“Pidgeot, sickle ferret!!”

Liang Ren hugged Slowpoke and floated down from the valley above. At the same time, he did not forget to give Pidgeot an Attack Order.

“Swish swish…”

Pidgeot, who hovered in Sky above Liang Ren’s head, received the order, his broad wings violently waved, and the light blades of Kagaki white were dense Cut down.

While waving the wings continuously, the blood-sucking Zubat group and Ariados confined by Slowpoke Psychic in the small valley were all attacked by Pidgeot’s sickle.

“peng peng peng peng……”

The evil Wild Pok茅mon was knocked down, and the little girl fell to the ground in the valley.

He wiped the tears from his face with his hand, and looked up at the handsome young man who was riding in the afterglow of the setting sun. There were small bright stars in his eyes.


Ding, experience +240

Ding, found attack Attribute value +1


< p>Ding, experience +260

Ding, pick up speed innate talent value +1


Ding, experience +270

Ding, got attack Attribute value +1

Ding, got speed Attribute value +1


The number of blood-sucking Zubat who besieged the little girl is Many, at least hundreds, get together like a large group of dark clouds.

However, after Pidgeot eliminated them all, the benefits were quite substantial.

There are a lot of experience fogs. Among hundreds of white Attribute coins, there are surprisingly many red innate talent coins.

Liang Ren thought secretly in his heart: “It’s a big gain.”

After saying that, he put away the Attribute coins and innate talent red coins, 148 Attribute coins and 11 innate coins. talent red coins.

The experience fog group is condensed into a big group under the control of Liang Ren’s mind, although Pidgeot helped to solve the group of Wild Pok茅mon.

However, Liang Ren considered that Pidgeot had not fully grasped the breakthrough power just a moment ago, so he finally gave this large group of experience to Cloyster to absorb.

“Boo~” I don’t know if it is a hallucination, but a sound like a burst of blisters came from Cloyster within the body.

Cloyster, who was expressionless watching Slowpoke manipulating Confusion and throwing Zubat and Ariados away, suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face.

“Ticket鈥斺€?*锞燂緵锞?!! I have a breakthrough.” Cloyster turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren in surprise.

Cloyster They know that Liang Ren, in addition to fetters evolution, space storage, and moves learning, also has the Psychic innate talent that can help them gain mysterious power through battles.

After spending an entire afternoon in the wild, Cloyster does feel that his strength has improved, but it has not yet reached the level of breakthrough.

Didn’t expect a strange power poured into its body just now, and the power that was originally calm as water within the body suddenly surged and boiled.

Then it broke through naturally like this. With such a strange thing happening, Cloyster hardly knew that Liang Ren took special care of it.

“Takaka~Thank You Master.” Cloyster said happily.

“Why are you so polite all of a sudden.” Liang Ren laughed, Cloyster was the main force of its Trump Card, and he was impossible to leave Cloyster behind.

“Si si~Sister Beibei, congratulations.”

“Beep Diao~ Xiaobei, congratulations on your breakthrough.”

“Yadu~ Congratulations, my dear, for your breakthrough, Mameda (*锛?锛?”



Cloyster breakthrough, strength Level increased to LV.Level 49, and the attention of the pets all shifted to it.

Liang Ren squatted down to check the injury of the little girl in front of him.

“How about? Can you stand up?” Liang Ren asked softly.

When he came, he had asked Slowpoke to use Psychic to investigate, and the little girl in front of him was an ordinary person.

She has neither Pok茅mon nor dangerous Psychic by her side, so Liang Ren just let go of his guard.

“It hurts, standing does not raise.” Seeing this handsome boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, not much older than herself, the girl named Xiaotao replied a little shyly.

“That’s it.” Liang Ren did not notice the shyness of the little girl in front of him, but skillfully took out the small medicine box from the system warehouse.

The girl twisted her ankle, and there were a lot of abrasions on her calf. Liang Ren cleaned the wound first.

Then turned to call Slowpoke, “Her ankle bone is twisted, I will help her reset it, dazed, you can use Psychic to help her transfer the pain.”

” (藰岬曀? Give it to me.” Slowpoke promised, patting his chest.

Liang Ren nodded, he still trusts Slowpoke, but before the operation, Liang Ren reminded the little girl in front of him.

“The bone of your ankle has been twisted, and then I will help you reset it.”

“Oh, okay.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, the little girl looked from Liang Ren moved his face away.

Looking at Liang Ren lightly holding up her feet, and then taking off her shoes, the little girl was shy and she also showed a touch of fear.

“Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt.” Liang Ren comforted, and then nodded towards Slowpoke.

“Crack it–“

Fighting surgery cultivation, bruises, tendons and bone injuries occur from time to time.

When I was learning with Kiyo before, how to set bones was also one of the learning content.

Slowpoke used Ability to transfer the pain felt by the little girl. Liang Ren touched the bones of his ankle and twisted, resetting the bones easily.

“Okay.” Liang Ren put down the girl’s little feet, and then helped her put the shoes on again.

Turning his head and looking towards Slowpoke, Liang Ren continued to proceed with the next treatment, “Stupefied-use Heal Pulse.”

“Yadu.” Slowpoke nodded, put his palm on the girl鈥檚 On the leg, then released a ray of healing light of pink warm.

As the main treatment method of Pok茅mon Center Joy, the effect of Heal Pulse is very powerful.

Under the infiltration of Heal Pulse, the wound on the girl’s leg healed quickly, and the redness and swelling from the sprained ankle quickly subsided.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore!!!” The little girl’s face was full of surprises, and her gaze looking towards Liang Ren became unusually admiring.

“Are you from Pewter City? There is no Pok茅mon around you, how did you get to the depths of the mountain.”

Help the girl heal the injury, Liang Ren sighed in Relief, and at the same time asked the biggest doubt in my heart.

“Pewter City?” When Liang Ren said a place name she had never heard of, the girl’s face was full of doubts.

“Don’t you know Pewter City?” Now it was Liang Ren’s turn to wonder.

Pewter City is the megacity closest to Mt. Moon, and the other party doesn’t even know it, which is a bit strange.

“The people in our village have lived in the Higori mountain range for generations. I haven’t heard what you said about Pewter City.”

The girl hugged her knees, her expression a little distressed.

“Higori mountain range, isn’t it Mt. Moon pulse?” Liang Ren’s expression was a little strange.

“Mt. Moon pulse!!!” The girl suddenly raised her voice and shouted in surprise.

“Are you coming from outside the mountain? Have you heard of Tetsu City?”

Seeing the boy in front of him calling Higori mountain range Mt. Moon, The girl suddenly realized that the other party should have come from outside the mountain.

The merchant who strayed into their village three years ago and took her father and the other young and middle-aged people in the village to mining. They also called the Higori mountain range the Mt. Moon vein.

Thinking that the boy in front of him might know about Tetsu City, the mining merchant, and news about his father and the young adults in the village.

The girl named Xiaotao looked at Liang Ren joyfully and asked.

“Tetsu City, I know…”

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