Pidgeot swiped on the music player, and after the song clicked by Slowpoke was played, a new style of singing sounded.


The repetitive scenery in front of me~

The agreement is gradually blurred~

Wandering under the stars Of you~

The distance still secret~

The moment the temperature disappears~

Tomorrow that cannot be touched~

The world without gravity ~



“Do you know why the starry sky is beautiful?” Listening to the songs played by two Pokémons, Liang Ren staring at the night sky suddenly asked.

“Ticket—bright!!” Cloyster replied.

“si si-brilliant!!” Qingteng snake said.


“Agree + 1”

“Agree + 2”

I heard the question raised by Liang Ren suddenly, a few Pokémon doesn’t know why.

“The reason why the stars are beautiful–

” is because in the infinite universe, no matter how the darkness spreads, there are rays of light of stars to illuminate it.

“The world is actually like this. Where there is despair, there will be hope.

“And those who have hope, like the stars in the sky, never Lonely——”

Looking at the stars in the sky, Liang Ren said in a deep and melancholic tone.

However, Liang Ren just finished speaking, it was in Cloyster and Qing When Vine Snake and Lucario were dumbfounded by him.

Slowpoke couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Liang Ren, where are you plagiarizing chicken soup for the soul.” “

“hiss~” Hearing Slowpoke ruthless tearing down the platform, Liang Ren suddenly felt his teeth hurt.

“Beep Diao——Fatty! ! How do you talk to big brother. “Pidgeot scolded.

“Damn~ I allow you to reorganize the wording, otherwise you may fall out of favor. “

Liang Ren lifted the Slowpoke hanging on him by the neck and said.

“Liang Ren~I, bang bang bang bang……”

“Okay! ! ! Good literary talent, talent is not diminished. Back then, if I had money, I would like to open a magazine for Liang Ren~”

“I think about the name, it’s called “…”, I let you When the editor-in-chief. “

Slowpoke broke free from Liang Ren’s hand, jumped onto Liang Ren’s chest to applaud warmly, and then said with a flattering smile.


< p>“hahahaha……”



On the endless wasteland, there is no TV, no computer, Liang Ren also Did not play with mobile phones.

One of the five pets who had had dinner lay on the picnic mat and counted the stars, and connected one after another brighter stars than the surrounding one after another to form a Pokémon shape.< /p>

Teddiursa, Ursaring, Geodude…

After counting the stars for a while, one person and five pets sat up on the picnic mat again. Liang Ren took out a watermelon to freeze Cloyster and let Lucario use it The alloy claws were cut open.

Liang Ren, he (they) all took a block of ice watermelon and gnawed, and then listened to Slowpoke telling scary urban legends.

“One day, there was a man wearing red The little girl in boots went to Water Sport by the river, and was dragged into the water by vines and drowned.

“Later, the villagers went to the river to salvage the body of the little girl, guess what.” Looking at the crowd who had stopped eating melons.

Slowpoke moved the flashlight to his chin and turned it on, with an eerie grin on his face.



Pidgeot was so scared that he moved to Liang Ren’s side, Cloyster closed the shell, leaving only a gap. And the Green Snake and Lucario shook the head in fear.

“The corpse of the drowning little girl was not at all salvaged. It was a vine monster that was salvaged by the villagers from the river.”

“The whole body of the vine monster was covered by vines. Covered, no one has seen its true face, but the vine monster that was salvaged is different.”

Talking about Slowpoke, Levitate’s body rises, and the surface glows with light fluorescence, two The fatty claw held the flashlight, and asked in a strange voice floating in front of Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle~Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything.” Pidgeot raised a wing to hide his face, and said with a bird’s head curled up.

“Ya duo——幁(≖_≖乁) you don’t know it.

“Because, 乁(✧_✧乁) That vine blames it for wearing A pair of little boots, a pair of…red little boots exactly like the drowning girl. “

“Ya Duo——‼ (•’╻’•) The drowning little girl was drowned, and the vine monster was changed by the little girl. “

Looking at Pidgeot’s frightened wings shiver coldly, Slowpoke deliberately floated closer with the flashlight, his face almost pressed against Pidgeot’s ears, and the voice suddenly increased.

” Ahhhh!!!” Pidgeot was frightened by the horror atmosphere deliberately created by Slowpoke. In fear, he slapped his wings towards Slowpoke.

“Ya Duo——( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ “Slowpoke, who was holding a flashlight and snickering in his heart, was caught off guard from being slapped by Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle-Fatty, you deliberately frightened me.” Pidgeot stretched out his claws and moved towards Slowpoke. Peck fiercely and stomped on it.

“Ahhh~Don’t peck, I won’t dare to deliberately scare you next time.”

“Ahhh~Bird brother for your life, Don’t step on it, you stepped on my Exeggcute!!!”



It’s quiet in the middle of the night, Liang Ren, they go back to the tent Rest.< /p>

Cloyster was in charge of the night watch at night, and everyone slept very securely.

The moon rabbit fell westward, and the Golden Crow rose to the east. When the light shone on the horizon, Liang Ren and their first night on wasteland That’s it.


“Slowpoke, you lazy pig don’t get up soon, the sun is basking.”

< p>“ang ang ang, I’m in the bed, so the sun is impossible to expose my little butt.”

“Then you say I can slap your butt?”

< p>“Come on, you come and hit me.”



———— ————

Early morning morning sun Xiaguang ten thousand zhang.


Several people who are looking for flowers and honey in wasteland Butterfree, wings with black stripes on a white background reflect a Mew-like colorful halo in the Morning Sun.

Rattata, Sandshrew, Bellsprout, Oddish…

The night fades, and many night activities The ferocious predators also went back to the dark nest to hide.

The plan for a day is in the morning. If there is no danger, many small Wild Pokémon have begun to carry out activities on wasteland.

Lia who had breakfast ng Ren is packing things up here, disassembling and folding the tent into the system backpack.

After burying the garbage in the camp, he saw that not at all was missing, and then took a few Pokémon on the road.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two are on guard at sky, remember to remind me if there is a danger near you.”


Liang Ren tone Barely fell, Pidgeot flapped its wings and carried Cloyster into the air.

“Beep Eagle!!!” However, Liang Ren was waiting to move forward, and Pidgeot in the sky issued an early warning to him.

Liang Ren, who heard Pidgeot’s voice, gave a solemn expression. He didn’t expect the danger to approach so soon.

“Slowpoke, Ivy Snake, Lucario, get ready for battle.” Liang Ren hugged him because he didn’t let it go into the air with Cloyster, said Slowpoke, a little emotional.

Wild travel is risky. Although Lucario has reached level 40 now, Liang Ren is still used to bringing a main force by his side.

“Suo Suo…”

Seeing Liang Ren, he stopped and became vigilant, a bush not far in front shook, and a Pokémon with a fierce look came out .

“It turned out to be…”

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