“Aron, hurry up and dodge!!” Tie Ye shouted loudly.

Aron has a very different weight from her petite body.

After being tripped by’Grass Knot’, it suffered more damage than Tieye expected.

The water bomb smashed into the air. Facing the scream of Tie Ye, Aron tremblingly got up from the ground with Struggle, but it was too late to escape.

“peng peng peng peng…”

A thick-walled hollow water bomb containing a sonic attack hit Aron’s body and exploded.

The power of the explosion came out, and Aron, who had just gotten up from the ground with difficulty, was crushed to the ground again.

But this time, Aron could not get up from the ground again.

This Tiehanhan stuck out his tongue, his eyes turned into a dizzy spiral, and lost the combat capability.

“Aron can’t fight. Snivy will win the game.” Wu Forrest, the referee of Role Play, announced the result of the game.

“bang bang bang bang……”

Not in the brightly lit city Stadium, and there are not thousands of spectators and fans, but the battle is over and there is still a ring outside the field Warm applause.

These applause is for Liang Ren, and also for Snivy.

Snivy’s story, Liang Ren wrote and posted on Weibo before. Anyone who follows him knows Snivy’s tragic life experience.

There are many comments on Weibo, or encouragement or enthusiastic care.

They all hope that Snivy can continue to grow stronger under Liang Ren’s breed and realize its powerhouse dream.

At this moment, Snivy won the debut game beautifully. The trainers who sympathized with Snivy’s tragic life outside the field were all happy and gratified.

“How do you feel, the first official match.” Liang Ren asked Snivy with a smile.

“si si…” Snivy squinted his eyes, crawling around the arena very happily.

Ding, experience +220

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the defense Attribute value +1

———— ——

Just then.


To Snivy, who was crawling around on the battlefield excitedly, his petite body was suddenly wrapped in a soft white light.

“This is…” The opposite Tie Ye gave a stunned expression, but Forrest and the other onlookers did not react for a while.

“Snivy is going to evolve~” I don’t know which trainer was the first to speak. Everyone looked towards Snivy’s trainer on the field, and their expressions became unusually surprised.

For a trainer, there is nothing more joyful than seeing Pokémon evolve.

It was Liang Ren who watched Snivy on the court being wrapped in the light of evolution and then began to evolve. His expression was flat and there was no emotion.

Starting from home a week ago, Snivy had already shown signs of evolution while crossing the Trackless Forest between Celadon City and Pewter City.

Level is satisfied. Liang Ren expects that Snivy will evolve in these two days. Just now he was willing to accept Tieye’s challenge. Liang Ren didn’t have the idea of ​​stimulating Snivy’s evolution.

But when Snivy really evolved, Liang Ren was still very happy.

“si si ~”

The light of evolution is broken like a thin film, and then it turns into light and dissipates in the air.

A grass snake that was seven points similar to Snivy but was significantly larger appeared in front of everyone.

Like before the evolution, the evolved Qingvine Snake still has no arms or legs, and the curved tail supports the upper half of the body.

Compared to Snivy, the body of the snivy snake is more elegant and beautiful, and the simple maroon snake pupil has become a noble chestnut red.

Liang Ren faces the four eyes of the evolved Qingteng Snake, and he can feel the changes in the Qingteng Snake’s temperament.

It was a transformation from the inside to the outside, which thoroughly washed away the lead, from an ugly duckling to a white swan, shed the inferiority commoner, and put on confident and elegant gorgeous clothes.

“Qingteng Snake, I think you now have enough confidence to show Attract Ability to opponent.”

Looking at the refreshing Qingteng Snake, Liang Ren Said in a joking tone with a smile.

Qingteng Snake was not shy this time, but tilted her head and winked coquettishly at Liang Ren and the field monitor trainer.

Cute and playful with charming, the former Snivy had a lot of inferiority, and now the Ivy Snake is so beautiful.



Looking at the movements of the Qingteng snake, the eyes of the male trainers who watched the field look The pink heart of admiration.

[Qingteng Snake]♀

Level: 20

Attribute: Grass

Character: Confident, Smart

< p>Characteristics: Overgrow, antagonism

Stamina: 95[C]Blue

Attack: 60[C]

Defense: 70[C]

Special Attack: 70【C】

Special Defense: 70【C】

Speed: 100【B】Purple

Comprehensive: 460


“Top Rank”: Attract, Captivate, Return, Vine Whip

“intermediate rank”: Petrochemical Gong, Bubble’s aria

< p>“Low-level”: Tackle, Wrap, Growth, Leaf Tornado


When everyone off the court was fascinated by the charm of the vine snake, Liang Ren Here is the Attribute panel that calls the Qingteng snake.

This time has evolved, and the strength of the Qingteng snake has changed a lot.

“Level has been upgraded to Level 3, the personality has changed from inferiority and stubbornness to self-confidence and intelligence, and Implicit Characteristic has also awakened. “

From top to bottom, Liang Ren carefully observes the changes in the data on the panel.

The negative buff applied by the opponent can be reversed into a positive gain buff.< /p>

If you plan properly in actual combat, you can have unexpected effects.

“All aspects of ability have also been greatly improved. “Liang Ren took a look at the innate talent data.

The Species Strength of the Viridian vine snake is 413, and Liang Ren’s “Species Strength” of the vine snake has reached 460.

< p>This is the second evolutionary stage. When the siberian vine snake evolves into a monarch snake, it is basically appropriate for the innate talent data of all aspects to catch up with Quasi-Legendary.

” It’s interesting to recruit Ability. “Liang Ren shifted his gaze downwards. When he saw the Ability Pool of the Qingteng Snake, a smile flashed in Liang Ren’s eyes.

“Tackle, Wrap, Growth, Captivate, Return, Leaf Tornado. “Liang Ren muttered to himself.

The Ability and proficiency of the newly learned Normal are all “low level”.

However, the ability “Captivate and Return” that Qingteng Snake has newly realized after the evolution, and the “Attract” that has never been able to perform its due function before, has now reached the “Top Rank” proficiency.

“Is this the change brought about by the change of personality? From inferiority complex to introversion, I suddenly become confident and public.

“Not only has the proficiency of Attract improved, but also the new learning With Captivate, the proficiency has become so high. “Liang Ren thought to himself.

As for Qingteng Snake’s ability to learn “Return”, the higher the intimacy with the trainer and the higher the formidable power of the change, Liang Ren was quite surprised.

As soon as he learned his proficiency, he reached the Top Rank. It can be seen that Qingteng Snake treats it sincerely and brings it from the dark to the light trainer, with deep gratitude in his heart.

Liang Ren never took the initiative to ask the Pokémons to repay anything, but the Pokémons were able to read his favors, and Liang Ren felt that his sincere efforts were not at all in vain.

He cares for the vine snakes, and the vine snakes have always moved him.

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