“Okay, just do what you said.”

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Shiba thought for a while and was nodded decisively.

“Okay, time is running out, Slowpoke and I will set off now.” Seeing that Shiba agrees to his plan, Liang Ren took Pidgeot back the baby ball, holding Slowpoke and disappeared instantly.

With the improvement of strength, Slowpoke’s Teleport distance becomes farther and farther.

When he reappeared, one person and one pet had already arrived inside the col, a corner with no one everywhere.

“DaDa~You use Psychic to check the situation in the mine, and be careful not to beat the grass to scare the snake.” Liang Ren instructed.

This kind of infiltration operation has been done in the underground base of Team Rocket in the Viridian forest and the spaceship base of Hunter J.

Both Liang Ren and Slowpoke are familiar and very experienced.

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`) understand.” Slowpoke nodded, closed eyes and released Psychic cautiously.

Liang Ren had already established a bond with Slowpoke when he came.

At this moment, everything that Slowpoke Psychic scans and perceives is simultaneously presented in Liang Ren’s mind.

Slowpoke moves very slightly and carefully, and the release of Psychic not at all arouses the vigilance of the mine guard.

The 32 villagers of Peach Origin Village who were driven into the mine and the 5 trainers and supervisors were at the elite level.

“All the 32 abducted villagers are still alive.” Liang Ren was naturally very happy with the result.

at first, he also worried that the mining risk factor is very high. For three years, the abducted villagers will die because of work-related injuries or other reasons.

Now, it seems that he still underestimated the physical fitness of Pokémon world humans.

“But now the villagers are not in a good state, they are almost no one.” Liang Ren couldn’t help feeling sympathy.

At the same time, I hate the culprit Jin Daqi more and more.

“Ah Duo——(´◔‸◔`)There are only five supervisors, and the strength is also very Normal. Do you want to shoot directly?” Slowpoke asked with consciousness sound transmission.

“Although there are only five overseers, the number of Pokémon in the opponent’s hand will definitely not be only one.

“We will directly act in case the opponent’s dog jumps over the wall and hurts the villagers in the mine. That’s not good. “Liang Ren shook the head.

“We first meet with Mr. Shiba, and then bring him to the mine. When the time comes, he will guard and guard him, and then we will save people. “

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`) I understand. “Slowpoke nodded, Psychic wrapped around her body, and disappeared once again alone.

On the other side, Shiba, with Hitmonchan and Shawarang, is also sneaking towards the mine.

Liang Ren returned as soon as he left, and he could find out the situation of the mine before one minute. This efficiency of work made Xiba appreciate him more.

If Liang Ren is willing, I hope He wanted to act first, and he was recruited into his search team in advance.


Liang Ren didn’t know that his efficient actions were here in Shiba. What kind of impression was left, and the most urgent task is to save people.

He told Shiba about the situation he had detected in the black mine, and learned that there were only five elite-level supervisors, and Shiba’s face was grim. The expression has only slightly diminished.

“Mr. Shiba, for a while, you will fight the opponent head-on to attract attention. Slowpoke and I will save people. “

“Okay——” Shiba had no objection to Liang Ren’s arrangement, and nodded in agreement.


“Yadu~ “Hearing Liang Ren’s voice, Slowpoke Psychic wrapped the two Pokemons, Shiba, Hitmonchan and Shawarang.

Teleport use, the two pets came to the mine deep in the col in an instant.

Liang Ren and Slowpoke continue to use Teleport to leave, leaving Shiba and two Pokémon alone in the dam in the middle of the mine.

Seeing Shiba who suddenly appeared, just coming out of the tent and preparing to enter Brother Tanaka, who attacked the workers in the mine, and the man in silk pants in the dam, were shocked.

I didn’t give this group of trainers a scumbag, Hitmonchan and Sawarang took a leap. He rushed towards Brother Tanaka.

Heba rushed towards Ruman, who hadn’t reacted yet.

“wu wu~” The evil dog Houndour beside the silk pants man bared his teeth. A fierce expression, but Onix’s steel Iron Tail bar greeted it.

“Bang…ao wu! ! Houndour was stunned by the huge Onix that suddenly appeared, and Luman, who was stunned, was stunned with an uppercut by Shiba, who was bullying.

“peng peng peng peng…”

On the other side, Hitmonchan and Shawaran are more efficient.

Brother Tanaka, who just came out of the tent, was subdued before Pokémon was released.

“Who! ! ! “Hearing the noise in the dam outside, Chasa rushed out of the tent with a Galvantula alert.

The gray clouds were blown away by the night wind, and the bright moon cast clear light like water.< /p>

I don’t know when the stars fade away, and the rays of light are now shining again. Shiba, who is burly like a stone tower, is completely exposed in Chasa’s sight.

“impossible, You are Shiba. “Chasa has a terrified look.

I glanced around, and his brother Ruman and Tanaka, who are not weak, fell on the ground and fainted.

Outside The battle in the dam ended very quickly. When he saw that the person was the Fighting Elite Shiba, one of the Alliance Elite Four, Chasa had already put out his thoughts of resisting.

On the side of Liang Ren, a When Teleport entered the mine, he appeared directly in front of a group of abducted villagers.

The road ahead was blocked, and the long lines of workers stopped and stopped moving, their heads hanging down. I haven’t lifted it up.

Presumably, people have been abused by five supervisors because of these actions.

“Don’t be afraid, I am entrusted by your family to come here. Save you. “Liang Ren explained gently.

However, after hearing Liang Ren’s words, none of the 32 villagers in the mine raised their heads, and they were still expressionless.

The reaction of the villagers made Liang Ren It feels like a big rock in my heart.

These simple and kind-hearted villagers who originally lived in hidden land of peace and prosperity have now been tortured to be completely inhuman.

Liang Ren felt sad for the villagers and angry with the Jin Daqi group. At the same time, he thought about it and continued to ask.

“Who is Sang Tian among you? Xiaotao’s Little Sister asked to save her father. “

Hearing what Liang Ren said, at the front of the line, the man with blood on his cheeks was trembling violently.

Then he was terrified and three-pointed. Excitedly pull away the tousled hair, slowly lifts the head.

“Little Tao…My daughter, are you Xiao Tao please come to save us? “

Seeing that the person in front of him is a handsome and kind-looking boy, not the fierce supervisor who always oppresses them.

The man opened his cracked mouth and asked hoarsely.

“Yes, I came to rescue you at Xiaotao’s request. “

“I am the village head of Peach Origin Village, Putian, and all the villagers who came to rescue you all home. “

Liang Ren replied with a sonorous tone and a very affirmative tone.

“People, someone is here to save us! ! ! “

“Everyone, we don’t have to mine here, we don’t have to be beaten, we can finally go back to the village~”


” ……”

Hearing Sang Tian’s joyful cry, the villagers behind the queue finally summoned the courage and gradually raised their heads.

It was discovered that this was not a trap for Jin Daqi and the supervisors to play with them. Later, the numb-looking villagers finally had other expressions.

“The five supervisors outside have been knocked down by my companions. Everyone, go out with me. “

“Good! ! “



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