The purpose of using experience to explode Attribute coins has been made clear, and the Liang Ren team’s efficiency in fielding has suddenly increased.

Qingteng Snake Level LV.23, coupled with the ability structure has been perfected, there is no shortage of attacks, interference, and control moves.

Catch Wild Pokémon below Level 25, petrochemical power control + Attract, Captivate soft control, the last set of powerful output is directly spiked.

Pidgeot and Cloyster are more direct, and the two favorites with a level of up to LV.48 are basically difficult to match opponent in the wild.

Every time Wild Pokémon strikes, Pidgeot and Cloyster are if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, and they are as powerful as they are.



Slowpoke made a sound from the black flute in his mouth.

On the stone-covered hillside, a gray black boulder suddenly pulled up from the soil.

“hong long long ……”

Without any hesitation, the boulder’s hands, feet, limbs and head shrank, and the whole body turned into a round stone ball hong long long moved towards Liang Ren he bumped over.

“Pidgeot, you go on.” Liang Ren took the Slowpoke into the air and evaded, and at the same time gave orders to Pidgeot in a flat tone.

In fact, there is no need for Liang Ren’s reminder, because Pidgeot took the initiative to greet Golem when he fell from the hillside.


The wings of in midair Pidgeot are like hundred-forged steel knives out of the sheath, reflecting the harsh cold light of the skin under the sun.

Pidgeot is very fast, and the flying skills experience in juggling has long been turned into an instinct of the body.

In midair Pidgeot, a spiral ascends to the sky first, and then it dives down with a jerk, turning its body into a spiral steel essence drill bit, actively facing the Golem that is rolling down the hillside.


The silver shuttle hole reflecting the cold light passes through the wind tent, Liang Ren only sees the silver light flashed.

hong long long Golem, who rolled down the hillside, not only stopped, but was knocked out by a loud bang.

“Beep Eagle——!!!”

A beautiful Aerial Ace of Pidgeot who swooped and flew into Golem, pulled away and returned to the high sky.

I cast my gaze to the Golem below, and after Pidgeot had a steel wing on the front, it was lying on the hillside and lost its combat capability and fainted.

Ding, experience +360

ding, picking up the attack Attribute value +1

ding, picking up the defense innate talent value +1

——— ——

Seeing Golem burst out an innate talent red coin, Liang Ren expressionless finally showed a smile on his face.


“Yadu~ I received it.” Upon receiving Liang Ren’s prompt, Slowpoke raised his hand with a bunch of Heal Pulse and blasted towards Golem.

“Heal Pulse + Dream Eater”, the awake Golem rolled away quickly, and Liang Ren did not stay here either, and continued to look for the next prey.

There are a lot of Wild Pokémon deep in the veins of Mt. Moon, and every two steps Liang Ren finds a snake sloughing out of a stone crack.

Under its command, Slowpoke use Round Ability, guided the flute sound into the cracks of the rock, as expected by Liang Ren.

A murderous-looking arbor rushed out of the crevice of the stone, gritted his teeth and uttered a message that looked abnormally vicious.

This Arbor is quite unfamiliar in strength. According to Liang Ren’s speculation, Arbor is definitely one of the top hunters in this area.

Wild Arbor’s strength level can reach more than 30 levels is indeed very good, but it can not compare with the Pokémon carefully breeded by Liang Ren.


The fierce and vicious Arbor took the lead in attacking. Liang Ren faced Cloyster on his side.

Aboguai is obviously an old hunter with rich combat experience. Instead of rushing over rashly, he chose to spit out a bunch of sweet poison mist to attack Cloyster.

If it is an ordinary Wild Pokémon, facing the insidious and cunning arbor will indeed feel very difficult.

But for Cloyster, Arbor blames these offensive methods to be too simple and crude.


Looking at the poison mist floating towards him, Cloyster opened his mouth and blew out an extremely chilly Dendemille.

The poison mist diffused in the airflow was instantly frozen into purple dry powder, and then it was rolled upside down and blew back towards the monster.

Poison mist is originally formed by the snake venom of the Arbor monster. The Poison Type resists toxins, and the homologous toxins are directly immune to the Arbor monster.

But toxins can be removed, but facing Icy Wind of Cloyster, the Arbor almost instinctively revealed the cold-blooded animal’s fear of the cold.


The Arbor among the rocks shrank and twisted, eagerly looking for a shelter from the wind, but unfortunately there was nowhere to hit it. Hiding everywhere.

Icy Wind is a large-scale attack, unable to advance against the wind. The fearful Arbor instinctively retreats and wants to retract into the nest deep in the rock.


But how could Cloyster just let it go and increase the output of Icy Wind in an instant.

The white hair wind instantly turned into a Blizzard, the wind and snow passed, and the cold-afraid Arbor instantly turned into a hibernating stiff snake, which was frozen into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

From the use of poison mist by the Arbor to the Cloyster counterattack with Icy Wind, and finally the Arbor was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye. It can be said that this Arbor, who Liang Ren thought was good at strength, was directly killed by Cloyster with Icy Wind.

The strength gap between the two sides is fully exposed——



Ding, experience +370

< p>Ding, pick up the physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the special defense Attribute value +1


Pidgeot is stuck in the LV. Level 48 has been for a long time. Liang Ren had been helping Pidgeot with training before, and he rarely used wild eating experience purposefully like this.

Pidgeot’s background is getting stronger and stronger, of course, the price is that the speed of Level upgrade is reduced again, and now Liang Ren finally let go of the restrictions.

After absorbing the fog of experience contributed by Parasect in front of him, Pidgeot felt the power within the body that was calm like a deep valley and boiled after a long absence.


“Beep eagle!!” Within the body, the bottleneck that blocked the growth of growth broke open, and Pidgeot uttered an eagle cry with joy.

“Not bad, not bad.” Liang Ren called the Attribute panel next to him. Seeing that Pidgeot’s Level has been successfully raised to LV.49, Liang Ren also nodded praised with satisfaction.

“Ticket~” Slowpoke and Qingteng Snake are happy for Pidgeot’s improvement. At this moment, only Cloyster has a frustrated face.

Liang Ren, who always pays attention to the status of his Pokémon, naturally knows the reason. It is nothing more than that Cloyster sees Pidgeot breakthrough, and it is still stuck at Level 48 and feels a little depressed.

“Don’t worry, you will have a breakthrough soon.” Liang Ren encouraged Cloyster.

His Pokémon innate talent is very high, the foundation is also very solid, plus the existence of system cheat.

It can be said that along the way, Cloyster seldom encounter bottleneck that is difficult to break through. The reason why there is no breakthrough at the moment is that more experience is needed.

“If you can see the experience bar, it is estimated that Cloyster will be upgraded soon.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

But it’s getting a bit late. I can only wait for tomorrow to see more Wild Pokémon and see if Cloyster can break through.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)Liang Ren, there is a person in the valley behind this mountain.”

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