

Looking down from the sky, the veins of Mt. Moon stretching across Norman are gray, giving people a barren and barren feeling.

However, outside of Mt. Moon, the vegetation is still relatively lush, the River is flowing, the trees are shaded, and the low hills are all green.

After eating breakfast in the morning, after walking for half an hour before entering the mountain, Sky Sun gradually felt a certain burning sensation.

But from the flat and open wasteland into the forest of the foothills, Liang Ren did not feel the sun.

“Stupid~ Picking some is enough, don’t finish picking them all. These are the rations of a lot of Wild Pokémon.”

The foothills of Mt. Moon, at the moment Liang Ren is carrying A few Pokémon are under a huge blue orange Berry Tree.

Liang Ren stood under the tree holding a basket for scouring vegetables, Slowpoke Levitate was in the air, Lucario climbed onto the branch, and the ivy snake stayed beside Liang Ren.

Slowpoke uses Psychic to perceive it while picking the ripe blue orange fruit;

Lucario’s Aura also has the ability to perceive whether the fruit is ripe or not.

Two legs are twisted around the branch, one hand is bent on the elbow, and the other hand picks the blue orange fruit hanging on the branch.

The green vine snake below is not bad, as a Grass Type Pokémon, the senses on the body also have the special ability to perceive the ripeness of the fruit.

While using Vine Whip to help pick, while using Vine Whip to hold a basket to pick up the fruits picked by Slowpoke and Lucario.

“Okay, it’s almost done. If you pick it up, the surrounding Wild Pokémon will not have enough food.” Liang Ren said to his Pokémon.

“ao 嗷——Master big brother, how do you know that all the Pokémon in the wild eat the blue tangerines from this tree?”

Put the blue tangerine in your arms into the green vine snake Lifting the basket, Lucario slipped down holding the trunk, said curiously.

“Because many of the fruits on this blue orange tree are already ripe, but the rotten blue oranges are not at all dropped on the ground. It is obvious that Wild Pokémon has picked up the ripe blue oranges and eaten them. “

“However, there are still so many mature blue oranges on the tree that have not been picked, which means that although the surrounding Wild Pokémon is feeding on the Berry on this tree, in general they still have enough food. .”

“In this case, we can pick some, but we must also be careful not to pick too much. We need to leave some for Wild Pokémon around here for food.”

After Lucario hatched from the egg, he stayed by his side, unlike Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Ivy Snake.

Lucario has not lived in the wild for a long time, and many things are not well known.

“ao 嗷—that’s how it is.” Lucario nodded seriously.

“Berry can be picked, but the Berry Tree cannot be damaged, otherwise not only will the Wild Pokémon run out of food, the trainers passing by will also have no fruit to eat.”

“Pour the Berry Tree Some water.” Liang Ren took a Clefairy whale-shaped flower watering bottle from the system backpack and handed it to Lucario.

“ao ao~” Seeing Liang Ren arranged work for him, Lucario swept his tail behind him, looking very excited.

Holding the kettle, he hopped and ran under the tree, pouring water against the roots of the blue orange Berry Tree.

“hua hua…”

Seeing Lucario being so busy, Liang Ren also washed a few of the blue tangerines he had just picked and gave them to Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster… …Each of them gave one to regain strength.

The blue orange Liang Ren under him is put into the system backpack.

One of the five pets rested for a while, and then continued on the road. Now I have just entered the mountain, and there is still a long way to reach the Yangjiaofeng in the depths of Mt. Moon.

“Lucario, ready to continue.” Seeing Lucario is still watering the Berry Tree, Liang Ren couldn’t help but greet him.

“ao 嗷——I’m here, I’ll be fine soon.”



With five Pokémon under his team, Lucario, whose strength reached LV.40, ranked fourth in the team.

However, from the perspective of age, Lucario has only been hatched from the Pokemon egg in a year, and the strength is lower than that of the Qingvine snake.

Before joining the team, Qingteng Snake lived in the wild for five or six years, and then he followed two trainers.

So although Lucario is stronger than Qingteng snake, but in terms of biological age, Lucario has to call Qingteng snake elder sister.


After a short break, Liang Ren and the others continued on the road.

However, although the Yangjiaofeng in the depths of Mt. Moon’s veins is still far away from here, Liang Ren did not hurry because of this.

Instead, follow the normal footsteps, moved towards the mark marked by Brock on the map.

For traveling Liang Ren never denies the value of reaching the destination, but what he sees and hears during the trip is also very meaningful.

The surrounding vegetation of Mt. Moon is lush. Whether it is ordinary fruit or Berry with medicinal value, whether it is fresh wild vegetables or branch firewood, Liang Ren will come to Pokémon to collect it.


The mountain breeze blows, Lin Tao hua hua.

The sun is rising higher and higher, unconsciously it has risen to the center of the sky.

Passing through the mixed forests, Liang Ren finally saw a green cave.

The cave looks like it was dug out manually, but the cave mouth is covered with traces of moss of different shades, which looks a bit like a natural formation.

“Let’s have lunch outside, and then we will enter the cave in the afternoon.”

Liang Ren glanced at the moss grotto on the mountain, and then said to a few Pokémon.

“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Do——”

“ao 嗷——”

I heard lunch, The three snacks Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Lucario became excited.

“I’ll cook, you first eat two blue tangerines to cushion your stomach.”

Liang Ren, who is scouring vegetables, washed some blue tangerines and put them on the table next to them. In the bowl, he turned his head and said to the pets who were playing on the picnic mat.

“Ya duo——(ू˃o˂ू) good.” Slowpoke fatty claw moved towards the table, and the bowl of fruit floated towards it.

“Ya Duo——Honey, help me ice the blue tangerine (◍>◡<◍)”

After Slowpoke distributes Berry to everyone, he puts the blue in his hand Tangerine handed Cloyster and said.

“ao 嗷——Sister Beibei, I want to eat ice too, you can help me freeze it too.” Lucario shook his ears and moved his head together.

“Ticket–I am your mobile small refrigerator with me.” Cloyster rolled his eyes with beautiful ice eyes.

“Ao-dear, you are the best.”

“ao wai-sister Beibei, you are the most beautiful.”

“Kaka ——(˘͈ᵕ˘͈❀) You two are sweet.” Cloyster full of smiles said, and he accepted the role label of the mobile small refrigerator.



Listening to the intimate and harmonious chat atmosphere of the few pets behind him, Liang Ren also showed a relaxed smile on his face.

Taking rice and cooking, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables…

The fresh and tender part of the wild vegetables picked on the road in the morning was blanched in boiling water, and some juice was adjusted to make a cold dressing.

The remaining part is poured directly into the pot and stir-fried after all the fat is gone.

“Fried Pomfret, Stir-fried Wild Vegetables, Garlic Vermicelli, Crab Tofu, Cold Wild Vegetables”

Liang Ren, who is genetically used by Mother’s cooking, simple ingredients, after his cooking It also becomes full of color and fragrance, which makes the index finger move.

There is no need for Liang Ren to say hello, Pidgeot and the others crowded around when Liang Ren was cooking.

“It’s ready for dinner.” Liang Ren arranged the dishes and shouted at Cloyster and Qingteng Snake.

“Suo Suo…”

However, Cloyster and Qingteng Snake did not respond, but there was a clear footstep in the woods not far away.

“Wow! It smells so good.” The visitor said excitedly.

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