“Stupefied~Help him treat it.” Looking at Sandslash, who fell unconscious, Liang Ren turned towards Slowpoke instructed.


Slowpoke was cleverly nodded, a Heal Pulse was injected into Sandslash’s body, and Sandslash soon recovered.

“Kuga~” was defeated by Lucario once, and Sandslash had no idea of ​​fighting again at this moment, and his claws quickly dig a hole and escaped.

“It’s not far from Yangjiaofeng. Let’s continue on our way, and try to get there before dark.” Liang Ren said.

“ao 嗷——”

“si si ——”

“Ao 嗷——(´・ω・`)”

The three pets replied to complied. After Liang Ren gestured to Pidgeot circling on the sky, the team moved on.

It has been two days since Nikka and Clefairy have been separated. Liang Ren and the others follow the map mark given by Brock to continuously go deep into the Mt. Moon vein.

Climbing mountains and ridges, drilling holes and crossing bridges, although hiking is very tiring, but I can meet all kinds of Wild Pokémon.

There are common and rare Pokémons. The conditions for Liang Ren to conquer Pokémon are very harsh.

So the Pokémon that I met along the way, in the end all became the EXP of the Qingteng snake and Lucario.

The probability of exploding innate talent red coins is not high, but I can’t bear the large number of Wild Pokémon. During this period, innate talent red coins were exploded like Sandslash did not have a lot of times.

However, after the last new semester challenge, after the Pidgeot innate talent was added to the upper limit, Liang Ren became more cautious in allocating innate talent.

Along the way, I have picked up “Physical Strength, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed” innate talent Attribute coin Liang Ren.

But he didn’t at all and used it as soon as he picked it up as usual. Instead, he kept it in the system backpack and prepared to wait for more to distribute.


Long-term scorched and drenched by sun and rain, the stones in Mt. Moon appear as ash-gray, giving people a barren and desolate feeling.

Although there are some thuja cypresses growing on the cliffs, and there are some iron-toothed thorns and grasses in the rocky beaches and crevices of rocks below, they still cannot change the barren and desolate facts.

Therefore, most of the Wild Pokémon living in the veins of Mt. Moon are Ground Type and Rock Type that can survive by eating soil and stones.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren, there is a cave in front of him.” Seeing Liang Ren thinking about things, Slowpoke couldn’t help but remind him.

“Hmm~Is there a cave? You two use Psychic and Aura respectively to explore, Dadao and Xiaolu, whether Cave has an exit.”

I was awakened by Slowpoke’s words. Liang Ren looked up at the natural tunnel formed by the rupture of the mountain birch and said.


“ao Ao–“

The two Pokémons who received the instruction did not delay and directly released the power of Psychic and Aura , Perceiving the exit of the dark cave and the danger in it.

“Ya Duo——(´・ω・`)This mountain bifurcation not only has an exit, but also a shortcut to Yangjiaofeng.” Psychic sensed it, and Slowpoke said to Liang Ren .

“ao 嗷——There are a group of Zubat and Golbat living in it. The strength is Normal and not too dangerous.” Lucario also retracted Aura’s perception and said.

“In this case, let’s go this way.”

In such a barren and desolate area, the crypts and caves that can shelter from wind and rain are many Wild Pokémon vying for Of the lair.

Because of this, there are often powerful Pokémon in this cave, and once you meet it, you will inevitably fight.

But with Slowpoke and Lucario exploring the way, and the strength of his Pokémons are not weak, Liang Ren has a boldness of execution stems from superb skill mentality.

“Cloyster, come out.” Pidgeot was unable to enter the cave. To ensure his own safety, Liang Ren let him out.

“Takaka——(˘͈ᵕ˘͈❀) This beauty is on the stage.”

“Xiaobei, we are going to enter the cave in front, pay attention to be vigilant.” Liang Ren reminded.

“Kaka——(˘͈ᵕ˘͈❀) understand.” Cloyster nodded, it is never ambiguous when it comes to business.

“Well, let’s go in.” Liang Ren nodded, taking a few Pokémons except Pidgeot into the crypt cave.

It’s one o’clock in the afternoon, and now it is the last few weeks of the autumn tiger’s prestige, and the temperature outside seems very scorching.

However, after entering the crypt cave, as the light dimmed, the temperature suddenly dropped.

Cloyster controls Shiny Ability to let the shells emit shining gleam, the light is enough to shine the road, but it will not stimulate the Wild Pokémon in Cave too much.

Cloyster is slightly close to the shell, supported by Slowpoke’s Confusion, in midair floating forward like a lamp.

Liang Ren hugged Slowpoke and followed Cloyster, while Lucario and Qingteng snake protected him one by one.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)My dear, there is a group of Zubat living in front of you, so be careful~”

Slowpoke’s eyes are glowing with Psychic fluorescence, dark All the dangers in the crypt are invisible.

“Kaka——(˘͈ᵕ˘͈❀) received.” Cloyster, who was floating in front, closed the shells a little further, alerting them to the danger that might come at any time.

“zi zi ——”

“zi zi ——”




Pokémon, who has lived in the dark environment of Cave for a long time, is very sensitive to light and sound.

Hearing the footsteps of Liang Ren and the others as they marched, and the light emitted by Cloyster, Zubat on the Rest on the cave wall in front of them anxiously attacked Liang Ren.

“Ah duo——Õ_ÕBe careful, everyone, Zubat is here.” Slowpoke reminded.

In fact, I don’t need it to remind. Liang Ren, who heard the harsh noise of zi zi, already knew that Zubat was coming.

“Zubat became anxious only when we disturbed him. Please protect yourself and don’t blindly attack.” Liang Ren said, “Stupid~ Use Hypnosis.”

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`) received.” Slowpoke replied to complied.

Confusion controls Cloyster, Lucario and Qingteng snake to gather together, helping to hold up a protective cover, and at the same time letting out hypnotic brain waves in his eyes.

“zi zi ——”

“zi zi ——”

The sound moved from far to near, and soon a group of Zubat flew from the depths of the cave Come.

Zubat’s mouth made a burst of irritating noise, and the bat’s teeth became sharp and sharp. It was a bite when lying on the protective cover.

“Ya duo——(㊖ˍ㊖)”

A group of Zubats, who are only ten to twenty levels in strength, want to bite through the protective cover made by Slowpoke, it is simply wishful thinking.

Ecruteak City Bell Tower Seeking Ho-Oh incident has passed for some time. During this time, Slowpoke Level has been maintained at Quasi Elite Peak LV.50.

However, continuously absorbing the power of the Elite Spirit Orb donated by Alliance, Slowpoke’s background has become stronger.

Slowpoke Level has not improved during this period, but the strength has been greatly improved.



“peng~ peng~ peng~ ……”

The Zubat nibbling on the protective cover was swept by Slowpoke’s hypnotic brain waves, and one by one suddenly fell to the ground like dumplings.

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