”

Snivy walks in a serpentine manner. While keeping a safe distance from Aron, Vine Whip hu hu shakes and moves fiercely towards Aron Hello.

On the field, Aron unceasingly uttered a painful growl of’ticacaka’.

Level suppression, the so-called superior opening started as the battle unconsciously was reversed by Liang Ren.

“Aron, use Rock Slide.” Tetsuno put away the overconfidence in his heart and began to nervously direct Aron to find a chance to fight back.


Aron ruddy complexion was lying on the ground with his head pouting, but he gritted his teeth in embarrassment after receiving instructions from the trainer.

Vine Whip, who was carrying Snivy’s whip, climbed up from the ground, glared fiercely at Snivy with shallow blue eyes, and let out a low growl.

“There is a Rock Throw in the air. Be careful to avoid it.” Liang Ren was still calm on the sidelines. At the same time Aron launched the attack, Liang Ren gave instructions on his side.


Wu Forrest on the sidelines opened his eyes wide.

The trainers who ended the battle in several other venues in the battle hall were also attracted by Liang Ren’s battle at this moment.

Aron and Snivy are rare and rare Pokémon in Kanto, and when one of the trainers recognizes Liang Ren, the audience outside the field has more time.


Along with Aron’s low growl summon, a block of stones the size of a toilet bowl appeared above Snivy’s Sky.


The cream-colored, rough snake scales on the belly rubbed the Ground, facing the rocks hit by the head, Snivy, who was prepared, twisted the snake body. .

It not only dodges Rock Slide flexibly, but also a pair of snake pupils also take care of Aron’s sudden launch of a sneak attack.

Sweat began to ooze from the forehead of Bancuntou.

This Snivy, who was judged to be no more than Level 17, with a physical disability and no limbs, was slippery too much.

I raised my head and glanced at the handsome boy with short brown curly hair on the other side and always calm and calm expression in a sweater. Tie Ye felt the pressure on him.

“It is worthy of being known as the highest heaven innate talent of Saffron middle school trainer for hundreds of years. It is really difficult.” Tie Ye thought secretly in his heart.

But he knows that this is not the time to be stunned. After several rounds of competition, he has already understood.

Once he slows down or reveals a weak spot, he will be greeted by the opponent’s Thunderbolt-like offensive.

In order to master the rhythm in his own hands, Tetsuno dare not give up the initiative, “Aron, use Tackle.”

“Ticket~” Rock Slide did not hit Snivy. , Aron used his heel panting with rage to plan Ground, and slammed his head towards Snivy again.

However, how can an attack of this level be hit, plus it is the second time it is used, in Liang Ren’s view, it is impossible to do so if it causes trouble to Snivy.

“Grass Knot ——” Liang Ren called out an Ability name that Snivy had never learned.

However, Snivy didn’t have the slightest confusion on his face on the court. Before doing Vine Whip training, Liang Ren handed it over to use Vine Whip with Grass Knot tips.


Vine Whip sprang out, twisting and squeezing on the path that Aron must pass.

“Ticket!!” Aron, who was rushing forward, was caught off guard, staggering and falling to the ground.

Grass Knot, like Body Slam, has the characteristic that the heavier the weight, the higher the damage.

However, the former is that the heavier the opponent’s weight, the higher the damage, and the latter is the higher the attacker’s weight, the higher the damage.

Under the blessing of heavy metal characteristics, Aron, who has weighed 120.0kg, was tripped by the’Grass Knot’ and fell into a confused dazed.

Whether Liang Ren hit 100 damage is not clear, but Aron is definitely not easy.

Tie Ye originally thought that Liang Ren would choose to avoid him. He didn’t expect that he took the opportunity to strike a beautiful counterattack.

After Vine Whip tripped Aron to the ground, Liang Ren did not give up such a great offensive opportunity.

“Resolve it for me and use Bubble’s aria.” Liang Ren shouted.

Snivy’s body slides erraticly on the court.

“si si ——”

A snake kiss, accompanied by blue ripples, one after another thick-walled hollow water ball moved towards Aron smashed past.


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