As Slowpoke’s thinking continues to deepen, the Elite bottleneck is slowly removed like a sewer manhole cover.

If Liang Ren can see the progress bar, he will find that Slowpoke is away from the breakthrough bottleneck, and the progress of the breakthrough to the Elite goal has unconsciously rushed to 10%

Everything is difficult at the beginning, just start After all, it will only get smoother, and breakthrough Elite is only a matter of time.

And at this time, Liang Ren believes that it does not take long.



Take advantage of the opportunity of the three-person bond and link, and at the same time, under the guidance of Liang Ren, Slowpoke’s Elite bottleneck has loosened.

At first, Pidgeot, who was placed high hopes by Liang Ren, didn’t make any noise.

No matter how Liang Ren guides him, Pidgeot has not been able to enter into deep thinking like Slowpoke, and Liang Ren is a bit regretful for this.

“Perhaps Pidgeot has not accumulated enough power and has an unclear perception of Elite bottleneck.”

Switching the perspective to look at the Pidgeot training under the sea of ​​clouds, Liang Ren comforted himself Dao, but Pidgeot is not without any progress.

After Slowpoke is added to the bond link, while gaining naked eye vision enhancement and Wind Element affinity, it also provides Pidgeot with a powerful Mental Force enhancement increase.

Although it did not immediately play a role in the understanding of spirit willpower, more powerful perception and strength control allow Pidgeot to improve the Extrreme Speed ​​in Ability practice.

Not only “Minimize” has become Full Mastery with a series of speed capabilities such as “Juggling, Aerial Ace…”.

The “air blasting” that I just learned yesterday, after a morning of training, my proficiency has risen from intermediate rank to top rank.


【Pidgeot 】♂

Level :48

Attribute :Flying 、Normal

Character: arrogant, Defiant

Features: Keen Eye, strong pectoral muscles

Physical strength: 91 [C] Blue

Attack: 120 [B 】Purple

Defense: 65【C】

Special attack: 110【B】Purple

Special defense: 65【C】

Speed: 150 [A] Red

Comprehensive: 601

Ability ———


Grab, Peck, Tackle, Weasel, Aerial Ace, Divine Bird, Juggling, Heat Wave, Hurricane~

Hurricane, Air Slash, Steel Wing, Dragon Claw, Wing Slash, High Altitude Attack, Air Blast



Minimize, Whirlwind, Shunfeng, Roost, Foresight, Flying Sand Feet, Sunny Day, Black Eyes~

Spark One Flash, Agility, Double Team, Mirror Move, Refresh


“Next, I can almost take Pidgeot out to upgrade and challenge the sound of Yangjiaofeng.”

The sun gradually rose to the top of the head, calling out the Pidgeot Attribute panel and taking a look.

Liang Ren, while holding the Slowpoke and riding Pidgeot, landed back to the river valley camp, he secretly thought.

Pidgeot’s innate talent bonus point has reached the upper limit of 601, and there is no way to continue to use innate talent red coins for enhancement.

But in Liang Ren’s opinion, the innate talent of 601 is not low anymore. Compared with Quasi-Legendary Pokémon, Pidgeot’s innate talent is even better than the opponent.

“Such an innate talent, whether it is the next breakthrough Elite level or the future champion level, is completely enough.”

Liang Ren canceled the panel display and reached out to touch Pidgeot The smooth tenacious feathers on the back of the neck thought secretly.

With Pidgeot overtaking Quasi-Legendary’s innate talent, all the Ability proficiency in the Ability pool has been brushed to the Top Rank by it.

For Pidgeot’s training, Liang Ren had already made a plan. Although Pidgeot was very efficient in training, he completed the training task beyond expectations.

But this is a good thing, and it does not affect his next arrangements. Everything only needs to be implemented step by step according to the original plan.

①Jungling brush experience upgrade

②Fight against Yangjiaofeng sound waves


Liang Ren He believes in this The two main lines proceed step by step. The breakthrough Elite level before the end of the experience is completely where water flows, a canal is formed.

“But now I can’t put all my energy on Pidgeot. From the current situation, Slowpoke breakthrough Elite may be faster.”

The back of the hand feels the Slowpoke belly The soft touch, Liang Ren thought to himself.

Among the five Pokémons, Lucario entrusted the Elite-level expert Shiba to perform power leveling, and Liang Ren does not need to worry about it.

As for the green vine snake, because it has just evolved during the battle against Iron Field in the center of Pewter City Pokémon.

The evolution of the Monarch Snake in the First Rank segment must wait at least after level 30. At present, the Ability proficiency training in the morning, and the field practice in the afternoon is enough.

Among the five Pokémons, only Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster are currently eligible to hit the Elite.

Because of the “fetter link”, Liang Ren currently focuses more on Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

After all, Pidgeot and Slowpoke can enjoy the increase in bond links. If you want to break through to Elite in a short time, their success rate is higher.

“Cloyster can only put it aside for the time being and let it exercise on its own. It’s really impossible to wait for the end of this experience.

Go to the ice when you challenge the Orange Alliance Island, fulfill Lugia’s promise and let Articuno Coaching Cloyster cultivation.”

For a few Pokémon Liang Ren, he has an arrangement in his heart, and there will never be a Pokémon falling behind.



“Beep Diao~”

“ao ao~”

Liang Ren rode Pidgeot and landed to the camp, Lucario, who had just stopped training, ran over happily.

Training with Shiba in the morning, Little Brat has gained a lot.

Such as “Smashed Rock, Ice Punch, Grating Cannon…” These capabilities that Liang Ren made him hurry up to train, Siba’s Pokémon are basically capable.

With the words and deeds of the Fighting master Shiba, plus Strength/Machamp, Hitmonchan, and Onix who have personally demonstrated and taught, Lucario’s progress is not unpleasant.

“Lucario ~ training with Mr. Hiba in the morning, how do you feel.”

Lucario shook his head and ran over happily, Liang Ren patted Little Brat Asked on his shoulder.

“ao ao~ In the morning, Master Shiba helped me test the muscle strength of various parts of the body, and then asked my senior to teach me Ability.”

“Strength/Machamp Senior Coaching I am “Smashed Rock”, Poliwrath Senior Coaching I am “Ice Punch”, Onix Senior Coaching I am “Grating Cannon”! ! ! “

See Liang Ren asking about its morning training. Lucario extended the hand palm, breaking his fingers and reporting back to Liang Ren.

“Qingteng snake, Cloyster, stop. . “Liang Ren yelled to the two pets who were still training in the valley, then turned to talk to Lucario and asked.

“So how do you feel?” “

“ao wailing-broken rock and ice punch have a breakthrough, I feel the grating cannon is also fast. “

Lucario’s tail swept around happily, his face was full of excitement.

“Yes, great~”

“… “


Encourage Lucario, Liang Ren also asked about Cloyster and Qingteng snake.

With Pidgeot and Slowpoke There is an increase in the “fetter link” buff, and Lucario has Shiba, the Fighting master, compared with the five Elite Pokémon sparring Lucario.

Although the Qingteng Snake, whose strength is in the rapid growth stage, has a considerable speed of improvement, it is much inferior to the former.

Cloyster has made the least progress. It is now in the bottleneck stage and relies on water milling skills, but this is the most normal.

Generally speaking, the situation of the pets is in his expectation. Today is only the 2nd day when he arrives in the Yangjiaofeng Valley to officially start training.

There is still a long time to come. Liang Ren believes that he will stick to it. After a month, whether it is Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Lucario Cloyster and Qingteng Snake, he will give him a satisfactory answer.

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