

It has been sunny for almost a week, and it rained in the evening.

With the strong winds in the valley, Liang Ren, who was awakened by the coolness in the middle of the night, couldn’t help adding another thin quilt.

In the morning, I opened the curtain of the tent and came out. As expected, the outside was wet and the valley was full of white mist.

As soon as the strong wind blows, the valley instantly turns into a milky river, and the white river is surging and surging~

“Good morning, Mr. Shiba.” Turning his head and hearing the sound of the tent curtain being opened When he turned his head and saw Shiba naked, Liang Ren couldn’t help but greeted him.

Among the four elites of Kanto, Fighting Elite Shiba is a pair of washed and faded gray pants, tied with a Black belt.

The upper body is naked, showing strong muscles bulging like a granite gang.

He has seen Hiba fist crushing boulders to build a stove, chopping wood with his bare hands, and drill wood for fire. He has no doubt about the terrifying power of Hiba’s muscles.


Sheba made a Yawn replied. Compared with many powerhouse expert fans, Shiba gives people a wild and chic feeling.

“Whether it is a Pokémon or a trainer, cultivation is like standing on a rock in Jiangdi with a steady footing. Once it relaxes, it will be swept away by the big waves.”

Standing next to Liang Ren, seeing Liang Ren looking at the valley of the’white waves’, Shiba couldn’t help expressing his sigh.

“Yes~ cultivation is like rowing a boat upstream. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. This is the truth.” Liang Ren nodded in agreement.

Gazed at the fog in the valley, the two were immersed in their thinking.

A cool morning breeze blew, and the enthusiasm for exercise in the two of them did not diminish at all, on the contrary, they increased.

“Liang Ren, are you interested in entering Alliance development.” As if the atmosphere was too quiet, I hope that Mist suddenly asked, looking at the galloping river valley.

“Of course~but I’m still young and I’m still in school.

“I plan to go on a trip after graduating from school. I will challenge the conferences of major Alliances. After your strength has increased to a certain level, you can enter Alliance again. “

Seeing that Shiba took the initiative to ask this question, Liang Ren did not practice Tai Chi with the other party, and directly and frankly said what was in his heart.

“That’s it, there are many youngsters. Going for a walk is indeed beneficial. When you want to join the Indigo Alliance in the future, you can contact me directly. “

Seeing that Liang Ren intends to enter Alliance, Shiba is in a good mood. Although Liang Ren has no plans in this area for a short time, it does not matter to him at all.

As long as he With this idea, Alliance only needs to sell more, value investment + interest bundling + human debt.

When Liang Ren said that he was willing to enter Alliance development, Shiba It has been 99.9% certain that the young people in front of us will join Kanto Alliance in the future.


After understanding Liang Ren’s attitude towards entering the Alliance development, Shiba’s training for Coaching Lucario has become more and more intense. His heart.

After all, he can basically be sure that Liang Ren will join Kanto Alliance in the future, so he is his own.

Coaching Liang Ren’s Lucario training, this is not Is it for Kanto Alliance breed battle strength? Why not do it.

“Lucario, you will train with Mr. Shiba every morning, and I will take you out for actual combat in the afternoon. “

“ao 嗷——”

For Liang Ren’s arrangement, Lucario cleverly nodded and did not resist at all. After all, Liang Ren had already explained it to him during the morning exercise.< /p>

“Little Brat, follow up. “Heba also arranged the morning training for Pokémon, and then shouted to Lucario.

“Go ahead. “Liang Ren blinked and cast an encouraging look at Lucario.

It was Lucario’s chance to get Shiba’s Coaching, which will have a great impact on its breakthrough Elite in the near future. Good.

“ao ao~”

Riolu runs towards Liang Ren nodded and then towards Shiba’s team.

“Okay, let’s start too Train it. “Liang Ren turned his head and looked towards the Qingteng Snake and they said.

“Beep Eagle——”

“Ya Duo——”

“Kaka—— “

“si si ——”

After having breakfast at the end of the morning exercise, the sun has already emerged from the distant mountains, and the tumbling Mist in the valley was dissipated by the sun.

Coming to the middle of the river valley, Liang Ren began to arrange the training of a few Pokémon.

“Cloyster, your training mission remains the same. You still switch to display the Ability in the Ability pool, and try to understand Ability. In the will. “

“In order to protect the purity of your power within the body, the abilities I helped you learn in the early stage are all ice attributes and a few tricks of ordinary abilities. “

” Therefore, as the ultimate ice, in the process of comprehension of the will, your thinking direction must fit the nature of the ice. “

“Hard, sharp, cold, frozen, cold, cold…”

“Cloyster, you are so smart, I believe you will be able to comprehend your own will. “

Without Lucario, I need to worry about it. When Liang Ren arranged some pet training, he couldn’t help but say more.

“Ticket~” Hear Liang Ren’s Encouraging, Cloyster also showed a confident expression.

“As for the Qingteng snake, you still train the arias of Vine Whip, Petrochemical Gong and Bubble. “

“You went up to Level 1 in the wild yesterday afternoon. Now you are training hard to master the strength of growth as soon as possible, and don’t let the foundation become empty. “

“si si ——” Qingteng snake nodded, twisting its body, swimming towards the place where it was trained yesterday.

The only one standing next to Liang Ren is Liang Ren also has Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

Seeing two Pokémon looking at him, Liang Ren slightly smiled and said:

“Let’s try it today, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, you two At the same time try to get through the fetters link with me. “

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Good, good. “

“Ah duo——(๑¯ω¯๑) Are the three of us together? It’s exciting. Slowpoke showed a wretched expression.

“Bang~” Liang Ren’s eyebrows were twitched, and he couldn’t help but appreciate it.

The bond link can increase the Mental Force of both parties. , If you open up the bond link with Pidgeot and Slowpoke at the same time, will the increase effect become greater?

Even if it does not meet expectations, then he acts as a connector by himself, and Help Pidgeot and Slowpoke are both established Divine Chain is connected.

The gains that Pidgeot and Slowpoke have achieved with each other must be very large.

No matter how bad, as long as the two sides establish a bond link through it, Slowpoke’s powerful Mental If Force can unilaterally gain Pidgeot.

Next, for Pidgeot to understand the will, breakthrough Elite level, the benefits will be incalculable~

“You two like you usually get through the bond link Just put your mind free and let me take the initiative to establish a link with you this time. “

“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Do——”

Seeing Liang Ren’s solemn expression, Pidgeot and Slowpoke also became serious and closed their eyes Started to adjust breathing.

The bond link involves the spiritual realm. Liang Ren thought a lot when he came up with this idea last night.

Even his consciousness entered the Psychic space and let the Psychic personality help him deduct it. The feasibility of this idea.

Of course Liang Ren dared to try with Pidgeot and Slowpoke today. There is no doubt that Psychic personality helped him think of a very safe solution last night.

By He takes the lead.

In this way, even if something goes wrong during the linking process between Pidgeot and Slowpoke, he can adjust or disconnect.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, you are ready ? “Closed his eyes, Liang Ren adjusted his breath and asked.

“Beep Eagle–I can do it. “

“Ah duo–I’m fine too. “

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