

The tremor of the boulder lasted for nearly half an hour, until a cloud blown by the sky covered the moon, and the energy tide in the grotto Just retreated.







After the energy tide subsided, another five or six minutes passed, Clefairy and Pixi immersed in the sudden enlightenment We just regained consciousness.

The Grotto Square became lively again, one by one, chirp chirp twitter twitter gathered around Nika to happily talk about their own gains.

Looking over at a glance–

The face of the new Ability is happy, and the face of the new ability is depressed.

Liang Ren didn’t make a sound, and waited a few minutes for Pidgeot and Slowpoke to wake up one after another.

“How? Did you comprehend the new Ability moves.” Looking at the excited five pets, Liang Ren also showed a smile.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Boss, I realized a trick, Ability, Monkey Sai Lei~”

See Liang Ren asked, Pidgeot slightly spread his wings , Happily ran over and said to Liang Ren like a treasure offering.

“Oh~ let me see it soon.” Listening to Pidgeot’s description so exaggerated, Liang Ren suddenly became interested.

He also no longer calls the Attribute panel, but directly asks Pidgeot to show it to him.

“Beep Eagle-look.” After saying that Pidgeot flapped his wings on the ground, oh la la flew out of the sinkhole above his head and plunged into the night sky.

“Beep Eagle!!” In the starry night sky, Pidgeot, which has developed ahead of its peers, has a wingspan of four meters.

LV.Level 48, the strength of the nearly quasi-Elite exploded, and the powerful imposing manner echoed on the steep mountain beam with the loud carving.

Wild Pokémon is strong, but under normal circumstances, the strength is quite Normal.

There is no systematic exercise, except for some Pokémon with fortuitous encounters or some very long lifespans, which can take time to slowly pile up the Level.

Most Wild Pokémon can reach level 30 in their lifetimes.

At this moment, I felt Pidgeot’s “quasi-Elite” breath, and the lively Mt. Moon at night suddenly became quiet.

The Clefairy and Pixies who were on the chirp chirp twitter twitter in the cave square below, heard Liang Ren’s noise on his side, and curiously leaned over.

“Beep eagle!!”

After Pidgeot made a long beep in the night sky, he did not fly high, but turned his head and turned back.

The huge body swooped down like a fighter jet. When passing through the sinkhole, the huge body and wide wings blocked the moon’s light.

Suddenly black in the grotto, which really explains what is meant to cover the sky and the sun.

“Beep eagle-look at my Heavenly Dipper 36 Transformations · “Minimize” of Size as one wants! ! “

Pidgeot screamed strangely in the sky, and the huge body suddenly shrank, and when it landed on the ground, it was only the size of Pidegeotto.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Boss , How about my Ability? Can I hit Opponent by surprise in battle? “

The little Pidgeot who landed on Ground, squinted his eyes and moved towards Liang Ren with a smirk.

“Is the normal Ability Minimize?” My deed~ It’s so beautiful. “Seeing Pidgeot’s ability to reveal this hand, Liang Ren’s heart is full of surprises.

Although Pidgeot is a normal Pokémon, it stands to reason that it cannot learn the normal “Minimize”.

However, what was originally impossible happened at the moment, and Liang Ren’s mood can be imagined.

Liang Ren’s Pidgeot is much larger than similar, 2.5 meters tall and nearly 4 meters wingspan.

It’s really convenient to go for a ride, but the flexibility of the body in the battle is much lower than before.

Although it has absorbed the inheritance of Flying skills from Ability “Juggling”, Pidgeot Flying is very good in terms of speed and flexibility.

But the flexibility in the process of dodge dodge is much worse than the previous Pidgey and Pidegeotto forms.

Although the flexibility has been reduced, it has gained stronger physical strength, stronger strength, and longer-lasting flying ability.

Originally, I was willing and rewarding. Didn’t expect a trick “Minimize” to make up for Pidgeot’s shortcomings in physical flexibility.

Although he guessed that during the Minimize process, other abilities may not be able to be used, and the maintenance time of Minimize state It shouldn’t be too long.

But this does not reduce Liang Ren’s emphasis on this ability.

Imagine Pidgeot, who is 2.5 meters tall, 4 meters wide, and looks like a living target in battle.

When you are about to be hit by Opponent’s Unique Ability, suddenly shrink your body; or suddenly Minimize in a close fight, how much opponent will collapse.

“From now on, my Pidgeot will not only be bigger than others, but it will also become bigger Minimize.”

Looking at Pidgeot, who has been restored to its original shape next to him, Liang Ren squinted With eyes bent, very pleased in one’s mind thought.

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`)Brother Bird, your ability is really dirty!!” Slowpoke, who retracted into Liang Ren’s arms, said Doduo.

Hearing Slowpoke’s words, Pidgeot was immediately unhappy.

“Beep Eagle——Don’t talk about me~Fatty, look at your sullen look. It seems that you have realized the new Ability. Let me open my eyes.”

Pidgeot After making the request, Slowpoke didn’t answer, and Cloyster took the lead.

“Kaka——(˘͈ᵕ˘͈❀)My dear, let me come first. I just learned about the ability of a very good trick. I promise to surprise you.” Cloyster said.

“Ya duo——(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)Good. ” Slowpoke replied complied and gave up his position.

Cloyster uses Rapid Spin, which turns into a spiny Ice Ball and flies into the air to keep hovering.

“Ticket–Everyone, keep your eyes open and don’t blink.” In midair, Cloyster’s voice came from the thorn Ice Ball.

Hearing this, Liang Ren, Nika and Clefairy couldn’t help but widen their eyes, wanting to see what Ability Cloyster had learned.

After feeling everyone had focused their eyes on it, Cloyster smiled sternly in the closed shell.

“Ticket——(*^ワ^*) Look at my Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations · Shiny “Shiny”. “Cloyster Mimic Pidgeot snorted in his tone just now.

The people below haven’t reacted yet, the snow-white thorn Ice Ball in the sky suddenly released dazzling rays of light.

—— —❊———

“Ah! ! my eyes. “Pidgeot, who has the biggest spinning eyes, has tears flashed by Cloyster’s hand.

“Bei, you have also failed to learn. “Liang Ren, whose gaze was blank, rubbed his eyes and said with some emotion.

“Ticket——(*^ワ^*) Master, sorry, just too excited, and I just want to Give you a surprise. “

Cloyster, who successfully frightened everyone, turned and landed, and said in a sorry tone.

Liang Ren didn’t really blame him. Cloyster realized “Shiny”, Liang Ren said. I was very surprised.

Since getting a fortuitous encounter in Cerulean cave, swallowing cold marrow shedding body, exchanging bones and inheriting almost all ice attribute Ability, Liang Ren has basically not worried about Cloyster’s Ability.

Afterwards, I realized that “Rapid Spin” could derive new tactics.

In order not to affect the purity of Cloyster power within the body, Liang Ren only uses the “Shell Smash, Angularization” two tricks to cooperate with the ordinary system Ability.

The “Shiny” trick that Cloyster has realized right now is another very practical ability trick.

Like Pidgeot’s Minimize, no matter whether it’s actively rushing or being slapped by the opponent, it flashes suddenly.

“It must be very interesting.” The corner of Liang Ren’s mouth was slightly raised, thinking a little black-belly.

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