

On the mountainside platform, after Pidgeot and Slowpoke had a fight for a while, Liang Ren, who had adjusted his state, brought a few Pokémon forward. .

From the crypt cave, it is already not far away from Yangjiaofeng. The view on the back of the mountain is very open and flat.

Standing on the mist-shrouded mountainside towards Elite in the distance, the setting sun is falling, and at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, I can see two peaks piercing the sea of ​​clouds like swords and halberds.

Two mountain peaks are juxtaposed one on the left and the other on the right. The imperial court is slightly slanted, and they look like a pair of goat horns.

“That’s how the name of Yangjiaofeng came from.”

Standing on a mountainside platform that is level with the misty sea of ​​clouds, Liang Ren watched in amazement as he was dyed golden by the setting sun. Sea of ​​clouds.

As well as the two bizarre mountain peaks at the end of the sky, Liang Ren will be here for special training for a while.

“Let’s go, let’s go down the mountain first.” Liang Ren greeted several Pokémons.

“Beep eagle——”

“ao 嗷——”

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)”

The mountains in the veins of Mt. Moon are different from the outside peaks. The mountains here are stones besides stones.

Mt. Moon’s veins are deserted in the depths, and there is no way to go like the outside. You have to be more careful when walking here.

It is very common to accidentally step on places where the geological structure is unstable and collapse and landslides, so Liang Ren also walked cautiously.

I got out of the cave at 5:30, but it took Liang Ren more than half an hour from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

From the mountainside that is divided into upper and lower sections by the sea of ​​clouds, the foot of the mountain appears to be much wider.

Below is the valley topography that is surrounded by mountain peaks on both sides, and the overall vertical distribution of the river valley, but under normal circumstances, the valley is very narrow and long, with gurgling water and lush vegetation.

The valley in front of Liang Ren is not long and narrow but very flat and wide, but there is neither gurgling water nor lush vegetation.

Yes, it’s all river beaches paved with pebbles and gravel——

“Was this a big river a long time ago?” Stepping on the round pebbles, Liang Ren said Touched his chin and thought.

However, he was not at all entangled with this issue, instead he took a few Pokémon and continued moving towards Yangjiaofeng.



As the continuously approached, the majestic and huge mountain of Yangjiaofeng gradually appeared in front of Liang Ren.

Compared with the steep and dangerous protruding part of the sea of ​​clouds, the mountains below the sea of ​​clouds appear to be massive and heavy.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎ These two mountains are so big.” Lucario, who is compared to Slowpoke than cobblestone throwing, couldn’t help but sigh.

“The terrain of the river valley is very windy. During the next period, Pidgeot, you have to work hard to achieve a breakthrough Elite level.”

Liang Ren looked at the end of his sight, like a door frame in the valley. The same Yangjiaofeng, Liang Ren said to Pidgeot.

It has been a long time since I won the Eagle Champion inheritance at the Fortree City Divine Bird Festival in the summer vacation, special training on the mountain beams on the Hebei bank of Hoenn, and the Mauville City Stadium exercise.

Pidgeot has entered the door for the understanding of the Eagle Champion inheritance. The last time the H9536 flight rushed into a strong air cloud in distress.

Pidgeot started the Mega evolution, and helped the plane clear the way against the mortal danger hit by Hail and struck by thunderstorms.

cutting off one’s means of retreat, cut off one’s means of retreat, and then reborn. After that incident, Pidgeot really realized the great fearless spirit of fierce and unafraid of death in the champion inheritance.

Come down and break through Elite. Pidgeot is already a smooth road. This is why Liang Ren is so confident in Pidgeot.

“Beep Diao——(՞ਊ՞) Don’t worry, boss, I won’t let you down.” Pidgeot confidently promised, and after speaking it provocatively glanced at Slowpoke Glanced.

But Slowpoke not at all is too reactive.

Its level has now reached LV.50, and the Elite Spirit Orbs given by Alliance because of its severe injury and coma have been completely absorbed by it.

For the breakthrough Elite level, Slowpoke is also full of confidence.



One person and five pets talked about the next training arrangement, while moving towards the Yangjiaofeng ahead.

At a glance, although the rocky beach is full of gravel and pebbles, there are still many Pokémons like Sandshrew, Geodude, and Korakola.

Seeing Liang Ren and the others heading towards Yangjiaofeng, these Wild Pokémon couldn’t help showing a strange look.

Liang Ren He also found that the closer to Giethoorn, the less Wild Pokémon around.

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`) didn’t mean that the horns of the horns emit strange sound waves. Whether Pokémon or humans are not close, why don’t we hear the slightest sound waves?”

Slowpoke said with some doubts, holding his fatty face.

“Beep Eagle–Isn’t it said that the shofar will make sound waves when it is going to be windy, and there is no wind now,” Pidgeot said.

At first Liang Ren also had the same doubts as Slowpoke. Hearing this from Pidgeot, he reacted at noon.

“Let’s not come close anymore.” Liang Ren raised his hand to stop the marching team, “I feel that if I get closer, there will be any danger.”




Liang Ren tone barely fell, suddenly a few Geodude shrank in horror and turned into a stone ball , Rolled over in front of them.

“hu hu ~”

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the valley——

Liang Ren brows sharply, and the hair on his forearms The explosion stood up, and he instantly realized what had happened.

Don’t hesitate for a while, hurriedly shouted to Slowpoke: “Damn~ Use Teleport soon.”


Slowpoke reaction Also very quickly, Psychic enveloped one person and five pets, and a Teleport fled directly towards the rear valley.

“wu wu ~~”

Liang Ren They just disappeared where they were, and after the river valley wind blew over Yangjiaofeng, there was a wu wu sound like weeping.

Where the sound wave passed, Wild Pokémon, who turned over rocks in the valley to find insects, fled in panic.

Slowpoke used Teleport to take Liang Ren back thousands of meters away. After landing, the sound waves from Yangjiaofeng were almost inaudible.

But Liang Ren still feels tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo, and his stomach is overwhelmed~


Liang Ren can’t help but feel big while holding his stomach Spit bitter water, looking at Yangjiaofeng, his expression was full of deep jealousy.

“Hey~ are you okay.” At this moment, a man’s majestic voice came from the hillside not far behind Liang Ren.

Liang Ren’s heart was suddenly shocked. He didn’t expect that deep in the vein of deserted Mt. Moon, there would be other people on the dangerous Yangjiaofeng.

Liang Ren, who heard the sound, turned around and turned his head to look, just in time to see a barefoot wearing a pair of ash-gray trousers, naked upper body.

The robust man covered in granite muscles stood on a large rock and called to him.

“Are you also a trainer who studied hard at Yangjiaofeng?” Liang Ren guessed inwardly.

However, when the other party kindly asked him about his situation, Liang Ren did not pretend to be deaf.

“We are okay~” He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and wiped his mouth. Liang Ren took a deep breath and replied loudly.

“At this time of the afternoon, the river valley wind is strong. Are you a trainer who came to do hard work? Do you want to come and have dinner together?” The naked robust man warmly invited.

“Okay~” Liang Ren did not refuse. The other party seemed to have been practicing hard here for a while.

Regarding the situation on Yangjiaofeng, he also has a lot to ask the other party.

However, when Liang Ren approached, when he saw the face of the robust man, he was really taken aback.

“He turned out to be…”

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