

Liang Ren accompanied Pidgeot in training all morning, and he has been able to skillfully perform air blasting.

Ability proficiency has also gone from low-level breakthrough to intermediate rank. The next training does not require Liang Ren to worry too much.

“Lucario, Qingteng Snake, are your training going well?” Liang Ren asked the two pets during lunch.

“ao 嗷——”

“si si ——”

Lucario and Qingteng snake are nodded by the spirit food.

Unlike Pidgeot, they are stuck in bottleneck. The two pets are in a period of rapid improvement in their strength.

As long as you insist on training, the improvement of strength can be clearly perceived.

“Okay, Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two will stay at the camp in the afternoon to continue training—

Slowpoke, Lucario, Qingteng Snake, we will go out for actual combat training in the afternoon.”

“In addition, remember not to approach the Yangjiaofeng Peak during training. We will train where we will go after a few days.”

Looking at a few Pokémon, Liang Ren warned repeatedly.



Immediately afterwards, he asked Shiba about the understanding of will, breakthrough Elite experience and know-how.

In general, Shiba’s statement is similar to what he had learned when he stayed with the bird trainers.

First, the trainer must understand his Pokémon’s personality, and then proceed from the trainer’s rationality and Pokémon’s sensibility to find a more suitable Ability.

Continuously exercise, practice makes perfect, psychic and psychic. When the proficiency of Ability moves reaches the peak, you must go further and gain breakthrough.

It is necessary to analyze the will contained in the ability to perceive Ability, and at the same time to understand Heart Seeing Nature, clear comprehension of one’s spirit willpower while understanding the will of Ability.

This is a very mysterious thing, suddenly transitioning from science to spiritual philosophy.

A process of understanding one’s spirit willpower is achieved by analyzing a reference object.

Liang Ren uses the “enlightenment” in the previous Taoist theories to understand the will of breakthrough Elite level requiring clear comprehension.

Sheba keeps emphasizing how difficult this process is, but the more he says this, the easier it is for Liang Ren.

The reason why he is so confident is actually not unfounded, from the perspective of several requirements for comprehension of will.

The trainer needs to have a good understanding of his Pokémon’s personality traits. Liang Ren asked himself that no one knew Pidgeot better than him.

Next, I need to find an ability to continuously improve his proficiency. For Liang Ren, who attaches great importance to the development of Early Stage from strength, this step can be said to have been completed.

Moreover, Pidgeot has an eagle-like champion inheritance, and Slowpoke has an Elite and champion inheritance. There are experiences to learn from.

The other reason Liang Ren is so confident is that Pidgeot and Slowpoke have very high innate talents, which are not comparable to Pokémon in the hands of other trainers.

In fact, Liang Ren also talked with Sabrina about his understanding of spirit willpower at the breakthrough Elite level.

There is another reason that many trainers have not noticed, and that is Pokémon’s intelligence.

Let a Pokémon, who is accustomed to obedience and acting only after hearing the trainer’s instructions, whether in life or fighting, suddenly let it think, and it is still philosophical thinking.

“Isn’t this embarrassing the fat tiger?” Seeing the bitter color on Xiba’s face, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel amused.

In terms of intelligence, among all Pokémon Attributes, Psychic Type, Ghost Type, and Fairy Type should be ranked first.

Rock Type, Steel Type, Fighting Type’s Pokémon will not rank too high.

Of course, there are no absolutes. In a group of fools, most people may be real fools, but it does not rule out the existence of a small part of great intelligence may appear to be stupidity.

However, after figuring out the superiority of high intelligence in the quasi-Elite breakthrough Elite level comprehension of will, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel very lucky.

Because he has always valued independent thinking and autonomous combat capability, he has been helping Pokémon’s intellectual development exercises from a very early time.

Pidgeot, who has a high appreciation for electronic music and classical music, ——

Koopponent in the Fighting mobile game, in the MOBA (multiplayer online tactical competitive game) Super God, Lucario with MVP ——

Cloyster and Qingteng snake who can understand and are very good at studying and analyzing the logic interspersed in family ethics dramas——

and clever He can even help Liang Ren with his homework and translation of foreign language papers. Slowpoke, who got full marks for bilibiliTynamo’s answer, turned positive –

excellent intelligence, super innate talent, and unique personality.

When I heard Shiba talking about quasi-Elite breakthrough to Elite level, I realized how difficult spirit willpower in Ability is.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster couldn’t help but smile at each other: “I think it’s not just that it’s too difficult to comprehend the will.

“Just thinking about this behavior is one thing for this muscle uncle. It’s a headache. “

“At the beginning, it was really difficult. Sheba helped her forehead, and she showed a headache.

“Pidgeot and Slowpoke are smart, I have confidence in them. “Liang Ren said with a smile.



For Pokémon’s breed, different trainers have different methods The idea, who is good and who is bad, cannot be argued in the early stage.

But in the later stage, which is better and worse is obvious at a glance~

Put Pokémon outside the baby ball and take it with you wherever you go. When you encounter new things, you will patiently explain to Pokémon.

When watching the game, guide Pokémon to think independently from the perspective of an outsider, so as to reflect on yourself in actual combat 、Whether you are doing it right under similar or same circumstances…

In the process of breeding Pokémon, Liang Ren did a lot of trivial things that others didn’t understand.

A lot of training The family will find it too troublesome, but from the current situation, the troublesome things Liang Ren has done before are valuable.

“breed Pokémon, how can it be troublesome? “Liang Ren couldn’t help but shook the head.

After lunch, Liang Ren and Pokémon took a break and then started training again.

< p>Although training is boring and boring, Pokémons are obsessed with the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction brought about by the improvement of strength.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you continue to train, I have left some blue oranges in Here, if you are tired from training, take a rest by yourself. “

“Beep Eagle——”


Seeing the two pets nodded, Liang Ren left with Slowpoke.


Today is the first day of special training in the River Valley. All the pets except Cloyster are currently improving their Ability proficiency.

As for using the sound waves of Yangjiaofeng to temper Pokémon’s will and exercise, Liang Ren intends to slow down again.

At this moment, Liang Ren is holding Slowpoke with his feet off the ground, moving towards the river valley and drifting away.

And Lucario and Snivy are Slowpoke doing two things At the same time, apply 5 times and 2 times Gravity field to follow behind.

“Lucario, refuel during training, add meals at dinner, and strive to withstand 10 times Gravity after a month. “

“ao 嗷——” Lucario exclaimed fightingly when he heard the snack.

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