“Hmm! Someone?”

Liang Ren was thinking about something, when he suddenly heard Slowpoke’s words, his expression was taken aback.

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`)Well, she is a little girl, she seems to be hurt.”

Seeing Liang Ren’s suspicious expression, Slowpoke couldn’t help but tell Sheng explained that he could understand Liang Ren’s doubts.

Here is the depths of Mt. Moon’s veins. There are countless dangerous Wild Pokémons.

Don’t look at Liang Ren, he is unimpeded, but for ordinary persons and most trainers, it is a restricted area of ​​life.

During this period of coming to Mt. Moon, apart from meeting Nika who has lived with the Clefairy community for ten years in the periphery, only Hiba was the only one.

Apart from this, Liang Ren did not meet anyone during this period, whether it was an ordinary person who went into the mountains to explore for minerals or a trainer who conquered Pokemon.

Suddenly when Slowpoke said that there was someone, and she was a little girl, Liang Ren didn’t even react for a while.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)Should we go over and see?” Slowpoke lifts the head looked towards Liang Ren and asked for advice.

“Let’s take a look.” Seeing Slowpoke said that the other party was injured at the moment, Liang Ren thought for a while or was ready to go and take a look.

But he is not a bad guy either. It is too weird to meet a little girl in such a place, and Liang Ren is also secretly wary.

“Dialy, use Psychic to see if there is a Pokémon next to him? Or is it an ordinary person.” Liang Ren asked.

For Liang Ren’s caution, Slowpoke has long been accustomed to it, and even before Liang Ren’s reminder, it has closed its eyes and released Psychic to investigate.



The sun is slanting westward, and it has soon fallen to the top of Western Mountain.


In the small valley.

A little girl wearing a plain blouse with grass clippings and mud on her Black hair, a little black on her face, and scratches and thorns on her arms, sitting desperately On the ground of the people.

“Village mayor grandfather, Hei Nan, where are you~wu wu”

“Xiaotao shouldn’t listen to you and run out to find father secretly.”


The little girl wiped her injured right calf with one hand, and grabbed a piece of dry bread with one hand. The tears of sadness melted the mud on her face and washed out two white marks.


The sunset glow gradually reddened the sky. Several unknown Flying Type Pokémon flew over the sky, opening their mouths and making a terrifying scream.

As the sun gradually sinks to the west, the light in the small valley slowly dims, and some wild Pokémon that is active at night also emit bloodthirsty Roar.


The little girl who was crying turned her head and inadvertently saw a pair of scarlet eyes in a stone crevice not far away, she was shocked Scream.

The dry bread in his hand was also frightened and fell to the ground. At this moment, the scarlet eyes moved in the rock crevice not far away.

A petite black shadow flew past the little girl, picked up the cake that fell to the ground, and quickly fled. It turned out to be a Rattata carefully.

“wu wu…”

I was injured in a leg and couldn’t walk, didn’t expect even the last dry food was taken away by Wild Pokémon, and the little girl cried Karen suddenly. With rain and heartbroken.

However, in the valley where Wild Pokémon was born, if it was daytime, her loud crying would have the effect of driving Wild Pokémon closer.

But at this point when the sun is about to set and the night habit Pokémon starts to move, such crying will only provoke Wild Pokémon’s attack.

Sure enough, not far away, a huge spider with a red-black, yellow-purple appearance and a colorful body crawled out of a crack in the rock.

“ka ka ~”

Ariados opened and closed his mouthparts, and purple’s eyes glowed with cruel bloodthirsty light.

“zi zi…”

Zubat and Golbat, living in the caves in the valley, heard the cries of the little girls flying out at this moment, and a large group of them were suppressed in the valley. Circling.

Most of Pokémons like Zubat prey on Insects like moths. They also eat some Berry and fruits.

Of course, these are all normal Zubat, and the Zubat group living in certain barren areas, according to some researcher Scholar’s disclosure.

This kind of Zubat, who cannot get food through normal channels, gradually changed into sucking the blood of other creatures for food.

The blood sucking Zubat, the dangerous Pokémon at the top of the Pokémon Offensive Ranking List.

If you say Beedrill, Arbor, Primeape… these Pokémon will take the initiative to attack when they are stimulated.

The blood-sucking Zubat will take the initiative to attack humans because of obtaining food, and will suck up blood to kill humans.

“ka ka ……”

“zi zi ……”

Seeing Zubat hovering and Ariados approaching, the little girl was scared Face pale.

“wu wu~you don’t come here.” The little girl dragged her injured leg back, her expression full of fear.

I just wanted to leave the village and look for the father who followed a merchant to mine in the mine, but he never returned, and there has been no news of the father in three years.

She didn’t want to be so dangerous outside. Not only did she break her leg, she was about to become food for evil Pokémon right now.

“Bang~” The little girl picked up a rock in fear and threw it at Ariados, “Don’t come here.”

“ka ka…”

Not only did the little girl’s attack fail Ariados, but it made the bloodthirsty in the eyes of the other party more intense.

Fresh and delicate life, full of strange fragrance, the mouthparts of this huge poisonous spider could not help secreting corrosive saliva.

Compared with the elegant and evil of Ariados, the blood-sucking Zubat of sky circling is more rude to the prey.

“zi zi ……”

The hunger in the abdomen stimulates them to flap their wings, swoop down like a black cloud, and the desire for blood makes them have The degenerate eyes all glowed.

Food, in the cruel nature, this is the primary pursuit of all Pokémon.


The poisonous spiders are pressing hard, and the bats have taken the lead in attacking, the little girl was so scared that her throat broke, and her fear changed. Become desperate.

However, at this moment, in the direction of the sun setting in the west of the small valley, when the last afterglow of the sun will disappear.

A silhouette appeared at the mouth of the valley. It was a young man. The afterglow of the sun shone from behind, and the young man was enveloped by the elongated shadow.

“Slowpoke, use mental interference.” At the mouth of the valley, looking at the bats flying below, Liang Ren ordered him loudly.


The violent Psychic gushes out, Ariados is pressing hard in the valley, and Zubat is flying down.

As if Time Freeze was Normal, all were imprisoned and lost the ability to continue to act.

Below, the desperate little girl, heard the voice echoing in the valley, and there was hope again in her heart.

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