“Qingteng snake, although you are positioned as a spell assassin, it does not mean that you have to give up physical training completely.”

“A strong body can prevent you from being shot by a powerful opponent. At the same time, a strong physique also helps you to display your speed ability.”

“If you accidentally get close by a super high-speed Pokémon like Pidgeot, or a Psychic Type Pokémon like Slowpoke that masters Teleport.< /p>

A strong physique and a certain melee ability are the means for you to get rid of the entanglement of the opponent and create an output environment for yourself.”

The Qingteng snake is very tenacious, and I heard Liang Ren help it. Analyzing the stakes, the Qingteng Snake, who had difficulty moving in the double Gravity field, gritted his teeth and persisted.

“Qingteng Snake, in fact, I don’t have high requirements for you. At this stage, I only need your physical fitness to withstand 3 times Gravity.”

See Qing Vine Snake was about to be pressed against the ground by the Gravity field, Liang Ren continued to speak.



Looking down from the air, the young man in the valley hugged a Slowpoke and drifted steadily to the direction of the mountain.

Behind the boy, a Lucario and a green vine snake were following with difficulty.

After trotting for half an hour, Liang Ren asked Slowpoke to withdraw from the Gravity field.

Bringing two pets out this afternoon is to find Wild Pokémon for actual combat training, not the cross-country breakthrough Performance limit is coming.

“Stupid, there is a Geodude.” Liang Ren turned his head and handed a blue orange to the two pets to recover their strength. Suddenly, he found that a Geodude was moving in the rocks not far away.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)Understand~” Slowpoke’s little head nodded.

I used Psychic to perceive Geodude’s breath, and then it picked out the white Flute from the two flutes hanging around its neck.


The White Flute sub sound is not as sharp as the black Flute sub, but for the Geodude in front, it can just catch the opponent’s attention and is a little picky. The degree of anger.


When he curled his body into a ball, Geodude, who was rolling in the dry sand, yelled and ran into Liang Ren angrily.

Liang Ren didn’t panic. He turned his head and looked towards the Qingteng Snake with a flat expression, “The Qingteng Snake, this Geodude will be handed over to you.”

The Qingteng snake did not respond, When Slowpoke was blowing a white Flute, it was ready to fight.

“shua ~” Liang Ren tone barely fell, the snakeskin’s body twisted, leaning down as if gliding against the ground, moved towards Geodude and rushed up.

Grass Type restrains Rock Type, but Qingteng Snake has always implemented the spell agile attack strategy taught by Liang Ren, not at all.

After successfully attracting Geodude’s attention, the Qingteng Snake twisted its body flexibly, with two Vine Whips sprang out from the neck under the lily placket, like a normal snake.

“pa pa!!!!”

Vine Whip broke through the air, the stone bumps moved towards Geodude looked like spinning tops, and hu hu was two whips.

“La Si~” Geodude let out a scream, Rollout’s movements stopped, and he stretched his body to reveal his two bulging biceps arms.

“Lasilasila!!” Geodude aggressively grabbed a watermelon-sized stone on the ground and threw it at the Ivy Snake.

However, with such a botched offensive routine, with the swift as wind movement speed of the Qingteng snake, it is not too easy to dodge.


A twisted body made the rock thrown by Geodude smashed into the air, and the red snake pupils of the Qingteng snake instantly turned into a strange gray green .

The light of the petrification came out, and Geodude, who was about to continue picking up rocks and throwing the vine snake, froze instantly.

“Swish~” Vine Whip opened his bow left and right, turning into two arcs to wrap around Geodude’s arm, and then hurled to in midair.

Seeing the movement of the siberian vine snake, Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction. In a natural state, Geodude needs to be on Ground to use its Ability to attack.

The Qingteng Snake threw Geodude into the air, and still made this choice when Attribute had the upper hand and the petrochemical work imprisoned the opponent.

The cautiousness of the Qingteng Snake made him very satisfied. As the saying goes, the lion also needs to use all its strength when fighting the rabbit. In fact, it is just like the Qingteng snake.


Vine Whip threw Geodude into the air. The Ivy Snake did not stop there, but instead mobilized the power within the body, opening her mouth with a psychedelic ethereal sound Long chant.

Snake kisses lightly opened, and blue ripples echoed with the sound, one after another thick-walled hollow water bomb like strong wind and swift rain Normal slammed into Geodude in midair.

Leaf Tornado has the same four-fold restraint on the Geodude of the “Rock + Ground” Attribute.

However, Bubble’s aria has been more practiced in the past two days, the proficiency is higher, and it is more handy to display.

“peng peng peng peng…”

“La Si!!!”

When hit by Bubble’s aria, Geodude kept groaning, and finally heavily Smashed to the ground, unable to get up again to continue fighting.

Ding, experience +230

Ding, found the attack Attribute value +1

Ding, found the defense Attribute value +1

— ———

Looking at the two translucent Attribute coins with shining white light and a pile of experience fog rising from Geodude, Liang Ren couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

Such a strange sight, only he who owns the system in this world can appreciate it.

“Qingteng Snake, you did a great job, especially after Petrochemical Gong imprisoned Geodude just now–

I still chose to use Vine Whip to throw it towards in midair. The opponent has room to play instead of directly attacking.”

“The tailwind must be stable, and the opponent must not be given even a slight chance of comeback;

when necessary in the headwind, You can make dangerous moves, disrupt the opponent’s rhythm with injury for injury, and look for a breakthrough.”

Liang Ren explained patiently, and Qingteng snake listened carefully.


“Damn~ help Geodude heal.” While resuming the previous battle, Liang Ren commanded Slowpoke to help Geodude heal.

Since Slowpoke learned Heal Pulse, it has become much more convenient whether it is training or going to the wild.

With Heal Pulse, Geodude soon regained consciousness. Liang Ren waited for the opponent to leave before taking Slowpoke to find a new partner.

The farther you are from Yangjiaofeng, the more Wild you encounter.










If the strength is relatively weak, hand it to Qingteng Snake, the strength level exceeds LV .30 will be dealt with by Lucario.

However, the level and number of strength levels in Wild Pokémon are also distributed in a pyramid shape.

The number of strong players is small, and the Qingteng Snake has made many shots along the way. After walking for more than half an hour, I haven’t encountered a suitable Lucario opponent.

“ao 嗷——I want to fight, too.” Lucario muttered in pieces along the way. It seemed that he hadn’t met a suitable opponent for a long time to make it grudge deep.

“Hey, this is the depths of Mt. Moon’s veins. There must be a powerful Pokémon.” Liang Ren couldn’t help but rubbed Lucario’s head comfortedly.

Also in the wild, there are more Wild Pokémon in the sea than in the land environment. When this experience is over, I will go to the Orange Islands to challenge the Southern Cross.

When the time comes, when I travel at sea, I encounter Wild Pokémon attacks much more often. When the time comes, I am tired with Lucario.


Liang Ren was thinking, a beast roar came from behind the turn of the river valley ahead, and the deep voice echoed in the river valley. Just listening to the voice, you would know that the strength is very high. Tough.

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