

It rained last night and the temperature is cooler today.

After lunch, Liang Ren did not take a nap as usual. Instead, he took a few Pokémon and left the river valley camp.

In the afternoon, it’s the time for the jungle to gain experience, upgrade, and explode Attribute coins~

The difference is that Liang Ren brought Pidgeot and Cloyster with him, and Lucario Stayed in the camp.

According to Liang Ren’s previous plan, he should take Lucario out of the jungle to upgrade.

But after another thought, Shiba took the initiative to agree to Coaching Lucario to train. How could he waste such a precious opportunity and let Lucario run with him.

You can do it at any time, but Shiba’s personal coaching opportunities are rare.

Lucario’s LV.40 level is not low now, and there is no shortage of actual combat experience.

After being coached by Hiba all morning, Lucario’s proficiency in the two tricks of “Smashing Rock and Ice Punch” directly reached the Top Rank, and the “Grating Cannon” was also quickly breaking through.

No matter how many wilds you get in the afternoon, the promotion won by Shiba Coaching is not as big as Shiba Coaching. In this case, there is no need to consider how to choose.

“Lucario, listen carefully to what Mr. Shiba said, and train well.”

“ao 嗷——”

Watching the ride Pidgeot fly over Liang Ren in the air, Lucario is cleverly nodded.

For Liang Ren left it, it is not at all not happy, it can understand Liang Ren’s painstaking efforts.

Looking at the back of Pidgeot flapping his wings and flying away, Lucario made up his mind to pay attention to must earnestly follow Shiba to learn, so that Liang Ren will not be disappointed.

“Slowpoke, help Pidgeot guide the way, we will clean up the wild area on the east map today.”

Liang Ren clicked on the electronic map, and then handed the phone to Slowpoke Road.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)I understand.” Slowpoke took the phone and replied.

At noon just now, Liang Ren circled a large circle with a radius of 5000 meters on the electronic map with the Yangjiaofeng River Valley Camp as the center.

Then he divided the circled part of the map into four regions: East, South, West, and North.

The next thing he has to do is take Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster and Ivy Snake, and clear the four wild areas next to each other.

“Xiaolu trained with Mr. Shiba and will not participate in Operation Clearing the Field for the time being. When Wild Pokémon is attacked next.”

“Level 25 and below will be handed over to Qingteng Snake shot, Pidgeot and Cloyster will take turns to fight for those above Level 25.”

“si si ——”

“Beep Eagle——”


After hearing Liang Ren’s arrangement, the three pets responded one after another.


Slowpoke, who is in charge of the helm, holds the phone with one paw, and the other hand invites a cloud to condense into an arrow shape and float in front of Pidgeot.

As we move away from the Yangjiaofeng River Valley, signs of activity in the Wild Pokémon mountains below gradually increase.

Liang Ren, who received the report from Slowpoke, did not hesitate, and decisively directed Pidgeot to land on the ground.

Between the deserted mountains and ridges, there are some low shrubs growing sparsely among the rugged rocks.

The others are all clumps of iron-toothed thorns, and there is no road for people to pass.

Liang Ren and Cloyster were lifted by Slowpoke with Confusion to walk while Pidgeot maintained “Minimize” and stood on Liang Ren’s shoulders.

Only the Qingteng Snake, which can move unimpeded in the rocks and thorns, was asked to crawl on the ground under Liang Ren’s idea of ​​exercising more.


I heard Liang Ren’s noise on their side, Sandshrew, who was moving among the rocks not far away, couldn’t help but stand on tiptoe and stand upright towards Liang Ren. It seems from here.

“Didi~” Slowpoke’s eyes were fast and his hands were quick, and he immediately held the white Flute in his mouth and blew it.

But Sandshrew not at all, who heard the whistle, took the initiative to attack with red eyes, but fled away in a panic as if by Astonish.

Sandshrew’s reaction to Liang Ren was not unexpected. He heard the voice of black and white Flute. This kind of reaction is basically Pokémon, who is mild-tempered and not combative.

In the face of this, Liang Ren will not force the opponent to fight.

Pewter City is mining in the mountains to the north, and the Mt. Moon vein in the northwest is a protected area.

The natural environment has not been destroyed, and there are few humans involved in the surrounding area, this is the paradise of Wild Pokémon.

The barrenness in Liang Ren’s eyes is a rare fertile soil in the eyes of many Ground Type and Rock Type Wild Pokémon.

A Sandshrew escaped, and soon the Liang Ren team encountered a Nidorino.

Compared with Sandshrew’s timidity, Nidorino is irritable and full of offensive.

After seeing Liang Ren, before Slowpoke blew the flute to seduce and provoke, Nidorino had already shoveled the ground, and rushed over with a whirr.

“Green Vine Snake.” Liang Ren reminded aloud.

The green vine snake on the side did not hesitate at all. At the same time as he heard the instructions, the red snake pupils had turned into mysterious gray green.

The light of the petrified light shone forward slightly, and Nidorino suddenly seemed to be plunged into the mud, and the speed was greatly reduced.

Not waiting for it to break free from the shackles of petrochemical power, the mysterious gray green rays of light in the eyes of Qingteng snake have quietly faded.

Then, it became a pink full of fatal Captivate.


The gaze was attracted by the Qingteng Snake, when the gaze contacted the Qingteng Snake’s eyes.

In Nidorino’s eyes, the Qingteng Snake instantly became Nidorina. At this moment, this Nidorina is watching it shyly and Captivate.

“Nidorino~” Nidorino’s head is hot, his eyes are peachy, and his face shows a foolish smile.

“si si ~” And after seeing Nidorino being fascinated by her own charm, Qingteng Snake doesn’t have the slightest Hold Back.

Two Vine Whip quickly popped out from under the collar of the shoulder and neck, and then turned into two spirit snakes to bind Nidorino’s front and rear feet together.

Long-term whip top training has made the Vine Whip of Ivy Snake very powerful, and Nidorino has been tied up firmly.

Vine Whip lifted and buckled to the ground.

“Peng peng——” The intense pain awakened Nidorino, and the Qingteng snake was doing two things at the same time, switching petrochemical power in seconds to interrupt Nidorino’s Struggle resistance.

When Nidorino recovered, its body was once again lifted by Vine Whip of the vine snake and slammed into the ground.


The body came into close contact with Ground again, and Nidorino suddenly felt that the world was spinning dazed, “It’s ~”

Vine Whip on the limbs of Nidorino, before evolving into the monarch snake, the siberian vine snake was like a savage Princess.

Faced with the molestation’s harassment, the Qingteng snake hu hu shook the Vine Whip and fiercely flicked Nidorino two whips.

“pa slap……”


ding, experience +240

ding, picking up physical Attribute Value + 1

Ding, the attack Attribute value is +1


The Qingteng snake absorbed the experience fog group, Liang Ren here Also beckoned to collect the two Attribute coins.

“Stupid~ Give it treatment.” Liang Ren said.

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`) understand.” Slowpoke replied complied, a trick Heal Pulse passed, Slowpoke joined a trick Dream Eater.

Slowpoke Ability formidable power is controlled very delicately, awakening Nidorino with the help of nightmares, but without taking its physical strength.

“wu hou~” Nidorino, who was awakened, glared at Qingteng Snake, and then ran away griefly.

“Let’s go, too.” Liang Ren not at all blames Slowpoke for using Dream Eater Ability. After all, Nidorino initiated the attack.

Qingteng Snake did not make a heavy hand, and asked Slowpoke to treat it afterwards. Liang Ren was already very humane, and he would not restrain himself with Holy Mother-style rules.

Today I brought Pidgeot and Cloyster two big food lovers out. To help the two pets raise their level, the efficiency of farming must be high.

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