

“Si si——Master, what about me?” After seeing Liang Ren Coaching and Lucario, Qingteng Snake asked him hurriedly.

“Qingteng Snake, first practice the petrochemical skills and Bubble’s aria. The two tricks Ability are very important in actual combat.”

“Although Vine Whip’s Ability proficiency has already Reached the Top Rank, but the strength of Vine Whip can be continuously strengthened through exercise.”

Speaking of the Liang Ren communication system warehouse, among the three previously customized tops, there is a trash basket size Two tops were taken out.

“si si-OK, master.”

Seeing Liang Ren coaching it carefully, Qingteng Snake squinted his eyes and smiled happily.

“Pidgeot, let’s go over there to train.” Seeing the Qingteng snake also began to train, Liang Ren withdrew his eyes and greeted Pidgeot.

“Beep carving——” Pidgeot nodded, Qingming returned to complied.

Liang Ren arranged a few Pokémons for training, and Shiba not far away also watched curiously.

Seeing Liang Ren’s simple order, a few Pokémon started to train in an orderly manner. Sheba could not help but secretly nodded:

“Not only the strength level, this kid is here A few Pokémon in mind are very prestigious, and the bond is deep.”

Liang Ren is the Yangjiaofeng valley that arrived yesterday evening. Although he didn’t get along for a long time, Liang Ren showed his attitude towards his Pokémon Gentleness.

As well as the unconditional trust shown by a few Pokémons, the closeness and worship, and the performance of Pokémon fighting for favor with Liang Ren Xiba are all in my eyes.

Liang Ren can breed so many powerful Pokémon in such a short period of time, which only proves that his trainer’s innate talent is high.

But being able to make his Pokémon like him like this is the personality charm of the trainer.

“Although Sabrina’s Death Prophecy has made many members of the Alliance worry about them, they dare not devote resources to training.”

“But I believe that what I see can be His Pokémon loves him. Even if such a trainer encounters danger, his Pokémon will dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety to save him.”

“This kid is totally worthy of the Alliance’s resources to cultivate. “Thinking of this, Shiba’s eyes became extremely firm.


“Pidgeot, are you ready?” Take Pidgeot away from the Ivy Snake and Cloyster who are training.

Liang Ren came to the open space farther in the valley and asked Pidgeot.

“Beep Eagle——” One person, one pet and four eyes facing each other, Pidgeot nodded seriously.

“In this case, then you will calm down and pay attention to your feelings.” Pidgeot responded.

Liang Ren instructed, while using the consciousness communication system backpack to find the Ability learner for air blasting.




Idea Turning into a finger, I tapped the button lightly and switched to the Pokémon list instantly after turning off the screen.

“Air Blasting” is a Flying Type Ability. Among the five Pokémon, only Pidgeot can use it.

I tapped the mind, the Ability learner in the system warehouse grid was disappeared, and the Pidgeot panel Ability pool immediately added a new Ability “Air Blast”.

【Pidgeot 】♂


Attribute: Flying, Normal

Character: Proud, Defiant

< p>Features: Keen Eye, strong chest muscles

Stamina: 91【C】Blue

Attack: 120【B】Purple

Defense: 65【C 】

Special attack: 110【B】Purple

Special defense: 65【C】

Speed: 150【A】Red

Comprehensive: 601

Ability ———


Catch, Peck, Tackle, sickle, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Juggling, Heat Wave, Hurricane ~

Strong Hurricane, Air Slash, Steel Wings, Dragon Claw, Wing Slap, High-altitude Attack


Minimize , Whirlwind, Shunfeng, Roost, Foresight, Flying Sand Feet, Sunny Day, Black Eyes~

Spark Flash, Agility, Double Team, Mirror Move, Refresh

“Low level”: Air Blast·False


Liang Ren closes the Attribute panel. Although the new Ability Air Blast has appeared in the Ability pool, Pidgeot still closed his eyes and immersed himself Among them did not wake up.

Liang Ren didn’t disturb it either, but stood quietly and guarded it until nearly ten minutes passed.


Pidgeot, who was immersed in the perception, suddenly eyes opened, and a flash of light flashed in the sharp eyes of the bird.

Liang Ren didn’t have time to ask, Pidgeot was already anxious to flap his wings, took the wind, and flew into the air.


Along with the clear and high-pitched singing sound, a slightly blue column of air spit straight out from Pidgeot’s mouth.

The air column violently expelled the wind, and with the combined force of strangling, tearing, penetrating, blasting, etc., it blasted towards a boulder not far from the valley.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

The air column seems to contain countless sharp wind blades, and the boulder hit by the air column is shaken and emits peng peng peng peng The sound of blunt knives chopping stones.

“ka ka ka kha~”

In Liang Ren’s surprised eyes, one after another crack appeared on the boulder hit by the air column.

“hong long!!!!” A shocking explosion sounded, and the high explosive filled in the center of the cracked boulder seemed to be detonated.

Huge stones were blasted out by the force of the explosion, and the dust filled the sky with a gust of wind.

The location of the previous boulders is only rubble on the ground.

“This…” Liang Ren opened his mouth wide and looked at the shocking scene before him in amazement.

Because the air blast is marked with a “false”, and Pidgeot has just learned this skill Ability, the proficiency is not high.

Liang Ren actually didn’t have much expectation for the formidable power of this Ability trick in his heart, but just wanted to let Pidgeot learn this trick “Air Blasting·False”.

Let Pidgeot have a concept in Ability of the air blasting trick, after having some understanding.

Next time you see Lugia again, you can have an excuse to ask the other person for advice.

Otherwise, when you meet, you directly ask Lugia to teach Pidgeot to air blasting. Even if he is the spokesperson chosen by Lugia in human society, I am afraid it is somewhat inappropriate.

After all, “Air Blasting” is Lugia’s exclusive Unique Ability. It has no reason to impart such a powerful Unique Ability to him.

But Pidgeot learned “air blasting·pseudo” is different, at least there are reasons to ask the other party for advice.



Liang Ren: “Lugia, can you teach my Pidgeot your exclusive Unique Ability?”

Lugia: “get lost!! Why did my Unique Ability teach you Pidgeot, is it my exclusive Unique Ability?”


Liang Ren: “Dear Lugia, the god of the sea!!!

My Pidgeot learned air blasting by coincidence, but I don’t have a good grasp of it. Can you please give me some suggestions? Is it?”

Lugia: “Oh! Inbowstin. Since you have sincerely asked for advice, then I will show compassion on it.”

— ——

Make a coaching that can real air blasting and one that can fake air blasting. In the end, the more you learn, the more mistakes you get, or you can learn real air blasting.

The answer is obvious. Once Lugia agrees with Coaching Pidgeot, finally Pidgeot can learn real air blasting.

It’s just that Liang Ren didn’t expect that this trick he didn’t expect too much of “air blasting · pseudo”, the formidable power is so amazing.

“I’m a good boy~Nanmoto is so good. This ability of Ability formidable power is not inferior to the normal Hyper Beam.”

“Beep Eagle! !”

At this moment, not only Liang Ren was shocked from ear to ear, but even Pidgeot in Sky was also shocked. He couldn’t believe that such damage was caused by the Ability he displayed.

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