The dark clouds dispersed, and the bright moon was in the sky.

When Liang Ren led the villagers out of the mine and saw the five supervisors who had fallen on the ground, the villagers cried with their headaches and wept with joy.

In the past three years, they have lived inferior to livestock, and if something is wrong, they will be beaten up.

When they left the village three years ago, the name Jin Daqi symbolized their dream of getting rich, shining like gold.

However, after discovering the true face of Jin Daqi, the villagers realized that Jin Daqi was not a dream of getting rich, but a nightmare.

“Don’t be afraid, Jin Daqi has been tried by justice, and he can no longer do anything to you all.”

Liang Ren comforted the villagers’ emotions while using Conscious of sound transmission, let Slowpoke use Heal Pulse on the villagers.

Collected the baby ball, went into the tent to find Shiba who tied the five overseers with a rope, and then the patted hand came towards Liang Ren.

“Liang Ren, how is your side?” Shiba asked.

“A lot of 32 abducted villagers, but everyone is not in good physical and mental health at the moment. It is not difficult to recover from physical injuries, but mental problems…”

Liang Ren sighed, I feel very heavy.

Pokémon world is pure and beautiful, but the darkness hidden behind the light is also horrible to see.

“Now we will send the villagers back to Peach Origin Village first. The rest will only be dealt with after Joy comes over.”

Looking at the unkempt and bare feet, I have been tortured. Shiba’s face is also very ugly for the under-aged villagers.

Although Peach Origin Village is isolated from the world, Alliance simply does not know that there is such a hidden small mountain village in Mt. Moon.

However, under the rule of Alliance, Shiba still feels very self-blame as the power executive of Indigo Alliance.

At the same time, he also made up his mind that when Liang Ren’s favor is finished, he will do a good job in Tetsu City.



Three days passed in a flash.

The 32 workers who suffered a scam and got trapped in a black mine have been sent back to Peach Origin Village by Liang Ren and Shiba.

Rescued Xiaotao who had left the village privately, and then helped rescue the 32 villagers who were abducted three years ago from the wicked.

When Liang Ren and Slowpoke brought the first group of villagers back to the village, the remaining villagers knelt on the ground gratefully.

Outsiders will never know how terrified, hopeless and helpless the villagers of Peach Origin Village were in the Jin Daqi incident.

It was Liang Ren who suddenly appeared and changed everything. Like Jin Daqi, the name Mumu Liang Ren will be remembered by the villagers of Peach Origin Village for generations.

However, the former is engraved on the longevity tablet and placed in the village ancestral hall for worship.

The latter is a bronze cast by the village blacksmith who kneels by the only well in the village.

Every day, whether it is a child passing by with cows, a young master worker carrying water, or a village woman who washes vegetables and picks up vegetables, they spit at the golden bronze statue.

The benefactor needs to be remembered for generations, and the enemy needs to be scolded forever. This is the simple concept of the villagers of Peach Origin Village.

Three days later, Jenny and Joy arrived at Peach Origin Village safely under the protection of the Alliance search team trainer.

This incident happened suddenly because Liang Ren happened to meet Xiaotao and went to Peach Origin Village to learn about the cause of the incident.

Jenny did not conduct tedious investigation and evidence collection on the abduction of people and illegal mines by Jin Daqi.

Jin Daqi didn’t notice that his evil deeds were exposed, and he didn’t have the slightest preparation beforehand. When the Alliance search team suddenly arrived, he was arrested almost without resistance.

The minions of the black mine are preparing to kill the villagers, but they don’t know that Liang Ren and Shiba are training in the Yangjiaofeng valley a few kilometers away from the mine.

As a result, the minions stationed in the black mines were also arrested.

The early forensic investigation and the rescue of the abducted villagers were handled efficiently by Liang Ren, and the whole case came to an end.

Jenny who came from behind was responsible for sweeping the tail. While settling and treating the abducted villagers, he interrogated Jin Daqi and the mine supervisor.

Try to dig out other forces and people related to this matter.

Of course, the mastermind of Jin Daqi and five mine supervisors have been arrested, and the boss named Shitai was also dug out.

Evil got Punishment after all, and justice got the reward it deserved.

“Genius Trainer Mumu Liang Ren, Detecting Large-scale Human Abduction Cases”

“The world beyond the world, into the hidden mountain village Peach Origin Village”

< p>“Thirteen-year-old boy takes down the richest man in Tetsu with strength of oneself”

“The talented trainer Mumu Liang Ren has another super heroic deed after saving a civil aviation flight in distress”

< p>“…”


Liang Ren Help Alliance detected a case of human abduction in Peach Origin Village, and the external media reported it for a while.

Since the miraculous survival of Liang Ren in the C20 Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island in the first half of the year, the name Mumu Liang Ren has frequently appeared in the sight of the people of Kanto, Johto, and Orange Islands.

Obviously they are only first-year students of Pokémon intermediate rank school, but they keep doing amazing things.

Some time ago, the attention of the Kanto civil aviation plane distress incident has not completely subsided, and the name Mumu Liang Ren once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Oh~ I almost forgot. Some time ago, this kid spoke for the “Three Chinchillas” snack food company. Recently, I can see his advertisements on TV. “

“Tsk tusk…I have to say that this guy is really surprising.

“At first I heard that this kid is the first innate talent student in Saffron Middle School in a hundred years. I still feel disdainful. I think he is just a flower in a greenhouse.”

” Now looking back at the achievements and contributions made by others to society, I, a trainer who has been debuting for many years, really feels ashamed and unable to show one’s face.”

“Who can say no? !! Mu Mu Liang Ren has a very good reputation on the Internet. People who have seen him communicate with him all say that he is humble and easy to get along with.”

“Normal’s geniuses are all very proud Yes, it’s really rare for a genius like Mumu Liang Ren to be humble and polite.”

“Yes, yeah, a friend of mine was still lamenting a few days ago that he rewarded Hunter’s. Guild’s recent missions’ praise rate has dropped a lot, and I have been interviewed by the platform.”

“At that time, my friend still sighed, not everyone can complete almost every bounty mission like Mumu Liang Ren did. Quality, can get five-star praise from employers~”

“Do you know? My friend said that Hunter’s Guild ranks to gold is a big dividing line.

“Normal people from It takes about a year for Mumu Liang Ren to rise from the silver level to the gold level if his strength is sufficient. “

“How long did he spend?” “Others asked curiously.

“Less than twenty days. The speaker raised two fingers, “I still help Pokemon train in the morning, go to the Stadium to play games in the evening, and then take time to do one or two tasks in the afternoon. “

“Someone has calculated that, if calculated according to the praise rate of his task, and doing bounty tasks every day, he can actually rise from silver to gold in three days. “

“Tsk tsk… It’s amazing, this is only thirteen years old, he is already a gold-level Bounty Hunter.

“And you just said that he went to the City Stadium to play the game at night. I went to the Stadium official website to check. Mumu Liang Ren is now a professional three-star trainer of Saffron City Stadium.”


“Tsk tsk…people and people, sometimes there is really no way to compare them together. They are obviously Kanto people, but I feel that I and the other person are not of the same race.”

“Haha…a race is called a genius, and a race is called an ordinary person.” The person who spoke laughed mockingly.

“I think it’s pretty good, Mumu Liang Ren is from Kanto Celadon City, and at the same time a student of Saffron Middle School, a direct descendant of Kanto.”

“Although we Kanto have formed an alliance with Johto and the Orange Islands over the years to develop together, we cannot ignore the fact that our Kanto Region has no championship.”

“The development of the three regions in the future enters the high-speed channel, Mr. Lance Sooner or later, I will return to the Johto Mt. Silver Alliance, and Mrs. Agatha will also retire.”

“The region champion is vacant, and the Elite Four is empty. There are still some shortages of high-end talents, such as Mumu Liang Ren. The rise of this kind of Mega genius is very good for Alliance.”

“Hi…you mean, Mumu Liang Ren is expected to become the champion of our Kanto Region in the future!!!” Others were a little surprised.

“Why not, use strength of oneself to rescue the H9536 flight that broke into the super strong air current cloud. This kind of strength is not limited to professional Samsung.”

“Online rumors Mu Mu Liang The three main players of Ren, Pokémon, already have five-star professional, and even quasi-Elite strength.”

“Although the online rumors are not entirely believed, it is based on the talent of Liang Ren, who is an innate talent. I am talking today. Just leave it here.”

“In the future, if Mumu Liang Ren is willing to enter the Kanto Alliance development, he will achieve at least Elite Four and the probability of becoming a Region champion is 80%.”

“Hi… …Old Brother, your assertion is so bold. I don’t know what you call Old Brother~”

“I’m just an ordinary trainer. You can call me Yuan Shou Makoto. ”



Peach Origin Village population abduction case closed, the main culprit Jin Daqi, accomplice Shitai, and five minions The supervisor trainer got the Punishment he deserved after the trial.

Liang Ren was summoned as a witness by the Tetsu Alliance Region Court during the trial, and then attended a commendation conference at the Jenny Police Station.

The “Guardian of Justice” hero Badge

“Tetsu City Honorary Citizen”

After the commendation conference, Liang Ren continued to return to the depths of Mt. Moon Special training in the valley of Yangjiaofeng.

The external media broadcasted the incident continuously, and under the special instruction of some people in the Alliance, they publicized Liang Ren’s heroic deeds.

For a time, the name Mu Mu Liang Ren once again became a topic of public discussion.

In order to open up the Kanto Region sales market, he signed Liang Ren as the company’s product spokesperson. Liang Ren suddenly made such a heroic deed.

The “Three Chinchillas” company also benefited from this. The market sales of its products have soared. For a time, many companies are eager to sign Liang Ren as product endorsements.

Strong, well-known, famous, popular, and topical…

Liang Ren has become a sweet pastry.

At the same time, I don’t know when, a video suddenly became popular. The content of the video is that a trainer named Yuanshoucheng asserted that Liang Ren is expected to become the Kanto Alliance champion in the near future.

The video was uploaded to the Internet, and it had more than 30 million views and more than 6 million comments in just a few days.

The following are all the wishes of “I have asked for a mid-term exam, I want to pass the Primary Rank exam for next year’s feeders, and I have passed the civil service exam in the second half of the year…” and so on.

Yuan Shou Makoto’s criticism of Liang Ren’s future becoming the champion of Kanto Alliance is not known, but it can be concluded.

Liang Ren has now become a koi carp loved by citizens of all ages, men and women in Kanto, Johto, and Orange Islands.

“Ahhhhh…someone said I am Magikarp?”

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