September 15, Wednesday, Water Day

After nightfall, Pewter City gradually calmed down, but in the northwest of Pewter City to Mt. Moon, there was a steep mountain ridge.

Looking down through the tiankeng sinkhole smashed out by Meteorite, with the help of the bright and bright night sky, you can find some white things beating below.

Looking closer, these beating white things turned out to be the rare Pokémon living in Mt. Moon: Clefairy and Pixi.

At this moment, Clefairy and the Pixis are dancing around a luminous boulder in the center of the Grotto Square, and the atmosphere is unusually high.

This is a traditional custom of the Mt. Moon Clefairy family.

Because long, long ago, there were a group of legendary Clefairy and Pixie, every night of the full moon, they would hold a mysterious and ancient ceremony——

“Beep ~Beep~~Beep Kexi……”

“Beep~beep~~Beep Kexi……”

The body is bathed in bright moonlight, Clefairy, Pixies Dancing sacrificially dance.

Full moon offering sacrifices, express my sincere thanks to the super-large moon stones that protect them.

Because it brought the Clefairy family to this beautiful planet from the moon, and it is also a long-term attraction to Moonblast, only moonstones will be formed in Mt. Moon.

Because of its existence, the Clefairy family can evolve and possess powerful power.

Reflecting the brilliance of the’God’ at this moment, Clefairy and Pixie all looked excited and fanatical.

“Beep~Beep~~Beep Kexi…”

“Beep~beep~~Beep Kexi…”

Invited by Nika to participate Liang Ren, Pidgeot and Slowpoke, who were worshipped at the full moon, are also very excited at this moment.

“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Do——”


“ao 嗷— —”

“si si ——”

The influence of atmosphere on people is infinite, and Cloyster, who usually doesn’t like to join in the fun, is crazy with Slowpoke at this moment.

Liang Ren also followed a crowd of Pokémon dancing around the huge moon stone, the atmosphere seemed very happy and harmonious.

Liang Ren, who has forgotten about it, has not forgotten the purpose of his trip.

Since Clefairy and Pixi started the full moon ritual, Liang Ren has never looked away from the moon stone.

“I hope that Pidgeot, Dadao, they can also comprehend the new Ability.” Liang Ren has sustenance and hope in his heart.


Clefairy and Pixi are full moon ceremonies that start at 8:30. After a full half an hour, when the dance is about to jump to nine.

The piece in the center of the Grotto Square is as black as the night sky, but at the beginning of the sacrifice, bathed in Moonlight, it is constantly shining with a shining boulder.

Finally, a strange change has taken place——

“Bzz Bzz…” Suddenly, the giant moon stone began to tremble.

“chi! !” A chirp sounded from the sacrificial dance team. Liang Ren, Nika and Pokémon stopped when they heard the abnormal noise.

“Beep–” Hearing the sound, turning his head and looking, Liang Ren happened to see the light of evolution emerging from within the body of a Clefairy.

“Really evolved!!” Liang Ren was a little surprised.

“chi… chi… chi…”

With the first chirp, Clefairy came out of soft white light one after another. The light of evolution.

Except for Bug Type Pokémon in nature, there are very few cases of Pokémon collective evolution.

Liang Ren didn’t expect that he was fortunate enough to be able to see the collective evolution of Wild Pokémon in the natural state, and the object was a rare Pokémon like Clefairy.

If he recorded a video and posted it on the Internet at this moment, it would definitely cause a sensation, but he would naturally not do it if he knew the consequences.

Evolution continues, and Clefairy keeps gaining weight in the light of evolution.

The light of evolution dissipated, and the petite and exquisite Clefairy has become the final evolutionary Pixi.

Clefable is a pink star-shaped Pokémon, walking upright on two legs, similar in size to Clefairy, but taller and fatter than Clefairy.

Pixi also has long pointed ears, Black’s ear tips, Black’s small eyes have wrinkles, and there is still a bunch of curls on his head.

Compared with these small physical changes, Picsey’s more voluptuous tail and wider wings are the biggest difference from Clefairy.

Although no one has seen Clefairy and Pixie Flying, Liang Ren always feels that if Pixie is willing to flap its wings, it should be able to fly.

“Beep Kexi~”



Clefairy each completed the evolution, The Grotto Square was suddenly filled with Pixi’s exhilarating Growl.

“Bzz Bzz…”

“Bzz Bzz…”

The evolution of Clefairy does not at all affect the power of the giant moonstone to absorb the moonlight, but Now the giant moonstone seems to have been charged.

The huge rock in the center of the Grotto Square, which was as black as the night sky, suddenly vibrated more severely, and at the same time it released ying and cold rays, as if it were a reduced version of the moon.

“This is…” Liang Ren looked towards Nika on the side with a questioning look.

“Ah! This is the blessing of the second link, Liang Ren, let your Pokémon calm down and understand carefully.”

“The full moon sacrifice will be every month. Once, but not every time, the blessing of the second link will appear. This is a good opportunity to comprehend Ability’s moves.”

Seeing the huge boulder of Huaguang, Nika’s face suddenly showed joy and excitement. The expression, as if something big happened.

“Moonstone’s Ability blessing!!” After hearing Nika’s explanation, Liang Ren’s expression was also a joy.

“Pidgeot, dumb…you all do what Mr. Nika said, and try to realize the new ability.” Liang Ren said to a few Pokémon hurriedly.

“Beep Diao~”

“Ya Duo~”



Hearing the sound, a few Pokémon are excited and nodded.

See the surrounding Clefairy and Pixie Ground silently towards the glowing moonstone, open your arms to make a virtual hug, Pidgeot and Slowpoke are the same.

The Grotto Square, which was still lively just now, suddenly fell silent.

“Bzz Bzz…”

The boulder keeps shaking on Earthquake, setting off waves of energy after another, and the Pidgeot in the energy tide shows a happy and relaxed expression on their faces .

Liang Ren knows that this is Pidgeot and they are in a state of comprehension. If there is no possibility of comprehension, a few Pokémon would have woken up long ago.

“hua hua ……”

The wave-like energy tide centered on the huge moonstone, and then moved towards all directions diverged, and Liang Ren could faintly hear the tide of hua hua sound.

The Pokémons fell into a sudden enlightenment, and Nika looked nervously and worriedly at Clefairy and the Picses.

After a short time together, Liang Ren has discovered that any small things that happen to Clefairy and Pixie can affect Nika’s mind.

Liang Ren doesn’t worry about Pidgeot. Liang Ren is 200% confident about his Pokémon’s innate talent.

Since Pidgeot and Slowpoke have fallen into a sudden enlightenment like Clefairy and Pixie, then there will be gains, he just needs to wait quietly for the result.

The bored Liang Ren looked around.

He discovered that when the energy tide released by the huge moonstone spreads to the rock walls all around, there will be a block of stones emitting a luminous cold light to echo the boulder.

Remembering Nika explained the cause of the moon stone in Mt. Moon this afternoon, a clear comprehension flashed in Liang Ren’s mind.

“These luminous ones absorb the energy that the moonstone escapes. Will they slowly transform into moonstone crystal stones in the future?”

Look at the continuous flashing on the stone wall of the cave With a view like Mew’s starry sky, Liang Ren also showed an expression of admiration and intoxication.



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