“Let’s stay a little bit farther away, don’t disturb Lucario’s training.”

Hearing the noise caused by Pidgeot Ability, the Ivy Snake and Cloyster who are training are all looking curiously here .

Not far away, Shiba, who was exercising with his Pokémon, also looked at Liang Ren continuously in surprise.

“Is this… the air blast that was photographed in the previous Vermilion City bounty Hunter’s Guild autumn auction?

“This kid, Pidgeot, has actually learned the above ability. . Shiba murmured in surprise.

Some time ago, Kusumoto used Ability to synthesize the exclusive Unique Ability “Air Blast” of Lugia, the god of the sea, which caused a big sensation and there were also many doubts in the trainer circle. the sound of.

Using low-level Ability to synthesize Top Rank Ability has been very shocking, and using ordinary Ability to synthesize the legendary Pokémon’s Unique Ability.

Additionally, Kusumoto himself not at all had close contact with Lugia personally, so many people have a question mark in their hearts as to whether the “Air Blast” Ability learner is useful.

Although there were many doubts, when Kusumoto asked the “Air Blast” Ability learner to auction the Hunter’s Guild, a bounty of Vermilion City.

The trainers from the entire Kanto Region and even the Pokémon trainers from Johto Region flocked to Vermilion City.

On the night of the autumn auction, many trainers, breeders, and even treasure collectors participated in the auction.

In the end, the “Air Blasting” Ability learning device was sold by a young man at a sky-high price of 37 million yuan. As the senior power of the Alliance, Shiba certainly knew the identity of that young man.

However, for the Ability on the Pokémon Academy CD-ROM under Liang Ren, Shiba feels that the success rate is actually not high. It can be said that the success rate is less than one ten thousandth.

In the autumn auction, there has been no further news of “air blasting” in the past half a month, and the topic of the topic has dropped a lot.

What Shiba didn’t expect was that Liang Ren, Pidgeot, had learned the above Ability at some point.

“Know how to hide strength, this temperament is many times higher than peers.” Xiba nodded secretly.

As the power executive of the Alliance, Shiba knows exactly how much darkness is hidden behind this seemingly pure and beautiful world.

Know how to hide one’s own strength, sometimes can live a safer and longer life.


Liang Ren didn’t know what Shiba was thinking at the moment, after Pidgeot successfully used the air blast for the first time.

He didn’t just let Pidgeot train by himself, but took Pidgeot to a farther place and continued the training of air blasting.

“Just here.” Liang Ren gently patted the back of Pidgeot’s neck and let it fall down.

Here is a distance from Cloyster and Hiba, and Pidgeot will not disturb the other party if he makes a loud noise.

“Take that boulder as a target and continue air blasting training.”

Looking around for a week, Liang Ren pointed to a boulder not far away, and then said to Pidgeot.

“Beep carving~” Pidgeot nodded seriously.

Liang Ren retreated some distance and found a tall stone as a shelter, and Pidgeot also flapped his wings and flew to in midair.

The sharp eagle stared at the boulder. Just now, he was able to successfully perform the air blasting successfully, because he realized that the success will bring happiness to the soul.

Pidgeot doesn’t know whether it can be performed smoothly now.

However, Liang Ren took this into consideration, so he brought Pidgeot to train alone.

“Pidgeot, you have to have confidence in yourself.” Liang Ren, standing behind the boulder, cheered towards Pidgeot.

Pidgeot nodded, the sharp bird’s eyes are forced to stare at the boulder below, and a high-pitched and clear whistle is heard: “Beep carving!”

The airflow in the hook-shaped beak , A slightly blue air column gushes out, piercing the wind tent and hitting the boulder.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

“ka ka ka カ~”

Compared with just now, the air column blasted by Pidgeot this time is not so Condensed, the air column hits the boulder, among which the wind blade continuously slashed on the boulder.

The wind blade sharpened the stone chips and the stone powder rustled down, and soon cracks appeared on the boulder.

But you didn’t have the shocking explosion in the phenomenon. After the air column formidable power emitted by Pidgeot has all subsided, the boulder is just cracking.

“Don’t be discouraged, it’s already very good to be able to perform successfully the second time. You can fully master this ability with more training.”

See Pidgeot staring in a daze. Boulder, Liang Ren couldn’t help but say “comforted”, just as he said.

This is only the second time to use it. It is already very powerful to be able to successfully release Ability. This is the case for ordinary Ability. Even more how is a Unique Ability like air blasting.

“Beep Diao~” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Pidgeot adjusted his mood and regained his confidence.

“Try again, this time we will get through the bondage link first.”

“Beep Diao~” I heard Liang Ren’s words, Pidgeot nodded.

The role of the bond link is not only the strengthening of all aspects of Pokémon’s power during the battle, but in fact there are many, many magical effects.

For example, the fetter link status is shared by the senses, and Help Pokémon conducts Ability training.

Because of sharing Pokémon’s senses, I can understand how Pokémon feels when he casts Ability.

The trainer can better correct and Coaching Pokémon, so as to achieve the effect of twice the results for half the effort.

Focus Energy Ningshen, one person can easily enter the fettered link state.

This feeling of the trainer being with himself gradually calmed down Pidgeot, who was a little worried.

“Try again, don’t be too nervous this time, concentrate on the boulder below as the opponent you want to defeat.”

Liang Ren’s voice resounded in Pidgeot’s mind, Pidgeot nodded , The wings hu hu flapped, and the whole flight became more stable.

Liang Ren, who shared Pidgeot’s senses, can clearly feel a turbulent air current surging in Pidgeot’s mouth.

“Pidgeot!!!” Accompanied by a high-pitched sing, the air surging in Pidgeot’s mouth instantly turned into a sky blue air column and blasted out.

“peng peng peng peng ~ka ka”

“hong long! !!!” Today’s explosion sounded like a wish, and the dust rose like a mushroom cloud.

This time Pidgeot played very well, the cracked boulder was blasted into rubble.

Because of Liang Ren’s company, Pidgeot’s attack was better than the first time before. The air column was more solid and the lethality became more amazing.

“Come down and take a rest, eat a blue orange to restore your physical strength, and then I will tell you what I learned from the observation just now.”

“Beep Eagle~”



“Fetter Link” is an Ability proficiency accelerator.

Pokémon’s abilities in all aspects under the bond link will be improved, coupled with the trainer’s peace of mind with himself, Pokémon can often perform supernormally.

Because the senses are shared by the trainer, the trainer is also able to better observe the problems that Pokémon has during the ability to perform and prompt it to correct it.

Under normal circumstances, a new ability learned at the beginning of a trick must reach the level of proficiency, even with hard work, at least ten days half a month.

On Liang Ren’s side, he can become very proficient in ten minutes and half an hour in the state of fetters, and he can reach Top Rank in two days.

This kind of training efficiency is very scary.

Of course, it is precisely because of such training efficiency that Liang Ren can breed Pidgeot to be so powerful in such a short time.

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