“It turned out to be the Arbor monster.” Liang Ren said with a slightly surprised expression.

Aber blames this highly dangerous Viper Pokémon, in fact, there are not many in the wild.

To a certain extent, the Arbor monster is a Pokémon between ordinary and rare. It is not easy to encounter one.

“Ivy Snake, leave it to you.” Looking at the purple cobra crawling out of the bushes, Liang Ren tilted his head to the left of the Ivy Snake and said.

After hearing Liang Ren’s command, the Qingteng snake is nodded, the snake kisses softly: “si si ~”

Turning his body forward, the Qingteng snake looks at the same snake in front of him Like a strange arbor, there was a flash of disgust in the red snake pupil.

In the clan after an hour, clansman of the same age mocked and discredited his identity, saying that he was a bastard.

Its father is a mangy arbor outside Pinwheel Forest. For this reason, the Qingvine Snake will feel disgusted whenever he sees the arbor.

Although from its Hereditary Ability, its father is indeed not a monarch snake, but a Primmarina in the sea.

“Chaba~” Seeing the Qingteng snake approaching, the Arbor monster opened his mouth full of fangs and threatened with a long snake letter.

Under the twisted pattern of the neck, it became extremely terrifying.

Without the referee’s instructions, the two Pokémon started to confront each other as soon as they came up, waiting for an opportunity to launch a vicious attack.

“Qingteng snake, you are free to play this battle.” Liang Ren said from the back.

“si si ~”

The Qingteng snake did not look back. Hearing Liang Ren’s words, it just neighed back to complied, a pair of red snake pupils from start to finish. Turned away.

Before living alone in the wild for a long time, he knew very well the cunning and vicious character of Pokémon like Arbor.

Sure enough, as soon as Qingteng Snake responded to Liang Ren, the Aberguai took the lead in attacking.

“Chaba~” The Arbor monster has a big mouth, and the densely packed purple Poison Sting is moved towards the Qingteng Snake.

The Qingteng Snake has been guarding against the sudden attack by the Arbor monster. Seeing Poison Sting attacking itself like a goddess, there is no panic on its face.


With a flick of his tail, green’s flying leaf Twister easily bounced off Poison Sting’s shots, and directly swept the Arbor monster. Go in.

Poison Type is very resistant to Grass Type Ability, but was dragged into Leaf Tornado, and his body was pushed in midair.


The sharp blades scratched on the purple snake scales, even if they have strong resistance to Grass Type moves, they can’t help but feel pain. Growl.

The innate talent of Qingteng Snake has always been praised by Liang Ren, and it is clearly shown in actual combat.

“Swish…” The Qingteng Snake twisted his body, leaning down and moving quickly.

For the cultivation of Pokémon, Liang Ren is just like Teacher teaching students, identifying the types of Pokémon, Attribute restraint relationships, these all must be mastered.

Poison Type restrains Grass Type, Grass Type Ability hits Poison Type Pokémon can only cause ½ damage.

The Qingteng Snake knows this very well, so after Leaf Tornado throws the Arbor to in midair, it releases its Ability control.

The lost blade of grass Twister spreads out directly, and the body of the Aberguai moved towards the ground.

“sou sou ~”

The two Vine Whip under the collar of the lily flower ornament on the shoulder and neck of the Qingteng Snake shoot out like the normal snake. Root Vine Whip instantly entangled the Arbor.

“Chaba~” hadn’t adjusted from the weightlessness, suddenly the Abel’s eyes tightly tightened by Vine Whip suddenly made a hissing sound.

Snivy evolved into a green vine snake yesterday, and Liang Ren directed it to play three games.

It is the first time that other members of the team have seen Qingteng snake fighting.

At this moment, whether it is Pidgeot and Cloyster on the sky, or Slowpoke and Lucario standing with Liang Ren below.

The four Pokémons all looked at the vying snake intently, with curiosity in their eyes.


Qingteng Snake still remembers how to win Skarmory and Magneton yesterday morning, after Vine Whip entangled the Arbor monster.


Pulled fiercely, and then fiercely slammed into the deserted beach full of dry and hard gravel. The Arbor monster was smashed into a confused and dazed.

But it is Wild Pokémon full of offensive, so you don’t have to wait for the trainer to issue a counterattack order.

“Chaba~” The Arbor monster who was smashed to the ground, without any warning, the tail flicked forward, opening his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards the green vine snake biting Come.

Pokémon’s official competition pursues fairness, justice, dignified integrity, and the pursuit of winning and losing through the contest of wisdom and strength.

But Wild Pokémon fights differently. They don’t want the false honor of victory, they want territorial food and mating.

As soon as the battle begins, what they pursue is to defeat or even kill each other by fair means or foul.

The cunning and vicious label on the Abel monster is called the wisdom of a predator in nature.

“si si ~” Arbor blamed it for a sudden attack, and the vine snake was caught off guard, and Vine Whip couldn’t pull it back.

Seeing that the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of the Arbor monster with sharp teeth is about to bite the neck of the vine snake, Lucario can’t help but feel worried for the vine snake.

“si si…” At the crisis, Qingteng Snake was also forced out of its potential.

Under the stress response, the blood flow speeds up throughout the body, and a strange force rushes into the eyes from the blood throughout the body.

The red snake pupil of Qingteng Snake Li instantly turned into a mysterious gray green, and the green light was facing forward in a fan shape.

The fierce and ferocious Arbor kept the action of growing his mouth frozen in midair.

The neck of the head is closer to the part of the green vine snake, and the surface of the purple snake’s scales turns into gray.

This time, the Qingteng Snake showed Bloodline Strength for the second time.

The first time was when the Thorns Colle was on fire, several thorns were completely petrified by petrochemical work.

At this time, it is estimated that opponent is a living life, so it only produced a little petrification, but it is much stronger than ordinary petrochemical work.

“si si ~” Qingteng Snake looked at the Arbor monster who was being held in front of him, showing a hint of fear.

The Arbor monster opened his mouth wide, and the Ivy Snake could even smell the sweet and fishy snake venom secreted from the venomous teeth in the opponent’s mouth.

Without any hesitation, Qingteng Snake twisted his body and pulled back a distance of one meter, and then a whiptail fiercely flicked to the cheek of Aboguai.

“Bang——” The Arbor monster who was hit by a tail whip fell out, and his injuries worsened again.

After all, this is not an ordinary tail whip, but a tail whip enhanced by Ability “Return”.

“Return” is a very strange move. The size of its formidable power in the game depends on how Pokémon likes the trainer.

The lethality of “Return” Ability in real life is positively correlated with the intensity of gratitude that emerged in Pokémon’s heart when the Ability was being used.

Emotional intensity is not constant, and the object of gratitude is not necessarily your trainer, it can be anything.

In the current Guinness International Certification Agency, the strongest holder of the “Return” Ability move is a Lopunny, which has a base damage value of 102.

If this damage is passed on to the Ivy Snake, the formidable power of its whiptail just now exceeds the basic damage of “Dragon Tail, Water Tail, Steel Iron Tail Bar”.


Being taken out, the Arbor shook his head, and the pair of triangular eyes looked at the Qingteng Snake with a little fear.

Return is a normal type of Ability, and the damage won’t be weakened when hitting the Arbor monster. Just now, it really hurt the Arbor monster.

“Abo, please do your best in this battle, don’t think about running away.”

“Besides, you don’t have to worry about getting injured. I will treat you when the battle is over. And to recover his physical strength.”

Detecting the retreat in Aber’s eyes, Liang Ren spoke directly.

Since it initiated the attack on its own initiative, it is naturally not allowed for Liang Ren to retreat.

After all, it is really suitable for the opponent of Qingteng snake.

“Ah duo——”

“Beep carving——”

“ao 嗷——”

A few Pokémon imposing When the manner was released, the Abbot suddenly liked falling in a ice hole and was instantly shocked.

“Chaba~” The Arbor, who knew there was no way out, returned to his viciousness.

One shot in the mouth of the Shekou, and piles of purple Gastro Acid smashed into the Qingvine Snake like water bombs.

“sou sou~” The Qingteng snake did not move slowly, bent over and twisted his body, flexibly dodge the Acid spit out by the Abel monster.

“chi chi ~” attacked the Smack Down, and the ground was instantly dissolved by the Gastro Acid of the Arbor monster into a horrible to see trap.

“si si ~” The Qingteng snake moved, and the demon green light flashed by in its eyes.

The petrochemical skill temporarily imprisoned the Arbor monster, and two Vine Whip quickly ejected.

One entangled the Arbor’s tail, and the other Vine Whip entangled the Arbor’s dangerous snake kiss.

“Sustain…” When the effect of the petrochemical work disappeared, the Abel, whose mouth and tail were tied up, couldn’t help but Struggle twisted his body and rolled over the gravelly deserted beach.


The Ivy Snake was not polite, Vine Whip lifted the Arbor into the air and slammed it down.

⒈The green vine snake is not close to the body, and the entanglement and strangulation tactics of the Arbor monster cannot be used.

⒉The tail movement is restricted, and Iron Tail Bar, Dragon Tail, Slam and other moves launched through the tail cannot be performed.

⒊The mouth is tied up, and Poison Sting, Acid, Biting, Crunch… These abilities that need to be activated by the mouth are useless.

So far, ten percent of the battle strength has been cut off by the Qingteng snake, and the remaining battle strength is not enough.


After several consecutive bursts, the Arbor monster lost the combat capability.

Ding, experience +230

Ding, found attack Attribute value +1

Ding, found special defense innate talent value +1

—— ————

“Stupid~ Help Arbor blame it for healing.”

Looking at the Arbor monster lying on the ground like a dead snake, Liang Ren patted Slowpoke’s little head said.

“Yadu~” Slowpoke nodded, leaving Liang Ren’s arms, Confusion supported himself and floated towards the monster.

Pushing with palms together, a pink and white beam of light hits Aboguai’s body.

Under the treatment of “Heal Pulse”, the trauma on the Abel’s body quickly healed, and the Abel woke up slowly.

Aboguai contributed an innate talent red coin to him, and Liang Ren did not break his promise.

Take a high-quality stamina restorer from the system backpack and give it to Slowpoke to feed it to the Arbor to restore its stamina.

“Chaba~” The Arbor gave Liang Ren a complicated look in his eyes, and he leaned over into the bushes and quickly disappeared.

“Let’s go, too, and try to reach Mount Giethoorn sooner.” After giving the special anti-innate talent red coin to Cloyster, it was only then that Liang Ren greeted a few Pokémon to move on.


Mt. Moon deep in the vein, Yangjiaofeng.

“hong long! !!!”

“Hiba Lord…”

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