
Ding, experience +210

Ding, found attack Attribute value +1


Ding, experience +190

Ding, pick up speed Attribute value +1


ding, experience +230

ding, pick up physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, got the attack Attribute value +1



In the dark cave, one by one Zubat fell to the ground motionless, just like Astral Projection.

A cloud of white mist rose from Zubat’s body.

At the same time, a translucent coin with white fluorescent light was sputtered out, hovering an inch above Zubat’s body and spinning around.

Such a scene happened in the red pine forest last semester. Liang Ren and Slowpoke hypnotized a lot of Pokémon by “Yawn”.

“dīng líng líng ……”

Liang Ren reached out and beckoned, a group of Mist gathered into a large group of experience Mist floated over.

“Lucario, Ivy Snake~” Liang Ren tilted his head towards the two Pokémon and whispered.

“ao ao~”

“si si ~”

Hearing Liang Ren’s prompt, Lucario and Qingteng Snake knowingly nodded.

The experience fog group splits into one big and one small group, the big group is absorbed by Lucario, and the small group floats towards the ivy snake.

“How do you feel?” Liang Ren asked the two Pokémon.

In the past two days, I gradually penetrated into Mt. Moon, and encountered the Wild attack along the way. Lucario and Qingteng Snake were facing each other.

The two Pokémon Ability became more proficient. Although Lucario Level was still 40, the Green Snake Level rose from 20 to Level 21 in more than two days.



After absorbing the experience fog group, Lucario and the vine snake’s body shook, and the breath became more It was stronger before.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎breakthrough.”

“si si——I also brokethrough.”

—— ——————

[Qingteng Snake]♀



Character: self-confidence, Smart

Characteristics: Overgrow, antagonism

Stamina: 95[C]Blue

Attack: 60[C]

Defense: 70 [C]

Special Attack: 71 [C]

Special Defense: 70 [C]

Speed: 100 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: 461


“Top Rank”: Attract, Captivate, Return, Vine Whip

“intermediate rank”: Petrochemical Gong, Leaf Tornado , Bubble’s arias

“Low-level”: Tackle, Wrap, Growth, Safeguard


【Lucario 】♂

Level: 41

Attribute: Fighting, steel

Character: loyalty, justice

Feature: Mental Force, (unyielding heart)< /p>

Stamina: 80【C】Blue

Attack: 151【A】Red

Defense: 75【C】

Special attack: 115 [B] Purple

Special defense: 75 [C]

Speed: 104 [B] Purple

Comprehensive: 600

Ability :

“Top Rank”:

Extrreme Speed, Copycat, feint, Force Palm

Aura Sphere, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch, Piaopiaoquan, Power -Up Punch, Alloy Claw, Metal Sound, Spark Flash, Counter, Work Up

“intermediate rank”:

Iron Defense, Endure, Detect, Crushed Rock, Final Gambit, Calm Mind

Ice Punch, Reve rsal, Refresh, raster cannon, Swift


Bone Rush, Sword Dance, Meteor Mash

————————< /p>

Received the answer from the two pets, Liang Ren called the Attribute panel and took a brief look. After seeing Lucario and Qingteng Snake were both upgraded to Level 1, he couldn’t help but nodded with satisfaction.

Although his cheat system is very rudimentary, he thought that his strength developed to the later stage as his Pokémon became stronger and stronger.

The effect that the cheat system can play will continuously decrease.

⒈The first thing that loses its sense of existence is the experience fog group, which has originally become the’blue orange fruit’ used to slightly restore physical strength after the battle.

Now after Pokémon’s strength reaches the current level upper limit, the experience fog group has become a role for the introduction of breakthrough.

⒉Because some inhuman attacks on Wild Pokémon were inhuman, the Attribute coins used to enhance various aspects of power were also ineffective because of short supply.

Liang Ren thought that this was the case. He didn’t expect the Black and White Flute Items to change the status quo.

“Attract the wild Pokémon with strong offensive to take the initiative to attack.”

There is no such thing as a Pokémon inhuman attacking hobby’s peace, while ensuring the supply of Attribute coins.

⒊As for the innate talent red coins, because they can’t rush wildly, the number of innate talent red coins is also greatly reduced, forcing Liang Ren to reduce his dependence on them.

Originally, Pokémon only valued character and cultivation value, but now it also has a must for innate talent.

However, the innate talent revealed from Pidgeot has an upper limit problem, which makes the innate talent red coins more precious. Liang Ren pays more attention to it.

⒋The last function of the cheat system, the system backpack is aimed at the [use] function of the Ability learner.

As long as the Attribute fits, the success rate 100% can be ignored so that Pokémon can understand the above Ability.

There are certain effects in the early, middle and late stages, but the main effect is the stronger effect in the early and middle stages, and the latter depends on Normal.

But no matter what, Liang Ren originally rejected the shabby cheat at first.

During the process of breeding Pokémon, he really brought him a lot of convenience, and it continues to play a role today.



After the hypnotic Zubat group has harvested a wave of EXP and Attribute coins, Liang Ren asked Slowpoke to wake them up with Heal Pulse. Just left.

Mt. Moon left Clefairy for two consecutive days, and arrived at this crypt cave not far from the Yangjiao Peak marked on the map.

Slowpoke protects them, and the next journey is as smooth as before. Wild Pokémon who actively attacked him in the crypt and cave.

If the strength is over 30, give it to Lucario to solve it, and if it is lower than 30, give it to Qingteng Snake to practice.

It is expected to get out of the crypt cave before dark, and finally achieved this achievement.

“Woo~ finally came out.” Seeing the light at the end of his sight, Liang Ren almost ran out of the cave.

If it wasn’t for short cuts, he would never choose to drill Cave if he is slightly claustrophobic.

“Ya Duo——Master (ू˃o˂ू), my grandson is out!!!”

The Slowpoke in Liang Ren’s arms also moved towards the outer valley happily Shouted.

Hearing the voices of Liang Ren and Slowpoke, a Pidgeot on the blue sky swooped down quickly.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) nerd, you are the Second Junior Brother, and I am the First Senior Brother.” As Pidgeot swooped down, Liang Ren lifted up on the platform they were standing on A strong wind.

“Ya duo——(͒˶´⚇`˵)͒ I am First Senior Brother, you are a sand sculpture.”

“Beep eagle——(งᵒ̌絲ᵒ̌)ง ah yeah, Zhu Zi’an dare to insult me, I am angry too, eat my trick Nine Yin White Bone pickled pepper phoenix claw.”

“Ya duo——(;`O´)You Come on, who is afraid of who, look at my Lion’s Roar Art Ahhhhhhh~”

“Battle Qi is a horse…”

“Horror is like this…”

< p>On the mountainside platform, a flying bird and a cute pink River horse pinched a rack.

Liang Ren did not speak, and silently gave Lucario, Qingteng Snake, and Cloyster some potato chips and popcorn.

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