“Start training–“

The three-person bond link test succeeded. Liang Ren did not delay and directly commanded two Pokémon to start training.

“Ya duo——”

“Beep eagle——”

Two Pokémon nodded, usually noisy and return to noisy, but do business to get two pets Also unambiguous.

“hu hu…”

Bend over and kick on the ground, along with a strong flap of wings, Pidgeot took the wind and instantly rushed into the sky.

Slowpoke did not hesitate next to him. After retracting into Liang Ren’s arms, the powerful Psychic took Liang Ren with him, flying into the sky like a pink firework.

In the fettered state, the trainer and Pokémon must not be too far apart, otherwise they will be forced to exit the fettered link state.

Because it is the first three-person bond link, Liang Ren does not know whether the effective time and distance are extended, he simply trains with Slowpoke.

Pidgeot conducts “Divine Bird, Juggling, Hurricane, Air Slash” and the air blasting training just learned yesterday.

On the side of Slowpoke, it is above the sea of ​​clouds, using Mental Force to perceive the changes in the sea of ​​clouds, thereby clearing the comprehension of its own spirit willpower.

This time, after listening to Wu Forrest’s suggestion, he came to the Yangjiaofeng for training. Liang Ren had a very strong premonition.

This Yangjiaofeng valley, which is regarded as a restricted area of ​​life by the outside world, contains the opportunity of Pidgeot breakthrough Elite.

Because of his premonition, Liang Ren could not help but place more expectations on Pidgeot when he came out to practice this time.

Most of the energy and attention are focused on Pidgeot.

However, from the current point of view, Slowpoke, which has an Illusory Beast-level innate talent and a level of strength that has already been firmly established at LV.50, is actually ahead.

In addition to the success of the three-person bond link test, Liang Ren suddenly discovered that Slowpoke’s success rate is actually much higher than that of Pidgeot on the issue of breakthrough Elite.

“Hope everything goes well.” Above the sea of ​​clouds, Liang Ren followed Slowpoke and watched the ever-changing sea of ​​clouds cross-legged.

People in the world use wind without phase, cloud impermanence, wavy cloud, and white cloud grey dog ​​to describe cloud change, elusive.

However, as a transmigrator, Liang Ren knows that the operation of nature may be very complicated, but after all, it still has its own rules.

After experiencing the Articuno and Ice Orb events in Asia Island and Ice Island before.

Liang Ren understands better that this World, whether it is the weather or the ocean currents in the ocean, runs according to certain rules.

Behind this orderly order, there are more Top Rank powers that are silently maintained, and the power accumulated by Slowpoke reaches bottleneck.

Next, we have to breakthrough to the Elite level, and even to the championship level in the future. The only way to ascend is to understand the deep law behind the changing appearance of things.

spirit willpower, in Liang Ren’s eyes, is a gesture, a kind of Pokémon clear comprehension that he then realized.

What kind of state of mind and posture should I use in the future to continue walking, whether it’s a taste of nothingness or perseverance, whether it is to carry on with the past or to be unique…

According to Shiba’s description, Pokémon must understand When it comes to spirit willpower, the difficulty is so high that as a trainer, he can’t help but retreat.

However, in Liang Ren’s view, it is not difficult to comprehend spirit willpower.

“The so-called spirit willpower is just using one’s own power to lift the opening ceremony. After seeing the truth world from the surface world, the superficial world view gradually formed.”

“world is What? What kind of perspective should I be in, how should I look at the world, and how should I face this World.”

“Pokémon grows with age and follows it The longer the trainer gets along, the experience and wisdom will improve.”

“The world view, the so-called spirit willpower, will also be updated, improved, and continuously optimized.”

“However, the most basic, core, and essential things will not change after all. Finding this stable spirit that can be implemented and maintained is the key to breakthrough Elite.”

“… “


The golden red sun emerged from the horizon in the early morning, gradually climbed up the mountainside as time passed, and now broke through the fog and rushed out of the sea of ​​clouds.

The pure white is gradually being dyed in the golden sea of ​​clouds. A handsome young man wearing a plain white shirt and gray black trousers is now crossing his legs and closing his eyes Calm Mind.

Next to the young man is a naive Slowpoke, who is now holding Calm Mind just like the young man.

The warm golden sun, the pure white cotton clouds, between the clouds and the clouds, bring a touch of time and peace.

The high-altitude wind blows through, and the misty sea of ​​clouds instantly becomes turbulent, and the waves of treacherous clouds make people feel deeply afraid.

It seems that there are many ferocious Viper beasts hiding under the sea of ​​clouds.

“Beep Eagle——”

Under the sea of ​​clouds, Pidgeot is allowed to fight against the flying blue sky.

The wind at high altitude is so big that it can hold a Rhyhorn Whirlwind, but Pidgeot looks like a fish back in water in this environment.

Under the caress of Pidgeot’s pair of wide wings, the violent air current became gentle and well-behaved, supporting Pidgeot to perform various flying stunts in the wind.

The eagle spreads its wings, the harrier turns over, and the swallows return to the nest…

At the end of the last semester, the aerial ring is the best in the autumn. Liang Ren found it for Pidgeot from the second floor of Ability, the school This trick is “juggling”.

In less than half a year, Pidgeot has unconsciously mastered it completely, and now it works with Spark, Agility, Double Team, and Aerial Ace.

Pidgeot kite tactics have been tempered by it to a very terrifying height, and now it has added a strange trick “Minimize”.

Looking at the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds, Flying stunts have the words at hand, Pidgeot is jaw-dropping agile, Liang Ren can’t help but feel invincible for a while.

Liang Ren cross-legged Levitate in Yunhai Sky, quietly observing the situation of Pidgeot and Slowpoke, while sharing the perception of the two pets.

Turn my understanding of spirit willpower into a kind of subconscious with the help of fetters, and quietly guide the training of the two pets.

“Ah duo–what is the world like?” Slowpoke carefully savored the question that popped up in his mind.

“Ya duo——the world is like the sea of ​​clouds in front of me, sometimes calm and sometimes turbulent, both of them are constantly moving and changing.”

“Motion and static, movement is A large pond with continuously pouring in living water, during which all kinds of vitality are gestated.”

“And Jing is a desperate stagnant water, the waves are not happy, and the breeze cannot blow half a circle of ripples. “

“Motion is life, and stillness is death. Movement and stillness alternate with each other, and life and death continue to cycle.”

“The world, like the misty sea of ​​clouds in front of us, is constantly in motion. Of course, only exercise can produce vitality.”



“The world is constantly in motion, so It is necessary to look at the problem from the perspective of change and development.”

“Water vaporizes and rises into clouds, and clouds dye dust into rain when it is cold. When rainfall occurs in one place, the temperature in two places is uneven.

“Uneven temperature results in different air pressures, and different air pressures cause the air to flow convectively and wind, and clouds follow the wind…”

“Everything is moving, and this kind of movement is various The factors that are based on the relationship between each other, mutual influence and interaction are produced. “

“So when looking at something, we should not only look at it from the perspective of sports development, but also use the causal link to analyze it.

“Movement, change, movement, connection, cause and effect…”

Liang Ren turned his thoughts into his subconscious mind, and continuously guided Slowpoke to think about these questions and seek answers.

In this process of constant thinking and argumentation, the Elite bottleneck of the card owner Slowpoke unconsciously began to loosen.

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