In the afternoon, Liang Ren went a long way to search for Wild Pokémon.

Return to the place where you met Nidoking at first, come out from the corner of the river valley, and just see the orange red sunset sandwiched between the Yangjiao Peak at the end of the river valley.

“hu hu…”

The valley is windy, especially in the evening, the style is very big in the valley.

Liang Ren, who was walking against the wind, had his clothes creaked.

He didn’t let Slowpoke use Teleport to save effort, and it took more than half an hour for one person and three pets to return to the river valley camp.

When he returned to the camp, Shiba had stopped training and was cooking dinner with a pot.

“Yo~Liang Ren you brat finally came back. Your Pidgeot and Cloyster are still training. I told them to stop and rest. They don’t listen at all.”

“Training both In the afternoon, you should let them stop and rest. Overtraining is not good for Pokémon’s body.”

Hiba, who was washing her hands and cutting taro, heard Liang Ren’s footsteps, lifts the head and came and said quickly. .

“Okay.” Liang Ren was stunned when he heard Shiba’s words. He didn’t expect Pidgeot and Cloyster to still be training.

But Pidgeot and Cloyster have been with him for so long, and they have their own degree of grasp of training intensity.

Since they are still training, obviously the two pets have no problem with their bodies, and they haven’t stopped training at the same time. It is estimated that they have not come back yet.

“Cloyster, Pidgeot, today’s training is over, I’m back to take a rest and prepare for dinner.”

Looking at the valley full of cold fog and glacial slab, Liang Ren did it with both hands. Loudly shouted.

“Beep Eagle——”


Liang Ren’s voice echoed in the river valley with the wind, and heard The two Pokémon in his voice also responded immediately.

Pidgeot, who was bombarding the sea of ​​clouds with air blasts, let out a high-pitched sing, and then dived down.

Cloyster trained in the middle of the river valley also used Rapid Spin, turning into a thorn Ice Ball and flying through the air.

“Every day when the sun falls on the mountainside of Yangjiaofeng, you two can almost stop training and rest.”

Seeing the two pets returning to the camp, Liang Ren pointed Yangjiaofeng’s aspect said.

“Beep Diao——”


Pidgeot, Cloyster nodded, did not disagree with Liang Ren’s words.

“Take a breath, I will help you prepare dinner.” Liang Ren said.


I will train with Shiba in the Yangjiaofeng Valley. Because I have to take Lucario and Qingteng Snake out for practical training in the afternoon, Normal will come back later.

The two parties agreed that Xiba will prepare dinner for dinner, and Liang Ren for breakfast and lunch.

Help Slowpoke prepare their Pokemon food, and Shiba’s taro stew also has a strong aroma.

Ciba is not good at cooking. Regardless of the ingredients, he cooks in a pot. Although there is only one stew, the taste is good and the amount is full.

As the sun sank into Western Mountain, the sky gradually dimmed.

There was a huge boulder blocking the wind, and the fire in the camp flared up so that the firewood crackled.

“By the way, Liang Ren, you are Kiyo’s dísciple. Next year, Miki will go to Kalos to participate in the P1world Fighting Championship~”

The chopsticks poke a piece of stewed taro to feed Here, Shiba asked Liang Ren while breathing.

“I really want to go, I remember Mr. Shiba was invited to be a judge in the tournament, it’s amazing.” Liang Ren complimented.

In the Fighting family circle, Shiba is very famous. He and the Fighting family Jitai Sanfeng from various regions are called the representative of the rigid and flexible fist technique.

Shiba is good at Gangquan, while Jitai Sanfeng is good at Soft Boxing.

The representative of Shiba, Pokémon is Strength/Machamp, and the representative of Jitai Three Peaks, Pokémon, is the master Weasel of Unova Region.

“Hmm~” Seeing Liang Ren asked, Shiba couldn’t help but nodded replied.

“Would you like to let your Lucario train with my Pokémon for a while.”

Liang Ren, who was immersed in the plan, suddenly heard Shiba’s suggestion, and he was stunned. , He even doubted his auditory hallucinations.

“Is it really possible? Will it affect Mr. Hiba and your Pokémon training.”

I was thinking about how to ask Hiba to help Coaching Lucario, didn’t expect It turned out to be the other party’s initiative.

“You don’t have to think too much about it. After the breakthrough reaches the Elite level, it is difficult for Normal training to improve.”

“My Pokémon is now encountering bottleneck, Coaching Lucario In fact, training can also play a role in review and sorting. It is very helpful for Strength/Machamp.”

“So can you and Lucario help me with this?” Shiba half true Half false asked Liang Ren for help.

If you don’t say that, Shiba doesn’t even know how to send this favor.

After all, he has made up his mind to absorb Liang Ren into the Kanto Alliance. If he waits for the opponent’s strength to become stronger, his favor is worthless.

“Of course, I can’t ask for it.” Liang Ren said to Shiba with joy.

“In this case, then we are settled. From tomorrow on, you will lend me Lucario for a period of time.”

“Okay~” Liang Ren nodded hurriedly Promise, as if he was afraid of Hibata going back.

In fact, Liang Ren is not to blame for such performance, although as his strength continues to increase, the title of Alliance Elite Four is no longer so invincible in his heart.

But the title of Fighting master is very important to Liang Ren.

He himself followed Kiyo for fighting technique cultivation for nearly a year, and he has almost entered the fighting circle.

The more he understands, the more Liang Ren understands how far he is from the Fighting master.

Not to mention his hairless brat, who has just been cultivation for a year, even Kiyo is willing to be inferior to Shiba.

As a veteran Elite level expert, Xiba has a higher level of strength than him. At the same time, as a Fighting Grandmaster Rank figure, the Fighting technique cultivation base also crushed him a few streets.

Lucario can get coaching from the other side, and I believe that his strength will improve very quickly.

“Now that Lucario Level has reached LV.41 and can be coached and trained by Shiba, Little Brat’s strength will improve even faster.”

“Long distance from next year’s P1world Fighting Championship There are still more than half a year, when the time comes breakthrough to Elite level, maybe.”

I took a side look at the tin can.

Like Lucario, who is using chopsticks to stick taro into his mouth, Liang Ren is full of confidence in his heart.

In the rest of the dinner, Liang Ren and Shiba talked about the Ability moves that Lucario has learned now, and the training plan he made.

In this way, Shiba can be used as a reference to some extent during Coaching Lucario training.

Otherwise, during the training, Shiba all followed his own way, completely negating his original things, Lucario would be confused.

Sheba understands Liang Ren’s careful thinking, and he listens carefully.

After all, he didn’t really want to ask the other party to help him as a training partner for Strength/Machamp, but wanted to send his favor in this way.

He will naturally not change Lucario’s original model beyond recognition. It is necessary to respect Liang Ren’s ideas and opinions.

Otherwise, this is not to give favors, but to take down the stage and do things.

Of course, Shiba is more experienced than Liang Ren in the breeding and training of Fighting Pokémon, in the process of Liang Ren’s self-report.

Xiba also put forward a lot of improvement suggestions of her own, all of which made Liang Ren feel that she was suddenly enlightened and benefited a lot.

Next, Liang Ren also trusted Lucario to Shiba for a period of time.

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